This is disgusting service

Back again to que simulator lol 80 minutes awaiting time omfg

Dear God, what is a Beta?

Worst company ever…
Why you (blizzard) always have problems with servers? WoW, OW2, D4… i don’t know how should i buy this game if i can’t test it…

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It was alfa of que simulator now it is beta of que simulator, simple as that

I eagerly look forward to Charlie and Delta queue simulators.

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Вернуть деньги за кривую игру это самый разумный подход. Если у всех будет голова на плечах, все поступят также и жадной компании придется раскошелится на нормальные сервера. Платная альфа тоже была с очередями, а за это люди заплатили как за пол игры, купив расширенную версию.

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Considering i have pre-purchased the game and they advertised i can play the beta beause of it (first weekend) is far more then just disgusting. Having to wait for hours in order to play and then having lag and server issues demonstrate how inadequate Blizzard has become.

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Actually, that’s on you. Pre-ordering came with early access to the beta that started the previous weekend (limited to 3 classes etc). This weekend is open beta for everyone.

Well, that being said, 130 minute queue is a bit much nonetheless

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HA ! you wish, it will be EXACTLY the same situation on launch day.
As if they didn’t know the number of players who have the keys and couldn’t anticipate the numbers and provide enough server capacity.
Truth is they either do not care or just don’t want to waste money on adding more servers/capacity, once people see the queue they will give up and try later, or not.
Either way Blizzard already has your money, eventually the numbers will drop, load will stabilise and they just saved bunch of $$$ and who gives a shit about people wasting their time let them whinge on the forums :rofl: :rofl:

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Got disconnected, then put for 90 min in queue and then login timeout. had to reenter the game and now is 140 min queue. i’m stupid for taking this shit from Blizzard, but what does that make Blizzard?

bro its a beta and they addressed this quit QQ

doesnt make it acceptable. this is not about the game is just server service. but you are free to believe whatever makes you happy.

How did they exactly address it ?
Waiting times are as bad as they were last week.

This is not a pre-order early access to beta as you state, that was last weekend. This weekend is open beta, so it´s open to everyone. Dont have the exact numbers but last weekend there where over a million players. This weekend anyone can download and play, even people that have not pre purchased so there will be ALLOT more of people. Blizzard made a special post where they did warn about this.

It says 110 but its actually about 20 or 30 minutes

Have to agree, live service is the death of good games for sure. Still we have some hope with indie devs.

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Blizzard screwed up again. People wait for 30-120 minutes and play for 10-15 minutes.

A me ha stufato subito …sa troppo si mmmorg

I’ll have $800 for “What is a Beta?” Alex.

Multi million dollar company can’t afford proper servers, disgrace!!