US Forum post - I'm out, done with Blizzard

Did you realize something was missing after 99 levels? And now you want your money back? No offense but you’re not very smart my friend… Diablo hasn’t always been like this, diablo has been even much worse and its user base has always had it. I can understand the argument about making a game better but certainly not how you are doing it. You wasted time and money on a game where you knew right away what it was going to be like. Diablo4 is simply not for you. You should have waited to buy it. Now it’s too late to come and cry on the forum.

While i don’t consider FF series to be good, some Nintendo titles have things Blizzard could learn from. Breath of the Wild has similiarly sized open world with 120 instances (“Dungeons”) which (mostly) aren’t repetitive, are puzzling enough. While balancing online ARPG and single-player game are two completely different things, the many of the core concepts could be transfered.

Why the h3ll do we have 3D world if we play flat? Why can’t I climb every rock I want? Why the world has seams in 2023 that make horse painful (horses that are eerily similiar in concept to Breath of the wild).

There are a lot of things I would love blizzard to copy from Nintendo games.

Why do I see ElderNoob on every single post that in any way shows any displeasure with the game as a first reply, always ready to shill for Blizzard and bash down some unhappy customers? :smiley:


Could not agree more with this post. I agree 100% it was like carbon copy to all my issues i have with the game. And also Diablo 3 is way more fun than this game? WHY?


Maybe you prefer the more casual playstyle?

As for thread topic:

I am a veteran of these games, and the endgame is always poorly optimised at launch.

They need player data to see what needs fixing.

So I always, play the game to completion on each hero. Then the next mile stone. Which in D4 is capstone dungeons.

Then once all heroes are 70 plus, capstone and enter tier 4.

By the time I do this, I have enjoyed all the balanced content.

Now I have characters about to enter endgame and usually a big patch or season will come out and fix loads of issues/imbalances. I walk straight into it with my heroes and it’s good times.

The other thing that really boosts enjoyment, is learning to play the game for yourself. I see so many players cheat themselves, looking up builds, copying other players, following guides, looking up drop rates and tables… Basically burning away all their own gaming content in pursuit of endgame. Then they come here and make a “I’m done thread”…

Maybe, play the game without cheating and you would still be figuring out builds instead of complaining on a forum… :frowning:


Which immediately gets punished by the game. If you want to take your time exploring the world, the map and the lore from side quests you hit level 50 before getting your horse at the end of Act 3 in the campaign.

And after a few reskills to experiment, playing with different setups in your skill tree gets effing expensive, never mind having to find new gear to go with a different loadout.

And I am saying this as a complete newcomer to the Diablo franchise and I haven’t even reached the paragon points yet.


So, in other words you are like 25% of the way. The core of the game is the combat, then the loot.

You gear and build to try fun.

If you are copying builds from max roll and fextralife, you are already killing huge chunks of the fun. Finding the builds for yourself. Cheating off other players is obviously going to ruin a lot of the game for yourself.

I have zero clue what others are using.

All I know is right now, I want to beat things to death with hammers. I made a build around it, I farmed obols to get target weapons until I got the hammers I wanted.

I’m having a blast. Tearing through mobs how I want. Bash them, stun them, rupture them, get a free stomp, whirlwind with full arsenal perk, make them explode with a charge.

I feel like a god. Killed 3 world bosses with no deaths and that was between 52 and 58.

It feels so good because I made it, no guides, no idea about what is meta , other than piecing together paragon points, weapon mastery, items and cosmetics I wanted with some idea of the gameplay style I wanted.

I love this game. It’s going to get better as the Devs look over data from the last month’s of playtime.

It’s not perfect, but it’s easily the best of the bunch. :+1:

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a socket roll doesn’t take away an affix slot, like it did in d3. so if you get a socket, it’s really just saving some money. so what are you on about? searching for something to shit on? are you dumb?

you do realize, that with a much older protagonist than all the other final fantasies before, it’s catering to a more mature audience, hence the darker tone of the story and so on and so on?
you clearly haven’t played or watched it or something, just spewing out random trash

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And yet people tell us “oh, you gotta try seasons. It will be fun” when the base game already is for some not fun enough… Imagine replaying that with little changes… Every season.


the no paragon respec button made me stop i cannot advance i spent 6 mil gold on trying to figure out what nod i unlockeed to keeep the row than i end up at a nod that is unlockable and eeverything wents insane trying to figure what point i spent in what day to unlock that one so i can keep respeccing this cost me at 86 9 90 k and i stil didint figure out the attachment to fully unlock it!!! I HAVE NO DESIRE TOMORROW TO PLAY D4 AND FARM GOLD SO I CAN RESPEC IN THE MOST UNDEVELEPOED MECHANIC EVER!!! i posted this threat with less grammar because i was pissed on us forums everyone was like dude pay more attention… i dont remember what i point i put in an attachment 3 nights ago so i can get full node bonus and blizz wants me to unlock that one so i can unlock another random one and god forbid u messed with them because its borderline luck chance to find how to respec paragon , I WOULD PAY GOLD RECOURCES EVEN 15 BUCKS WHICH IS SO RIPPING ME OFF to be able to respec the paragon

totally agree the game is repetitive as hell…


well that dude wrote some hard truths that probably will b…thurt blizfanboyz and streamtryhardz .

People forget that BLIZZARD = ACTIVISION ! , and activision SUX ! , just look on their other games and you will understand .

Will only say that i don’t disagree with him / her , maybe in some parts , yet again most of em are the truth !

If Blizzard doesn’t fix those things mentioned from the OP , this game will go deep in the shadows along with wow shadowlands and wod !


SHOP agree
Seasonal battle pass = optional

:smiley: Did you play diablo 3 on launch and then 10 years later?
did you play POE on launch and play it now? 10 years later?
tell me it was the same game
Did you play Classic wow and now play DF
tell me it’s the same game
You people are incredibly stupid…
You think that game that came out 1 month ago should be on the same quality as a 10 year old game with 10 years of added CONTENT?
it’s impossible to make that kind of GAME

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hmmmm well my age doesn’t allow me to elaborate the word “stupid” … it is unfair for you … and i don’t like to make a fuss with internet wannabes

as for your questions , as a player and paying customer of blizzard from 1994 with warcraft 1 and lost vikings , i had higher hopes , i’ve grown with this company as a kid , i’ve seen them in bad and seen them in good (WoTLK) , i have lost track on how many money i have gave em , yeah my expectations are high from them after 29 years !

Try to be on my shoe to understand , maybe we’re on the same age … if we are , you probably can understand my expectations from this company !


Because he’s toxic children… first to wine and ask attention, first to ask from help and first whene see other peoples be mad :confused:

I couldnt agree more, on every single point, D4 is a shell of an ARPG and it puzzles me that they had D3 as a starting point, a game that lasted 11 years and still has a large playerbase and they came up with whatever D4 is. Sad.


The op is completely right.


No tiene sentido leer, a gente deicr buena suerte en tal y tal, cuando todo lo que ha puesto y expuesto es pura verdad, el juego ha salido completamente inutil, lleno de bugs y una falta de contenido brutal, el drop lamentable y su juego coperativo inexistente.
Por culpa de fanboys como se ven algunos, la empresa no toma en serio los comentarios de los verdaderos jugadores.