The Truth About Diablo IV

I bought diablo 4 on launch but i didn’t play it because there was too many negative revives everywhere which made me believe that diablo 4 is a trash BUT…
2weeks ago i managed to get some free days and decided to try D4 and i was shocked tbh as i realized that Diablo 4 is a Masterpiece game!

there are too many awesome things in diablo 4 while i’m playing D4 i feel that i’m playing all blizzard games all together D1/d2/d3/sc mutations/wow M plus system as if the dev’s of D4 made it for true blizzardgame’s fans & i must say Diablo 4 dev’s must be very talented to be able produce such amazing game which reminds the player of all the past diablo games as long as other blizzard games, d4 is indeed a very cool game with super fun gameplay and the progression through paragon tree’s are so thrilling.

i dunno why the clueless people hating on diablo 4, it’s lovely game so thank you blizzard for making this wonderful game : ) thx to all the d4 dev’s <3

P.S if by any chance you’re interested in diablo IV and hesitating to buy it?! don’t worry you’ll never regret buying and playing diablo 4 it’s magnificent.


IT’s sad that nowadays people can’t think for themselves :smiley:
Imagine if i read critic review on Godzilla x kong or DUNE
I wouldn’t go to cinema and watch it
Use critical thiking and make opinions for yourself by yourself

I assume next patch will make the game more enjoyable.
Before you could basicly only enjoy the campaign.
All above is pain and suffering for Uber Items.
The seasonal mechanics made it a bit more enjoyable though.

these uber uniques …i don’t get it… all i do is flex my thorns on my corpse bomber necro in content that dies 1 shot…why would i even bother farming all that nonsense… game is fun and i don’t have to RNG my nervous system when i don’t add to my 15 k hours of Factorio…

Imagine calling Diablo 4 a masterpiece game. Your quality requirements are extremely low.


his quality requirement is blizzard standard


It’s probably people, who expected too much, want more for their money and did not bother to follow the progress. I agree the base game is very good. They need to keep adding content, making fixes and doing improvements. Eventually when also the prime evils are in the game, I may consider it out of beta.

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LOL this is clearly a clumsy commercial from bliz, how much did you get, bby? enough to do 10 duriel runs?


A MASTERPIECE, where I get frong. Am I stupid or do I play different game? Can somebody tell me, are there an other D4 in stores? I buy that Masterpiece at once.
But honestly, it is very good if somebody likes D4 so much. Have a good boring weeks with D4.

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Combat’s the best on the market, which goes a long way.
Paragon’s pretty fun. Item switching is also pretty good, it’s just that most stuff don’t go anywhere. Like there’s no concealment build with +4 concealment on pants cause the value on that is so much less than the value of Tibault’s or any of the unique pants. Meaning, also, that getting dodge on pants is out of the question which is disappointing.
Could become a masterpiece. Combat’s there to support it. But things need to change. At the end of D4 there’s little to do, little to consider and little to gather but the ubers. You can’t really make your own concealment rogue and dazzle everyone with your amazing stealth.
Anyway, if you’re a casual player that never reach the end of D4 this is indeed a masterpiece. The early game of D4 is perfect. You really feel the character grow immensly with every session you do. So for the 50 hour seasonal guy, it’s perfection.

Just because someone disagree with you, it doesnt mean they are clueless. Unlike you, they actually played the game at launch, and saw what a terrible state it was in at the time. That makes you the clueless one, if any.
Diablo 4 recieved a lot of valid critisism at launch, and the game has been improved upon ever since because of it, and continues to do so. You can thank the “clueless” for your masterpiece of a game.

No. Diablo 3 combat is more fun.

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Nah, but that one’s good too. D4 is refined even further and if there’s a second best that would probably still be D3, some ten years after inception.
Blizzard make the tech happen.

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Fun is subjective, neither of you can determine what the other find most fun.

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True, but objectively the technology that lays the foundation for the damage distribution in Diablo 4 is better than any competitor has produced.

cool story, plant op.

gameplay i´d say ~d3 level. sometimes below, sometimes above(barbarian).

i´m taking occasional breaks from the only fun character in this entry for instead necro…which despite power they failed miserably.
plays so aesthetically impotently.

Yeah its a masterpice allright. Every time I end up trying a new season I end up here and complaining about it. It is Toxic thats for sure. But a masterpice nah that one you have to reconsider,

You don’t even have to buy the game itself anymore. Gamepass is cheaper and for the price of 90 bucks you can get a whole year of gamepass and a very big pile of games on top too, including D4.
Edit: I am a day 1 buyer too and felt similar, I didn’t read any reviews but it felt unpolished and dull. Now its different and I look forward to start again now and of course on season 4 too.

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yea, me also; season 4 will be good. heard good things and had good vibes.

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A lot players attacking D4 on Steam for example are doing it because they hate Blizzard pure and simple. Some have not even played the game.

They don’t care what updates the game has it will never be good enough for them.