I can imagine lots of things, doesn’t make them true lol…
Don’t really have any hope left for this game, everything they do seems to make sorc even weaker… and saw anything that’s supposed to give us more def?
Sure, we got a few more % DR on spending mana…
But we also lost armor, while already having the lowest armor of any class…
So now if im just walking around its even easier for mobs to one hit me, cause my def won’t start till i either spend mana, use teleport, burn targets or hit my core skill.
And even the damage after all these nerfs is just sad, i’m sure it’s gonna be just as bad as before, our base damage is very low, all the damage comes from cc multipliers which don’t work anymore… even if the heart does damage equal to my core skills, it’s still gonna be weak.
If they wouldn’t have nerfed cc’s stacking, vulnerable, and devouring blaze… then perhaps it would have been fine with these hearts, though would still need a bit more def for t75-100
Wait… Is this now a joke or not? Im uncertain. If it’s not, and that buff really will be existing like that I’m going to take a turd in front of B headquarter.
it was a beautiful sight to see when they balanced the sorc and barb best patch update yet
Nobody cares about Blizzard nerf… it’s boring using that anyway…
But the nerfs also destroyed any other build you can possibly make on sorc… which we’re already the weakest in game…
Absolutely agree, I tried Fire… didn’t carry on down that route. Lightning Sorcs are fun to play, but all the gear I got pointed me towards building a Frost Sorc… so here I am…
I thought the whole point of seasons was for us to feel overpowered. So the idea is just to nerf us to the ground and then “reward” us with getting back to where we were? Garbage.
Yup, seeing few S and A tier builds on Mobalytic before a patch and seeing literally zero of them now in endgame tab is… Devastating. Especially while sorcerer now is only class that has no high end content builds at all, and I only liked to play specifically sorcerer class in Diablo series for years. Literally made me doubt a lot if I would even buy battle pass at all (I was certain I will before a patch that destroyed one single class that was also most iconic one for D4 development all this years).
I know I’m just a single small human, but I cannot see any marketing logic in literally turning potential season pass buyers away like this.
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Eternal characters are still screwed even if that’s the case. I couldn’t care less about that season.
Stop copying builds from crappy services, that’s your whole problem. Start playing the game instead of making copies of crap builds from internet.
Yeah, but you have to sacrifice your armor gems for the hearts. So you’ll have -30% total (by patch) - 720 armor. Powers are not that useful if everything one hits you. Specially with sorc, since with the CDR nerf your barrier drops off frequently.
I agree, the sorc def is in a terible place. The issue with playing this game as a sorc and more classes are also starting to feel like us after the nerfs is that there is no “oh I got hit I need to heal fast”, no we just get 1 shot by some mobs with no time to react, which I dont find fun at all. Where is the fun in that and I would like some blizz dev to enlighten me.
Hi white knight! No worries, your money is in good hands. Enjoy your game 
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Sadly, I am very weak when it comes to building custom skill setups, etc., also not that much time and energy to dedicate to it. So, copying builds did work for me for years, and now I see that there’s sadly nothing to copy for copleting season as a sorcerer.
Easy as that. 
Hahah. Well I have sorc and it plays almost the same as before 1.1, all issues here come from bad builds, that focus only on dmg and 0 survi. Have fun crying. Forums after the patch are like comedy gold mine.
If you are above lvl80, you are just lying.
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Well, for my 66 lvl arc lash sorc and T3 world, I also didn’t notice anything at all (well, CDR smash from 32% to 23% was kind of surprise, but didn’t affect character on this low tier gameplay), he’s as good as he was (yes, I begun to play a game relatively late, just three weeks ago with big pauses for IRL things, and also gave myself a lot of time to explore world, do campaign and side quests).
But I thought we’re talking about high tier content (ubers, t4, high NM’s etc). 
Dude i have full armor/damage reduction/burning target damage reduction
Paragon damage reduction on both burning/chilled targets
75% armor aspect, damage reduction aspect…
And STILL get 1hit at tier 80nightmare…
I also have max rolls + am max lvl… so yeah… it’s not.
Oh and i also use skillpoints for damage reduction/damage reduction on hit instead of 25% damage increase on crits…
DR on mana use…
What you say is just wrong sorry…
Not to mention, for teleport stun build you have to use unique chest armor, losing out a bunch of DR
I guarantee that your character is one of 3 things:
- Still in World Tier 3
- Actually using a meta build
- Struggling to clear even level or lower NM dungeons
There are no super secret cool unique homebrew builds that you can come up with that compete with the meta, there is only good builds and bad builds, and they’ve been theorycrafted to death already. All those good builds also just received huge nerfs.
Unless you post evidence of some vastly different build clearing high level NM dungeon content, then stop white knighting for a company who clearly doesn’t give a damn about you.
LOL. I’m on world tier 4, doing the dungeons without problems.