One-shot mechanic + elixirs avoid death + scroll portal trash? brainless!

So, my two level 100 barbarians, who survived Season 2 and Season 3, have died on the Eternal server. I have quite a strong resistance to losing characters, as more than 10 of my characters above level 90 have died in Diablo 4. Even more in Diablo 3, and the worst losses in Diablo 2. Most often, it was either a dropped internet connection at night or a lag. But the loss of these characters currently puts a stop to the game for me.

And here’s why. We all know that ARPGs essentially started with Diablo, and all the first games, including Path of Exile (PoE), are Diablo clones. But starting from the second year of Diablo 3 and Diablo 4, we are already dealing with a PoE clone, and from Season 4 of Diablo 4, many things have been borrowed from Lost Ark.

The initial data: Barbarian with 100k health, full resistances, Doombringer, Harlequin Crest, enters level 200 Zir. I hit him for 30 seconds, bringing him down to 80 percent. He hits me back but doesn’t even deal 1 percent damage to my health. At the 30-second mark, I’m dead.
The most terrible thing is that we not only have a degenerative one-shot mechanic in a hardcore game, but the boss does nothing else. He can’t deal damage; he can only kill.
One-shot mechanics have no place in Diablo as a whole - I haven’t seen any players who support this in Diablo. And here I have a question - the elixirs that avoid death were removed from the game, and hundreds of scrolls of portal were spammed… what is the point???
I don’t need avoid death elixirs; they weren’t in Diablo 3 and Diablo 2. If I’m not mistaken, only the sorceress had 2 opportunities to avoid death in Diablo 3. The idea was that if you encountered an enemy stronger than you and you felt you were going to die - you should try to escape. Now, you just get one-shotted. If you removed the avoid death elixirs from the game, then the one-shot mechanics should also be removed. The meaning of the scroll of portal has been completely devalued; there is simply no point in using it? When? What scenario should there be for me to use it if the only place where I can be killed is a one-shot mechanic? This is not 10 percent of life where I can try to escape, but only death. Now 2 characters are dead, but I have 500 portals in the chest, which drop in heaps in Season 4.

Death from lags, bugs, and internet disconnections were much more justified.

To add to the topic for those who don’t understand the issue with the one-shot mechanic and are commenting under other topics, so that people can understand the game’s defensive mechanics:
The second barbarian had 130k health, Harlequin Crest, and a Doombringer upgraded to 10/12. All other items were upgraded to 7-8/12. Only one close damage reduction was at 58%, and I’m not even mentioning the mechanics involving bleeding, which were also in play.
You’re just fighting, controlling the situation, and suddenly all your 130k health, all your fortify, all your resistances, all your damage reductions mean nothing, and you have 0 health.


I freaking hate one shot bs mechanics in this game… they make fights stressfull rather then fun!!.. its also very stupid thouse mechanics ignore any of your defences…

To me it only shows that developers dont play test theyre own game enough… expecialy at higher levels. so they dont have to deal with the fustrations :stuck_out_tongue:

I belive there are ways to make things harder, but still make them enjoyable… im not entirely against one shot mechanics either so long they are well telegraphed and give the player time to react… and this is not the case in higher lvls of the pit… everything is going way too fast, the coloring in the fights all way too dark and hard to see… and one tiny mistake your dead without even having time to spend your 9 potions … this becomes extremly harder if your playing a melee character :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes and no.
It’s a bit of both, really.

Spiritcaller of frost boss is nuts at higher than 60 pit level, not sure how a hardcore player can beat it. Not sure if its possible to teleport out the dungeon as soon as you see it? I am playing softcore though but that boss can brick a great key to that point.

Actually D3 had many escape death possibilities.
Almost all classes had 1 passive ability to give immunity and like 10% hp for a few seconds after going 0 HP.
Then you had the Templar follower for anyone who could charge at you and save you from death.

Some sets like Firebird for Wizard had a set bonus that would revive you if you died. Then some legendary items had a chance to save you from death (not used that often).

But I really didn’t like the hardcore in D3 because of that. Originally only the Wizard had that escape death passive ability but later on they gave something similar to all the classes. Would have been better to remove Wizards.

Anyways it was so easy to avoid death in D3 because you could just adjust the difficulty level by yourself so that no one can actually kill you if you wanted. All the same loot would still drop. Of course if you wanted to play in leaderboards then you would have to adjust difficulty level higher. But personally that wasn’t very intersting to me.

One-shot mechanics borrowed from other games don’t make sense in the Diablo franchise. It’s super frustrating when you have maxed out all your defenses and still get one-shotted by something you can’t even see or have time to dodge. One-shot mechanics should be either heavily telegraphed or non-existent . Deaths should happen because of poor decision-making and poor play, not because of a 1-second stroke of bad luck.


Exactly this. There is a reason why there were no 1 shot mechanics in D1, D2, Torchlight 1 and 2. Because it’s not fun to die to something you either cannot avoid or can’t defend against. It’s totally anti-player and anti-fun.

Avoid death elixir was a mistake in the first place and they corrected it.
One shot mechanics are ok in some situations. E.g. let us practice on 150 level bosses where the one shot mechanics are not deadly and then let us try the 200 version.
That would be so epic as beating these would actually mean sometins :heart:

“Death from lags, bugs, and internet disconnections were much more justified.”

They are not, its total bs that if you dc your character still dies, this kills is killing hardcore game play, the way you are supposed to die is by a boss killing you.

One shot mechanics are lame as well like you say.

I’ll be staying away from hardcore until they can fix dc deaths, not even the supposed scroll of escape helps when you dc, " it should technically TP you to a save location"

Perhaps we need a in-between mode, a combination of HC and softcore, where if you die, you lose all your gear and you lose a couple of levels and paragon points.

The game is too easy on soft core by itself, that is why I choose to play on HC, but the DC and one-shot mechanics kill it for me.

Agree the HC is unplayable and softcore is super easy. Interesting solution the middle version!
But lags, bugs, disconnects should not exist in the first place…