These imbeciles are too much now, They don’t give up their attitude until the end of the game. You should find a solution for this DEAR GREAT BLIZZ TEAM !!!
For example if this problem occurs 4 times then time per round should decrease, If this player is always like this, drop his rank after 1 match.
You need to find a solution to these imbeciles.
blud sometimez manz using the bathroom or someting u know
bathroom? those idiots keeps u waiting to throw 1 mana card in 1st round at the end of the round. no bathroom, just malicious skinny virgin no lifers with glasses, checked grandmasters , 99% players are 1 hit and ambulance.
Well, if they’re sitting there sipping from their glasses, then sooner or later, they’ll have to use the bathroom.
Bathroom Lol. I guess there are millions of people suffering from bowel and bladder problems. Too many people actually play like this until the game is over. Will blizz’s amazing team find a solution to this ? I do not think so.
Not saying that I am doing that because I chose a different path (uninstalling this “game” which I refuse to call hearthstone)
but some might just think "if you are trashy enough to play this overpowered deck like the rest of those sheep/lemmings and therefore fcking up the current meta, then I will slow down your game to the point of making you mad just like you made ME mad…
I was honestly thinking about doing similar things vs questline mages but then I thought, meh, why throw oil into the fire. Just quit this mess and pick a different timepass…
so thats what I did.
I occasionally check for new patchnotes but until this absolute clownsfiesta gets fixed,
there is no point getting annoyed with it. I had to learn similar lessons first in heroes of the storm ranked and overwatch (well here I could at least carry myself to master with soldier-76 to some extent. But that was also SEVERAL patches and new heroes ago. Installed the game recently, loled about the matchmaking in qm and uninstalled again. I recommend the same for all the players who are angry with one more more of blizzard’s games.
Save yourself the unnecessary frustration and anger. just uninstall.
I’m the type of player who likes to think about the possibilities and consider all my options for those possibilities before I play anything unless I have no other options.
Although when I’ve done that, I normally play my stuff at a rather quick pace.
I’m not saying that everyone who plays slowly does things like that. But it’s more probable than doing it out of spite. They don’t know who you are, thus they have zero reason to play slow for you specifically.
The player has 3 or 4 cards in his hand, He deliberately exhibits the same behavior until the game is over. He presses the end turn key at the last second. ( throughout the whole game )
Even if he only has one card left. There are too many players like this right now. It’s clear they did it on purpose.
There needs to be a solution to this but I do not think so.
PS: They found a solution to this in a card game whose name I don’t remember. Blizz and solution, LoL.
May I ask what deck you’re playing? If It’s Quest mage/warlock/shaman this is totally acceptable behaviour. People are sick of theese stupid decks and are making your experience just as miserable as you make theirs.
On a more serious note, just as someone else mentioned someone people like to plan further turns, plan for upcoming bordstates etc. This is a turnbased game which requires planning (unless you play the before mentioned meta decks ofc). If you have a problem with this I would suggest moving to a different gamestyle, FPS games maybe?
I play 6,5 year, Thousands of people play this way. ( maybe more ) The player has 2 cards in hand and is making a plan. I’m just laughing at your comment. I think you should play lemmings. Better.
First it was 3-4 cards now It’s 2. Make up your mind. You make it sound like It’s only cards in hand that matters, you have to plan according to current boardstate etc aswell.
I don’t see how It’s relevant how long you’ve played the game.
3-4-5 it does not matter. the opponent has 4 cards in hand and plans for 1 hour, (each turn) If there is a problem with understanding, ok ( 60- 70 iq player ) but I don’t think so. Because they don’t press the end turn key until the game is over and they wait.
I think you are planning for 1 hour with 3 cards in your hand.
Ofcourse turns 3-5 matter. Also, turntimer is 75 seconds not one hour, guess you got that wrong aswell.
yes i misunderstood, actually i knew it as 2 hours. 75 seconds is too short, what are we going to do now?
Screw this game and screw everyone who decided that hey let us put a broken quest warlock in stormwind expansion without giving much of a choice to counter it. Trust me the people running the show currently are ignorant, clueless, incompetent and unprofessional beyond words and measure. I have quitted the game and have no intention of ever returning back based on the frustration and depression I went through. I hope one of those imbeciles I mentioned gets to read this and feel some shame. Because I am not the only old veteran who have had to delete a game that they have loved and played for YEARS.
I don’t agree with OP that all player that play slow make it out of spite, but I don’t agree with with you as well. We all get it and see it on the professional scene where players take their time to plan ahead. I get that, but tell me how is planning ahead when you have 3 cards in your had and all of them are 2 mana cost cards that don’t have any decisive impact on the game? And after the rope starts you play all 3 of them immediately just so you have some bodies on the board?
Also, you said that people do this against Quest shammy/warlock…Those are the people doing it. For example, I play Big Warrior, Miracle Druid and Aggro Druid and my opponent has 2 spells in hand (without any impact on the following turns, just a spell that he didn’t play at the right time) and still does that.
Out there, we have tacticians but we have more and more out of spite players who just have no respect for others
They are terrorists not players.
You have no idea what the word “terrorism” means, clearly.
I have no issue with people actually thinking about their moves.
But ever since the whole reward rework there are way too many people wich just afk and purposely wait until the last second of every single round.
Why do they do that? Because you no longer get 10 gold per 3 wins. You earn experience based on your time played, but don’t get anything extra for winning. So people will just afk and waste as much time as possible in the modes wich earn the most xp.
Could it be a bot. Blizz gives xp for gold based on how long you are playing. I have noticed a significant increase is slow plays since they started doing it. Sometimes their deck has no plays first 3 turns (druid) yet the clock ticks down to nearly over then they hit end turn button. I’m sure it’s a new bot and they aren’t even playing. Just log in 8 hours later and collect reward gold.