Scroll of escape and elixir of death evation does not work as expected

  1. Scroll of escape (manual usage):

Works perfectly fine. When I used the scroll in a dangrous situation it teleported me out to a safe place immediately.

  1. Scroll of escape (auto use):

When disconnected from the game,
Then I was expecting that the scroll is used automatically and I am getting to a safe ,place
instead the character was dead.

  1. Elixir of death evasion:

I experienced 2 situations with this elixir:

Given the elixir is consumed and is active in the buff bar,
When I had a lag for about 5 seconds in the Helltide and my HP bar dropped to 0%,
Then I the elixir got activated and protected me from death for 2 seconds,
In this case it worked.

Given a world boss fight against the Wandering Death and the elixir is consumed and is active in the buff bar,
When the HP bar dropped to 0%,
Then the elixir was not activitated and the character died.

I am asking Blizzard for a more transparent communication about how the scroll and the elixir works. I might missunderstand those items. My expectation is:

  1. The scroll is consumed automatically on disconnect and gets you out of a dangerous situation consistently
  2. When the elixir of death evasion is consumed and is active in the buff bar and your HP bar drops to 0% it protects you from death for 2 seconds consistently

If we can not rely that those items work all the item its a really frustrating experience.


I agree with you about the automatic use of the scroll of escape. I already lost 4 characters in the hardcore mode because of a server overload error (395002). And it is pissing me off because in such a situation you will always die (no matter if you have extra pots, scrolls, etc…), and auto use of the escape scroll would probably make life easier…

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I agree totally. I saw a lot of people dying just because of connection issues or not working scrolls, elixirs. Rarely saw a death by misplay.

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Indeed. Scroll should work when there is a logout timer.

Hi ZryjBudyn

Do you know if scroll of escape work fine in every situation to avoid death after connection/disconnection prtoblems?

Many thanks

Check this video of me playing with death potion and died without proc