Sorcerer Chain Lightning does zero damage

Are you at Blizzard sure what you are doing and what you are intending?

My current Chain Lightning has 28K - 34K sheet dps

These are my damage modifiers for it excluding Chain Lightning proc and tempering:

  • 60% Crit Chance
  • 521% Crit Damage
  • 250% Vulnerable
  • 75% All Damage
  • 500% Lightning Damage
  • 120% Elite Damage
  • 157% vs. Stunned
  • 20% Closed

And yet whatever I hit wether its stunned or not each Chain deals damage between 16K and 100K max, while I see Barbs and Necros pulling 500 millions etc.

I like the game. Amazing combat, but this cant be right. Also there are Barbs with over 50K Attack Power I have currently 15K.

And yes Im level 100 and all gear is 925 optimized and Paragon maxed out.

Or am I missing something? Why even have Chain Lightning as an option now? All damage modifiers are ignored by design.

Right now it feels like something is bugging out all those stacked damage multipliers or they are not even being calculated into actual combat. So is it bugged or is the code missing completely?


Chain lightning was heavy nerfed and killed in beta where has been OP. Never recover. I tryied level with it and its just useless. I switched to frozen orb.

But sorc is weak, make minion necro if you want to progres some end game.

I have zero interest playing auto-damage coward afk builds. One look at Necro Tree and it looks 50% unfinished. Its disgusting insult for D2 Necro.

Chain Lightning is not even working properly. I should hit way harader with those multipiliers I listed. Around 200K-300K each Chain tick. There are two Tempering Affixes that gives it 2 extra casts if you can raise them to decent proc rate via Master Crafting. But Im not going to dodge 1 shot mechanics for weeks to even trying to get em from 60+ pits.

Diablo 4 “developers” are clueless and incompetent clowns and have zero creativity or insight on what is currently in their game.

Also to add insult to injury D3 also has Chain Lightning and it was useless for 10 years…

Even if every Chain Lightning hit does 1 million damage, it will still be a joke. Blizzard can ramp up to 14 million ticks.

I already spent 80+ hours into this Season and had fun until level 100.


You do 0 damage when the aspect with the chance of additional bounces rolls a miss. Which is at least 1/5 of the times. Also if you are too far away from an isolated mob for the lightning to bounce. Beware of suppressor affix it kills CL. It is also a clear skill by unfortunate design - it does better with a staff. Next you may want to have an item with the aspect for extra attack speed when both conditions on the ulti fire crit passive skill are fulfilled to swap for boss fights.

Change build! Stop being whinny baby

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There is no changing the build you clueless moron.


Yes there is you moron!

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All reasonable builds should be viable, the problem is it’s not even remotely balanced.
No-one cares if there are builds that are 5% better… but 5000% better and when other classes can’t come close, then it becomes an issue because the season is sour for anyone that doesn’t play that.


Thats simply not possible.
Whats next click on every random spell and make it work?

there are like 10 skill per class you court jester, and yes, we do expect them ALL to be viable from an AAA studio.We paid 70 euro for this “indie” game, you Gotham nightmare.


It is. We live in a time where we can calculate the trajectory of a rocket flying to the moon with super accurate results. And you think no1 can program a simulation model to fix balance? You dont even need do understand simulation or modelling in this case, all you need is math skills of a 5th grader and excel. Then you can test every possible build, with every item and paragon and make the difference to be 10% or less.
Would take someone experienced in modelling like a day of work. And most of the work would be to actually write in every glyph, paragonpoint, skill and item. The math or skills to simulate is super low…

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No there is not and you are the moron and Blizz-shill for defending unfinished bad game. I continue D4 when all those multipliers work with Chain Lightning along with proper Legendary Aspects and Chain Lightning related Unique Amulet etc.

The fact that they just let Skills be in this state tells me that they do not play the game or care. They only care about their “systems”.

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Ignoring the nutjob above, I agree with you. I played my Necro to 100. I can stand in shit, not press any buttons and my minions kill everything on IV. I can do the same with Helltide bosses. I wanted to try a Chain Lightning Sorcerer and dam, its so freaking weak in comparrison. Single target elites, forget about it. Stand still=dead. Mana management is horrible. Regen traits are too ineffective (1-3 mana/sec). Cast a bunch, hope it procs and does damage, no mana left, run around collecting orbs while regening mana, rinse a repeat. This Sorcerer build needs a buff at a min. I’m only 68 and its a horrible chore to level. Following the Maxroll build too.

It’s like whirlwind that only is playable when beserker ripping is bugged or with dust devils because the skill is doing no damage. It was weak and got nerfed by 70% when the nerfed hota.
Blizzard spend more time on nerfing fun than buffing weak and unplayable skills.
Every season there is skills that do billions of damage when others do no damage at all.
They need to start buffing weak skills before the nerf OP skills.

Look, the devs are in Monaco; spending, and the janitor hasn’t had time to look at Chain lightning yet. Idk what’s wrong with u guys. Like u trying to play cool builds when u should be going for what gets work done, like a real job.
Hmm, what is this line… dmg… ok, i put 500 there; seems reasonable. This one looks different tho… ahh, what I put here? What these mean, does this do several hits? Hmm, that sounds very good; I’ll put a 5 there.
It’s random ffs, I can’t understand how u can demand balance from the janitor; he has actual work to do.

I think its the fact that people who are making this game are younger than us. D1,2,3 were made by people 30+ for the people who are 20-30+ or older. We are the people who followed franchise since 90’s. We are now 40-60+. Our game is being made by people who were born in 2000+. We are no longer the target audience.

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Not even in D3 was this a reality. There was 3-5 skills per class that was the primary damage based on the green set of your choise, rest of the skills was just visual placeholders.

Ahh, idk… u ever saw the interview with some buff 50yo and his pal? those guys were real gnarly teens. But yea, like I feel this franchise’s been out of touch since d3. Imo, it started going downhill with the second game. Sure, goat ofc but… it didn’t have that thing the first game had. It was brighter and more cartoon. The first game was made as a horror arpg and idk about u guys but I could very much imagine this guy’s decent to hell… madness, terror and slaughter! what a hero.
Was about light radius too u know… terrors lurking in the dark. Sure, it was a secondary thing in the game but it was special; wasn’t it. That horror thing went away and we leaned into arpg. Then the christmas tree edition came with D3 and the whole thing about building ur character was revised from the second game. And now this fourth game that spin further on the systems I didn’t like in the third game. At least there’s a bit less particles with this one, can almost see what’s going on sometimes.


Nothing beats Terror From The Deep, Diablo 1 and Dungeon Keeper soundtracks. Pure atmosphere, pressure, terror and delightful darkness. Amazing ambience and contrast to what Nintendo was doing in the 90’s.



I’ve played every diablo since the 90s, especially diablo 2 necro where I loved my summoner in full trang.

And I disagree, heavily, that necro does NOT look 50% unfinished.