“Dungeons” regular dungeons i bet
Why should I waste time on regular dungeons, I have glyphs to level up.
You’re obviously not mentioning which tier for a reason
Its simple you take your [character level] - 51 = tier of dungeon you should be doing.
Ah, that explains a lot…
So 100-51 = 49…
Being able to do a tier 49 at 100 means your class is perfectly fine and balanced… even if you die at 50… and everyone else can do 40-50 lvls higher…
No one said every class must be the same. If you have glyphs leveled up to max then you can clear higher tiers dungeons. Its multiplayer game take a druid with you:P
You get punished for going with a group… the scaling is way off…
And why even create a class with 3 elements and 100 diff specs if you can only use 1…
Might as well just give us all the same skills then if they can’t be bothered to balance the rest anyway…
I noticed they want you to use 3 elements, but I’m still using just one, and so far it works.
Cause you’re nowhere near a tier that requires any damage/damage reduction lol
Anything past 49 supposed to be a challenge, and why play this char when you have level 100 anyway.
To try and push to t100/kill lilith ofc…
Been trying diff builds for weeks, then finally have something which helps me do t70+ and they nerf the s out of it and im stuck at 60 again
this game is dead in this moment thanks at new blizzard the worst game of all time
Yeah, means its only for seasonal server, they still killed eternal realm, alot of ppl would prefer play on eternal as i did with all older versions of diablo due to my play time …
Now they killed eternal realm and force everyone to play seasons… cuz there you find your all nerfed powers tru magical gems… But eternal realm reamains criple, nice move from them, good job. They know, noone would play on server that your toon became complete crap, so they took from all players they hard worked hours and play time, trow it to junk and put the sweets to season server to force everyone play there, obviously which one has the battlepas. So pathetic…
Leveling is slow now, and the season starts soon so it will take more time to finish the sorc.
I log to check my Shard Sorc,
I still can farm T70 ND, just 30 seconds slower
You have very !"£!%!"£ Build
70… slowclap… and with max rolls i bet? no possible upgrades to reach 100…
Now try 80 see how you get clapped and cant damage them