Necro dosn't works anymore

With this patch my bone Necro is useless.

Necro bone spear still does multiple millions of dmg, maybe you’ve got the spec wrong or under geared a bit?


i have my necro BONE lvl 92 , my damage previous the PATH are : 700k now i hit 300k or 400k but my essence gone fast… but still work.

in PVP is a shit now, with my friends do some test, and after the patch i kill my friend (mage) with one HIT , now i need to hit 4 spears or 5… that was a shit… the necro is still work in dungeons BUT PVP? ITS SO SHIT

Mine’s still speedrunning nm dungeons at the same speed as before. The only difference being that the boss takes a couple of extra spears to kill.

You will start to notice difference at 80+ , i am too speed running through 60s ,in 75 however,so long killing packs with one cast only.

Before this patch,you were able to kill packs with 100 essence,now you need to fill it up 2-3 times to do the same. You have to play around tendrils + corpse explosion to generate essence ,all that while trying to stay alive,because if you think it was hard when you had 9-10 k armor,think again because you are back at 7 k . All that in NM 75-80 . Picture NM 100 scenario.

People were speed running 100s because they had literal glass canon build. Either oneshot everything or get oneshot. Wait essence to generate to full,wait cd’s and nuke from the distance.

Now not even in fully optimized gear you can oneshot mobs in 100 ,and considering defensives got nerfed + dmg,even if you played shadow tank build,with max dmg from close/far and from mobs suffering shadow,while wearing shield,you wont be able to tank more than 2 hits,while sacrificing a lot of already nerfed damage.

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If you took that big of a hit, you made a build around a broken mechanic, as that is what the nerfs was for, to get rid of the broken stuff and buff the stuff that worked as intended.


Funny for you to say that,because i played shadow necro since day one up until few days ago,literally the worst build out there,there was nothing broken about it.

Today i tested it to see how it works and it doesn’t because you aint doing any damage,because defenses got nerfed.

Build had mele basic skill (essence/corpse generator) With these nerfs,u cant take more than 2 hits from one mob,let alone whole pack of them.

Broken mechanics were builds people exploited because of bugged aspects. Those are the exception. Rest of the builds which managed to do a lot of damage were thanks to proper build planing and gear min maxing , not broken mechanics.

you non-barbs are so full of it. you are all nuking the screen whilst barbs generally struggle to keep up.
that´s my experience.

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So what is the differences between us then apart from you beeing endgame and me beeing lv72?.

my skills is: acolytes reap, supernatural blight, ghastly bloodmist, blight corps explosion, plagued corps tendrils and supreme bonestorm with key passive shadowblight. BoD is: reapers; increased shadow damage. Cold mages; increased vulnerable damage. Blood golem; maximum life.

blight corps explosion is 98% of my damage, reap and blood mist generates corpes, tendrils groups them up, bonestorm gives protection against elite groups.

supernatural blight was used during my lv1-50 days and i never had the need to use it a single time today, pre patch i used it now and then as an opener.

Yeah, I’m not bothered about that because it makes sense for those dungeons to be hard. It seems the dungeons may not have been hard enough/specs too strong with people able to do 100’s so soon.
The power creep to hit those higher dungeons will be in the season themes just like in D3 it seems.

dude c’mon, necro still mega OP, stop post trolling BS

Its great that 1 shooters now have to struggle with their meat :). Learn how to play without 1 hit. BTW i cant see so many hammers in pvp. Bug fixed and hammer barb is funny now - i’m able to kill them with just bleed :slight_smile:

Anyway just learn how to play pvp, even in other games.:wink:

No respect, bye.

PS. I’m playing with rend barb , one of the most weak build for the barbarian class. :slight_smile:

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Only bone necro the rest totally trash and permabugged!!!

Barbs nuked since release,and it was the very first class to kill uber lilith and clear 100 NM few days after game released.

Those who do not play barb have no right to complain about patch which ruined whole game?

Just because your class was affected the most,it doesn’t mean no one else has a right to complain about game.

Difference between us is that i play(ed) totally different shadow build and that i invested around 600 million gold trying to get proper defensive rolls + additional fu*kton that i spend on buying leggings that i couldn’t get on my own since release (with 4 perfect defensive rolls) all of that with the intention of being able to stay in mele range,to generate corpses with reap when needed , none of which it works after yesterdays patch which makes my previous 50 days waste of time playing and farming specific defensive gear.

If you want your shadow build to work,you need howl from below and black river because most of your shadow damage and essence regen comes from corpse explosion which u spend by nuking stuff down with the Blight.

Stats you lose from not having a 2 hand sword equipped,cant even begin to compare to unique gloves and 1hand scythe.

Shadow build shine in higher NM levels,because your dots and procs have time to develop properly while in lower level your targets are dead in 0.1 sec. But in higher levels,boss fights ,leftover elites and few other specific mobs are literal waste of time,especially vampiric ones,because you cant kill them so easily. But like you said,you aint doing high NM’s so that shouldn’t be a problem for you.

All paths lead to the only build that can breeze through the game on any difficulty,which is actually sad,because according to blizzard,D4 was supposed to be played our way.

Well, when we play two different versions on the build idea then yea i can see your standpoint.

Hope you find a solution that works for you.
For me, yesterdays update was nothing but lots of free extra damage for my build so i have nothing to complain about.

You got dmg buff but you got survivability nerf.

And should you ever chose to play 75+ that nerf to armor is going to affect your gameplay by a lot.

I switched to bone necro few days ago,just 2 days ago i bought leggings with max armor,max dmg reduction and -dmg from far and dmg from close . I had 9.3 k armor and i was able to survive sudden oneshots.

Now i am back at 7.2 k armor ,doing solid damage but not being able to survive oneshots from mobs who suddenly teleport to me , they don’t even hit me,they just tp to me and i am dead.

Its same with my shadow build. No way i can tank 1 pack ,let alone whole room of mobs like i did before patch crap.

Not true at all, i play a Necro and there is little to no difference, perhaps you should build around the new changes rather than just logging on and expecting it to play exactly as before prior to the patched changes.

I still see livestreams right now and most of yesterday in which people were still dominating uber lillith with multiple classes, yes barbarian included, it simply comes down to your setup and overall knowledge.