There is a post in the US forums I agree 99% with.
Specially with the lack of innovation part and terrible and repetitive endgame in Diablo 4. Here is the post, very well written:
"Hit level 99, but I just can’t play this anymore. It’s so boring running the same Nightmare Dungeons over and over again with such poor density and awful experience gains. I pushed as hard as I could as this was Blizzard’s last chance with me (as I think all their other games now suck) and I wanted to give this a real fair shot.
No looking for group system. Pretty much number one on my list. I seriously can’t believe this was not in at launch in a forced online game. Nice try with the Diablo 4 discord. No one wants to go outside of the game to find a group.
No reliable in game chat system. Again, I can’t think of another forced online game that doesn’t have this. Even Diablo 3 had this. Heck, you could even form your own communities and chat in that game. Talk about regressing.
Loot drops are the exact same from level 70 to 100.
Item quality is not different between normal and nightmare dungeons, despite Blizzard claiming it to be (tested with 100+ of normal and nightmare). I’ve ran normal dungeons that spit out 21 ancestral items and nightmare dungeons like Blind Burrows on sigil 60 and gotten half of that. That’s not a one off run either. That’s very consistent.
World bosses take 6 hours to respawn and die in 10-30 seconds in World Tier 4. Their “weekly” cache honestly gives less loot than a resplendent chest. No obals out of them? Why?
Tree of Whispers turn in also gives next to nothing for loot. It’s good the first 5-10 times you do it to get some sigil keys. After that, completely worthless. Again no obals. This system is basically copy pasted from Diablo 3 though even that game had specific crafting resources and specific items out of its bounty chests.
Class imbalance all over the place mixed in with awful resource management. Three classes can melt Echo of Lillith in 30 seconds while others take 10 minutes with a well put together gear set. Nice internal testing there.
Why do white and blue items still exist in World Tier 3 and 4? Especially on the vendors. No one is ever going to buy blue items off of the vendor. Heck, most of the time we ignore the sacred items as well. I mean… come on…
No crafting system (Diablo 3 had this)
No way to preview rerolls (Diablo 3 had this)
No gem tab. Yes I know it’s being fixed, but it should have been added into the game a year ago before it was even beta tested. It’s now being added only because the player base is teaching the developers what to include in a 2023 game.
Stash space is awful considering the loot system you went with which requires you to save gear in the stash… because the affix storage tab is so small. I have 9 alts filled with gear in their inventory in the event I wanted to mess around with other builds for the ONE class I played. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I tried other classes.
Elemental resist stats are just completely worthless. I’m not exactly sure how you went through so many beta tests and didn’t even realize this. In fact, once again you found out from the player base two weeks ago and had to publicly acknowledge it. And it’s going to take you two seasons to fix it? You’d might as well just take resists out of the game for now. Or make them all combined into “plus to all resists”. I guess they’ll just take up gear stat slots for the next 4 months. If you get two resists on a single item, it’s pretty much auto vendor.
No full reset button on the paragon board. I guess the devs are still living in the 90’s. It’s very clear that whenever they reset their paragon boards during internal testing, they just used a God mode command to clear it. Instead of doing it how we do it now.
Middle sections of dungeons (the intermission) give no loot or experience. Again, not sure how this was missed after multiple beta tests.
And finally, lack of innovation. If Blizzard wants reddit and their forums to not be plagued with disappointed players then they seriously need to have their developers actually play video games. And that’s not meant as an attack on them. Everyone was hoping that you would make a game that included the industry standards and then innovate on top of that and crush everyone else. To make Path of Exile, Torchlight, Epoch and everyone else go… “uh oh, we have work to do” and watch them sweat. You didn’t do that at all. In fact, you’re not even close. Those other companies are laughing in their offices right now.
An example of innovation could be a deep delve dungeon into hell, that branches off through the three Prime Evil areas. The deeper you go, the more rewards you find. And the deeper you, the more corruption you receive from that specific prime evil and it has effects on you. Remember that door that Lillith opened, that you thought would be a good idea to close? It could have started there. Oops?
Or a system to enter the Heavens and steal their artifacts. You’d have a time limit to get in and out. Maybe recipes that unlock the drop only potions or elixirs that give 10% experience instead of 5%. Or an item to allow a legendary to be imprinted a second time. You know… heavenly stuff…
Or with Helltide having a portal open and you enter it to fight hell back. Maybe Andariel, Duriell or Azmodan show up. Instead of… what’s that bosses name that walks around? Looks like Gollum? Meh…who cares…
Or what about a battle between Hell and Heaven? Throw us right into the Eternal Conflict that the game won’t ever shut up about. Kind of like a League of Legends ARAM type style. Demons and Angels pushing the lane and you have to choose your side. Do you side with the Heavens? Or side with Hell because the Heavens are lazy and rarely help us (plus we just saved their sorry hides in Diablo 3, yet no help now?). You need to push back the waves as they get stronger and stronger. (Could have easily built off this from the Diablo 3 endless hordes event to make the level 125 stones to augment your gear).
I just sat here for 10 minutes spit balling with four random ideas and I suck at this. I’m sure someone could take them and make them even better. Instead we received poor density hell tides, a copy pasted bounty system and nightmare dungeons which are basically greater rifts with objectives. No innovation.
Not only did you hardly come up with any new fresh and fun ideas (that would last longer than a week), you couldn’t even make a game that included the most basic industry standard expectations. Something as simple as a global chat or LFG system. So that your players, on your forced online game, can communicate and play together. This is like going to a dealership and buying a new 2023 car and it’s missing cup holders, power windows and windshield wipers. Just… things you would expect to be included. And you miserably failed so hard with that, that it left you no room to innovate. All you’re doing now is adding things into the game that SHOULD have been there months ago, while your audience TEACHES you what to do. No wonder you went through three game directors during development.
Some players will say be patient, it’s barely been out etc. If that’s your point of view, that’s fine. Have low expectations and stick around for 1-3 years until the game is “ready” to be competitive with other games. This game has been in development for 8 years and I personally expected a lot more out of it. I don’t mind the broken things that need to be fixed. That comes with a new release. But the philosophy of this game and how empty it is shows that the developers are completely behind the curve from other companies.
No, I won’t see you in Season 1 or 5 or 9. I’m done with Blizzard. The game is uninstalled and so is the battle net client for all their other games. There are far better games, from better companies, that I can spend my money and time on. Blizzard can keep the money I paid for this game. It was worth the price I paid to find out if this company truly is awful at making games and I learned exactly what I needed to know.
First impressions are everything to some people and Blizzard completely blew it."