World boss, and hole game is TOO EASY

The latest World boss I participated in, took 8 sek. to kill.
Please begin to make the bosses, and the game, more hard to play. Its to easy, and it kills all the fun playing. Why wait 5-10-15 min. for the boss to spawn, just to see it get killed sek. later?
And why is there gold in the game? After few levels you can not use it for anything. Why not introduce a change: Change 10 mio. gold for 0,1 % better something?


Worldbosses are killed so fast because of a few extremely overpowered meta builds, that needs nerfing.
The game as a whole is indeed too easy at max level, a 5th world tier is needed for endgame.
Gold is used for rerolling stats, and rerolls can end up costing millions of gold per roll, so there is deffinitly always something to spend gold on. If you are stacking up millions of gold and not spending it, you are not optimizing your gameplay.


ok that op which has absolutely no life, nobody cares about your e-peen.

They’re making wbs lvl200 from what I heard. That’s twice what they’re today and scaling is exponential so I figure they’ll tank a few more hits come season 4.
And there’s some nerfs to overpower. Don’t know details.

And gold… I got 70m, been playing all season. Traded for a couple of bees. All gone cause I reroll to exhaustion. Got some amu tucked in my stash at 50m.
So now you’re like: Why reroll an amu, I got Selig np.
Yea, I got that too. But Selig don’t have max ias and if you want max move it also don’t cut it for all cases. I suspect Selig damage to be less than a perfect rare also, with the right stats. But that won’t show cause Selig count into ap while other stuff doesn’t but yield similar or better depending on your setup. What can’t be beaten about Selig is defense, that’s best in the game for pve at least. Not sure for pvp, I actually think that Selig isn’t perfect for pvp either because you’ll be out of resources and then slammed dead. Not that I would know, cause not really an expert only a speculant.
Then there’s the joy of building. Like you pick various stuff and roll that according to plan. This cost a lot of coin. Why? For fun, for playstyles.

They’re capping enchanting, however. So that’s good news. Now maybe u can actually get what u want without having to be lucky. And they’re raising gold cap, which rest at 10b rn. Exactly what further use gold will have is unknown to me.
They’re also opening item trade, which is surprising to me but that’s what’s going on. Perhaps you can buy some things with coin after the fact.

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I have yet to get passed lvl50 NMD so the complaints of “too hard” are pointless.
People playing broken builds claim too easy while those with other builds struggle. Fix the broken builds and the game will get its challenge back again. You cannot cry too easy & then cry to keep broken builds at the same time.
World bosses would take a decent amount of time if it wasn’t for these broken builds…that is the common denominator that breaks the game.

Have to agree, it is the builds that is the fault, the meta must be nerfed, however scaling up the WB and legions is allso needed.

Gold is fine, as pointed out, price of rerolling stats scales very quickly, on the 6 or 7th reroll you are paying clouse to 1 mill gold per roll and it only goes up from there.

Its easy yes. You have 1-2 OP builds per class and nothing more. No imagination, no ladders, no exploring, no teamwork, no nothing. Just uberbuilds that gets more uber with uber uniqes. Blizzard have written a game with 3000 options but only 4 options is playeble and too easy. Game is shit on so many levels I just cant comprehend.


Try PoE and try to level 100. It is very hard.

Can I honestly ask why the hell you would want it to be any longer? Maybe the first few times 5-10 mins is fine but when you get to the 50th time it’s a little tiresome and I can only imagine how it feels 500+ times, and jeez you want it to increase?
Friend, there isn’t even a real reward or anything to get excited about, just mats, so why?

Even after only 3-4 times I wanted it to end quicker because the whole thing rather silly. Having multiple mechanics in a click to move game just doesn’t really work so even though you could say it’s easy (from a damage perspective) I don’t think adding more mechanics will make it more fun rather quite the opposite.

But hey, I don’t mind working if the rewards are there but they aren’t and so end-boss encounters just become chores and the last thing I want is to make them longer. I honestly don’t get people sometimes.

It is related to imbalance between classes and builds.

Why even run World bosses and legions, they don’t give nothing good. Big NMD only give good items.

These events do indeed seem to have been left behind as rewards from everything else has been improved. Open world events in general, outside of helltides, needs reward buffs to become relevant again.

should be 300 lvl and hard