This is disgusting service

I had to wait 20 mins to get 4 mins of gameplay the server disconnect, now I have a 40 minute wait to reconnect.

This is the pre order Beta - this tells Blizzard how many people might try to connect and still they cheap out on server capacity.

My title says it all.


40 mins? Lucky you…mine says 110 mins…


100 minutes mate, good luck to this company with such service

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85 minutes here … but I didn’t get to play 5 mins as just getting to character creation it buggued had to relog, then got hit with the 90min queue time … why am I not surprised though? … it’s not like it happened at EVERY blizz launch, be it diablo or wow i got :\ lol


One eternity later =)


Hey Blizz seriously >100 mins waiting, WHY, can you give me my money back that is a real shame…

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lul waited 120 min got to logging in then error 3000008 something to do with their servers not responding (which is funny that their server is not responding) now waiting another 130 min cant even get into main menu lmao


Sobebody said…this is Not D4…this is a Waiting Simulator…it costs only 90€…for me…Blizz sucks…boring & disappointing :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


120min wait time
Diablo Iv ran out of memory
70minute wait time
error code 316719
90 minute wait time (still going)

consider yourself lucky, Nothing surprising about this though, Sure im a little bummed I haven’t gotten much playtime if any, but I was expecting this-- it happens with every major title release and beta, Blizzard isn’t the only one.


Its a beta.

That should answer all of the above.


Yes… beta where servers should be working… Not beta where everyone is stuck in a Q. I’m going to ask for refund if this is the quality of the service for this game.


i mean, they are working. Just not how you want them to.

see you again in June.

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Got in after 78 minutes. :man_shrugging:t2:

is a 100euro for a Beta Queu’s Tester


71 minutes. I knew I paid $100 to beta test, but figured they’d learned their lesson with D3 launch…apparently not?


Blizzard attacks again, we pre-purchase our hoping to be able to enter the beta that technically promises us for being his faithful followers and mounts his server on a Pentium 4, wait 3 times for 110 mins and I get a login error, do you think Can we have these problems at this point? Doesn’t Blizzard know how many people pre-purchased the game and are going to want access to the beta? Today they make a server that can’t host a third of their clients just to continue consolidating that they are further and further away from being a company that cares about consumers… I’m fed up, it was my last expense in blizzard, it doesn’t have the minimum respect for its people!


Most of people wouldn’t even notice if there is no game after loading screen)

140min queue for closed beta and 120$ CA
What will it be at launch !?

They better refund people

LOL this thread is a joke.

Its a beta, you paid for the full game and with the full game you received early access to try the game out. Every beta has problems and I’m sure blizzard is fully aware of the current issues. Crying and demanding a refund isn’t going to affect or change anything.


I thought beta would be to test a game, not to test a server. They need to be more specific next time so we dont expect more than they can offer…