A disappointed fan :(

I have played HearthStone since the vanilla version. That was when HearthStone for me was the most fun because there were less RNG cards and it required you to play smart and predict what your opponent is going to do next turn. Deck knowledge was also something that people needed to have as a skill to predict and outplay there opponent and you could also build your own deck and still be competitive, also you didn’t even had to net-deck to be competitive.
Now rather then being rewarded for playing good I’ll just play an RNG card hope for the best and if I get lucky enough I’ll win the game. There are so many cards now a days in HearthStone that generate other cards and in the end I am just playing with myself and left in the mercy of my opponent getting unlucky so that I can win the game. I barely win 5 games these days just to get the card back for the month, because of all the RNG cards that make the game anti fun and stressful. Compared to back in Vanilla days I could play whatever deck I wanted and still reach rank 7 to 6.
The other issue is the new reward system. For me the system is so greedy that I don’t even have the motivation to even grind for any of the rewards in it since I will have to spend tons of hours just to get to lvl 30 or 40 and to top it all the exp system doesn’t reward you with a ton of exp. As a F2P player that has never spent a single penny on this game I can’t continue to play this game. I get less rewards for my time invested in playing the game then before. The old reward system for me was the best and a lot of people believe the same.
I cannot in good conscious recommend this game to any of my friends or anyone for that matter. There are a lot better card games out there such as Gwent, Legends of Runeterra, Magic the Gathering, ect,
I am sorry blizzard, but I can no longer continue to play HearthStone in the state that it is right now and I believe many people would agree.
I am sad and I am disappointed to see how far you have fallen Blizzard. :frowning:

Sincerely a long devoted fan.


I hate any time they have that vanilla tavern brawl, it’s so boring.

It’s a weird time to complain about the rewards considering currently your time gets the most it ever has. People’s complaint is that they are front loaded to make them appear good. So in the week since they were out you should have got about 1200 gold worth of stuff (700 actual gold), compared to 350 on the old system. It’s over the course of the expansion that people believe it’s a rip off.

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‘’ because there were less RNG cards and it required you to play smart and predict what your opponent is going to do next turn. ‘’

:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:
Great Comment !!!

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I’m with you bud, really starting to question my loyalty to the game. It’s early days so Blizzard may have something special planned.

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About every game nowadays is build for the “mediocre player” to be able to compete in competitive modes, without needing to have skills or spend a lot of time on it. The only requirement to compete is spending money on microtransactions.

I hope so, because I really like the game and it would be a total shame if they don’t do anything about it.

So you have never contributed to the development or up keep of the game, but request they change for you?

You barely win 5 games in a month? Even as a casual player i can win 5 games on day its released.

Your literally playing a game for FREE and complain the system is greedy? Honestly, thats just beyond ridiculous


Yeah, on the first week, then it incrementally slows down. If you consider for example a 3 month period, completing just your daily quest in the old system it gave much more.

Depends which 3 months, how fast your games are and how high your wr is.

If you do your daily quests playing long drawn out games that you always lose, the new system gives you more, no matter which 3 month period you’re taking.

As I’ve said I think I’m gona be even but I can’t be bothered to work out the fine detail. All I know is that I need to hit level 50 with about 7 weeks left, to reach level 75 (7950 gold), so I’ve got 10 weeks to get there (if this is a 17 week cycle, 17, 17 ,18 make up the year in theory). I’m already at level 20 but as you say it ramps up in weird increments up until 50 so it seems pointless to work it out, so I’ll just have to wait and see.

all I have to say about you and your reply is: :poop:

Unfortunately Hearthstone ruined it since naxxramas came. Blizzard didnt realize it yet and keep doing new expansion without aware about it. It is sad!

My friend, the game is way to expensive to support. You buy a bundle for 80 bucks and you get a 4 rogue legendaries, but oh wait you remember that you never play rogue because you don’t like the deck type and bam, you just wasted 80 bucks for nothing


He has invested his time into playing the game. And he is right, F2Players have gotten the short end of the stick over the years.

RegisKillbin is a popular streamer and Youtuber who plays Hearthstone and he has said for a long time that Hearthstone is too expensive.

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One part of it is sustaining certain livestyles to a select few amount of people :wink:

h ttps://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/bobby-koticks-house/

Blizzard like money, why are you surprised that the game is going toward pay to win? If you want something for free, Blizzard games are not for you!

How it “pay to win”?
You could have every card in the game and still lose to a cheap basic face hunter.

They don’t care about alienating people that don’t pay. All R&D is focused on how to trick people into spending too much money on pixels.

I was trying out some new cards today and Safety Inspector is a perfect example of how little effort is put into the game design front. Clearly it would be very easy to code this card to do what people expect it to do; replace a low impact card from your hand with a card from your deck. Out of, what I imagine, must be pure laziness the card can draw the card you’re shuffling into the deck. The card isn’t strong enough to warrant this “nerf” and from a gameplay perspective it doesn’t make sense to allow for a 1 in 23 “oopsie” experience unless you’re just too lazy to code it properly.

I presumed that’s how Safety Inspector worked because the shuffle into your deck and draw a card are on the card as 2 different consecutive sentences, so there’s not even any ambiguity as to the fact that the card is shuffled in first. I do agree that it would make more sense as a card if it had different text and you couldn’t get the card back.

you should take in what players are saying. i see less and less people playing the game. your game is broken and you making it worse. i bet this will fall on deaf ears as if you did care about every player, you would have a better balance in game play. i see how greedy you guys have become and making the game worse than ever before.

A bunch of clowns working at blizzard.

you should take in what players are saying. i see less and less people playing the game. your game is broken and you making it worse. i bet this will fall on deaf ears as if you did care about every player, you would have a better balance in game play. i see how greedy you guys have become and making the game worse than ever before.

A bunch of clowns working at blizzard. Fix your game