US Forum post - I'm out, done with Blizzard

Why would i try to understand you
when you comparing a 10 years of content vs 1 month?
Wotlk was garbage when it was released
and it shows that you don’t know what you talking about
Every expansion since TBC was released during first 2 patches game was garbage
last iteration of wotlk? was good and that was patch 3.3.5
last patch of cata was good and that was 4.3.0 not 4.0.5
i do know these things cause i also am a long time blizzard fan
and i did play all expansion
but i’m also a realistic
i take stuff as it comes D4 is a more then decent game
and it will be better over time in seasons

You want impossible because there was never a online game fully done when released not even vanilla was DONE when they released it.

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final fantasy 16 is game of the year for me automatically as it produces wokey tears.

d4 is mostly trash.


The US forum is full of posts like this.

Maybe it depends that in US are more people which have time to play a game over 50 hrs per week.

LFG: I never want a lfg like in WoW where i am judged depending on my item level, or other scoring like a bot instead of a human. And chat? When you are lucky once per week a player puts a “hello” in the chat.

When i want to play with others, I prefer building or joining a clan where are people matching my playstyle.
And the clan chat works.

Simply wrong. Monster at level 85 and above can drop the super rare uniques.

This seems so but this is RNG and nobody runs for valid statistic data 2x1000 times the same dungeon which is because of the random sigil drops nearly impossible.
But until 100 is the xp benefit higher in nmds and additionaly i can level the glyphs.

For world bosses, whispers, crafting, stash and some balancing and QoL features like searching i agree there is a lot of room for improvements.
But I’m in good spirits that things are improving here, too, like with the nmds in the last patch.

Additionaly we have seen just the first part of the game (or maybe 2/3), the second is coming with the seasons.

D4 was advertised with ~80 hrs playing time for the campaign and ~160 hrs up to level 100. This promise was kept.
Blizzard has never guaranteed that D4 will be fun for all time or for a lifetime - it’s a subjective perception of each individual player.

Especially the players who rushed through the game and probably didn’t even notice half of the content should be patient.

Did you play it? What part of D4 you did not like?

Besides everything OP said, I’ve never played a game in my life where I notice so many issues with the game as I’ve done with Diablo 4, and honestly, it’s gotten to a point that it is insulting as a consumer, like we’re talking me being an online gamer for more than 20 years, and this is the game that I’ve noticed the most issues with.

Bugs, aspects not working, stats not working, weird in-game mechanics, issues with scaling and loot drops.

Like, I’m not even talking about the actually content, but just details and mechanics in the game that are just not working or completely broken.

It’s ridiculous how unpolished this game is.


Except Vanilla WoW is still the best version of WoW.


Because he gets paid by blizz to defend this game

Do you think they have to start at 0 ?? LIKE WHAT?!
Did you forgot that there are MULTIPLE ARPGS out by know? You think this lowquality game will live long? Man just look what other arpgs are doing WAY better than D4. Like the CORE of d4 is bad, they cant fix it. The oneshot meta is bad, they cant fix it. You know what they will do? Add sets again with +90% Dmg reduction when xy, and a underpowered spell does +1500 DMG to take the easy route of balancing. 100%, its D3 all over again, which SUKS! Go youtube: “Diablo III: A Cautionary Tale | 12 Years of Development Hell” see history repeating man…

Yep so true, horse movement, way worse than a starcraft 1 zerg in terms of pathfinding. This is just unacceptable. And then you have the stupid core mechanics how dmg is calulcated, how def is calculated and even how they calculate monster enemy with hp and dmg (70+ NM-D hits oneshot you, like WTF?) its just plain and stupid +20% dmg/hp of monsters. Like no real increase of difficulty with better ai / spells to evade. THIS IS JUST SO BAD. I could really rage about it. This game is done by students, last week pushing things out without proper testing, just for the sake of being in. SO SO SO SO SO SO BAD, what a scam-show D4 is, man!

I like it, I’m gonna keep playing. Sorry you’re so upset.


What do you like in the game? What do you think, could future ARPGs learn from D4? What System can they adopt? What do you think ?

Is terrible that D4 does not have an end-game. Random GreaterRifts from D3 were really good, is like you always play a new msp. And leaderboards and party play was fun. in D4 you can not even search for a party snd foing ssme NMs over and over again is really boring.


Looking at your activity it would seem that this is all you do. Someone posts criticism, regardless of how well written and structured and you just jump in with a childish post like “Go play fortnite then.”

Why don’t you just ignore the post if you have zero contribution?

Or, if you like the game so much (which it would appear you do) defend it using intelligence and maturity to counter the points raised, which I might add were well-written and clearly defined, otherwise you achieve nothing just wasted your own time and, if anything, come away looking like an immature brat.


very disappointing Blizz Dev just proved you cannot believe anything they say

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Not even sure how you managed to make a US post. im in the EU and not option to post so ill drop this here. Everytime I instance into a group fight or boss, I lag and often disconnect. Heck I lag when someone runs past me on a mount. I paid close to 100 quid for a game that I cant even play because of disconnects. See you all in Starfield. hopefully bethesda got there shit together. Probably learned some stuff about mmo after 76


Are you dumb ?FF16 is amazing,Jedi survivor was fun,Wo long is hard but still fun cause i love souls games and i loved sekiro so it was a good game.This year is the best so far in game releases.I mean.Street fighter 6,Baldurs gate 3, Resident Evil 4, Wild Hearts, Hogwarts Legacy, Honkai: Star Rail, Remnant 2 and its not over.We will have the upcoming mk1,Armored core,Lords of the fallen.So far 2023 is a golden year of games.I just wish i had more time to keep up.

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I totally agree with this guy and my review touched on even more empty game elements that were at least still in Diablo 3 10 years ago. Now this is not a Blizzard game, it’s a shame. Once a great company, it became the worst game developer, even worse than ubisoft, and ubisoft was already at the very bottom, the darkest hole on the planet


lol metacritics give this game a 2/10, so yes this game is crap, i dont play it anymore. my friends did quit also so i wander why there are still players playing this crap? dont they have other games?

its what i say, the only things that will keep on playing this crap are bots and addicts


well written… sums it up pretty much.

got a mail about season 2… lol :slight_smile: time to unsub from that mail list

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Me too.
http s://
this is a drop from the last seasonal chest. 6 yellow things.

Delete this game.

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They did not sets. They did not runewords. Two absolutely basic and common stuff in Diablo world. Why they didn’t do?

Beacuse after all this sh*t above, they will make it for DLCs.
For what?


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