This is disgusting service

Have to agree, live service is the death of good games for sure. Still we have some hope with indie devs.

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Blizzard screwed up again. People wait for 30-120 minutes and play for 10-15 minutes.

A me ha stufato subito ā€¦sa troppo si mmmorg

Iā€™ll have $800 for ā€œWhat is a Beta?ā€ Alex.

Multi million dollar company canā€™t afford proper servers, disgrace!!

Why this game canā€™t be offline?

Cause devs think this game is awesome in this way :confused:

Constantly being disconnected, is there any way to switch servers? You know, select a region?

Because then they cant force a popup on you on how great the season pass or mtx or expansion is. Think COD and you get the picture maybe, but i do agree i really wish this could be sold as a singleplayer offline game.


A big company with millions of dollars is not able to provide a normal service. Iā€™m ashamed for you.

Not just server but storage as well, 10 character slots in 2023 is a joke, not to mention the limited chest storage space.