Shadow damage Versus Shadow damage over time

I want to buff Blood Mist and Bone Storm.

(Blood Mist: Blood Soaked Aspect, Aspect of Explosive Mist, Blighted Corpse Explosion passive. Bone Storm: Aspect of Ultimate Shadow).

At the same time, I want to save Paragon points, glyphs, and above all, space for 1-2 aspects. But I don’t know what creates Shadow damage and what creates Shadow damage over time, with the fact that if it creates both, which of the two will be more effective for me?

Bit hard for me understand what info you seek, but if you have low crit hit chanse, shadow damage over time is better as it cannot crit. (the impact of the spell itself can crit but not the actual dot damage)

If you have mid or high crit hit chance you are better off with plain shadow damage as it can crit.

If the aspect or spell do not spesificly say shadow damage over time, then that affix, paragon node or aspect will not buff shadow damage over time.
For ultimate shadow, what would buff it is shadow damage and plain damage over time.

Normal damage over time affix will allso affect shadow dot, but necro has higer damage output from shadow dot then normal dot from all the paragon board buffs.

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There’s a legendary build that drops on second lowest diffculty. This build foucs on blood skills and bone skills. Every gear has both skills on it and it will say “or” for actvation one of the effect to happen. This build is super strong I want this and only have the glove that allow me to send a tidal wave color grey purprle? My ult color is red with this glove on it change the color.

I will write down the build so you can test it out as shadow damage is visble unsure about shawdow damage over time being visble. Blood mist is on a gear for this build set. Brb.

Edit: I have few that I obtain this season. Demon Blade of ultimate shadow, Expousive Mist, Utility Aspect of explosive mist, Blood soak offensive Aspect.

When a gear explains damage for 4 seconds it is direct. When the same gear explain damage when foes touch descrated ground it is shadow damage over time. This is how you will know. Aspect I’ve listed does buff some of your skills. I’m doing mostly blood build with one skill being curse called decripsy. I’m eager to collect ervery legdary gear called ultimate shadow.