i really don’t understand what you are trying to point out, if it wasnt 50/50 you wouldnt enjoy the game…
for most of the players thats true, but for the players who like challenges and want to play based on skill (where winrate could be 70-30 for example) they can’t, because the draws and enemies will be not RNG ones but counters and bad draws.
If blizzard would have real randoms everywhere (on draws, on enemies) then 50-50 wont be the main/average winrate number in records
take 2 side for example:
u are playing with deck A (you are over 50% wr) you will be matched against deck B which is your counter and you will lose and you get back around 50% wr (we all know approximately which deck has which counters etc.)
on the other hand deck B guy has lower than 50% so he will be matched against you with deck A, where he will crush you and he also gets back to 50%
so tell me who enjoys this, if the enemy you will face will be a lower one just to get you around 50% ? because this won’t be because you are skilled, this will be because the game forces the 50-50%. I think this is the opposite what players want.
I want to be matched only based on MMR not on a WR. If i s.ck at the game because my deck is sh.t, fine, i’ll take it, but if i s.ck because there is a 50-50 rule, thats not OK
yea don’t worry about that lol, no one can maintaine a winrate of 70%+ for 100+ games if you stay near 60% you are to 100+ and honestly the RNG is a very small part since we all experience the same RNG
sometimes we build decks that just aint cut for the current meta, then we adjust them and try again, its not the MMR of the game thats broken, it’s our decks.
this is where we disagree.
tell me why is that, that a deck (talking about mine) which had 70% winrate till i got D5 dropped to 10% against the same decks ?
at D5 you will still face against secret mage, the 2 priest deck (5/5 summoner and the shadow one), odd pala, discard/zoo lock, fatigue lock, spell druid, or druid with 1 million minions 90% or more that time, only 10% is a unique deck like in any other rank I was
because now you play against players of equal skill level as yourself.
Like i said you can’t maintain a winrate of 70%+ in long distances saying 100+ games, it would just be unfair, thats why it’s kept 50/50 to keep all the heroes in play, and making sure we all enjoy the game
again i say. its not skill that i cannot draw the card what i want, nor muligan.
you know how much time i muligan back the same cards now on D5? you know how much time most of the card draw are just imposible bad draws at D5? 80% for me. this is not skill, this is the “luck” factor or RNG we can say which is rigged.
if it would be skill then shouldn’t be so big gap between D5-1 and D5-10, that rank change there turned to be the opposite for me like 30-70 but more likely less win (based on tracker is 20%) this is not a skill issue
you have to be able to win with more than 1 set of mulligans, even starting with 2 cards thats +4 can win you games depending on your class and opposition, you just have to know how and when to mulligan the right cards, which is a huge part of the game
an example for you, if you have normal mana curve (lets say optimal/good), then what you do if you get the highest cards back and then 1by1 for each turn till you get smashed? thats not skill, you can’t do anything with high cards on low mana rounds because you cant put a single minion on the board, thats RNG and there is no RNG which turns into mayhem from 1 day to another
my decks never contain more than 3 +7 drops so if i start out with those 3 my hand can only get better for each turn, the odds is for sure against me, but it’s hs and you will most likely get the chance to bounch back at some point
for instance, i play alot of hunter, warrior is my worst enemy, so i know i cant really play anything in turn 1, unless i got the coin, and i cant really go in the face, cause then he will draw cards even faster, so i usally get my secrets up first, then i spawn 2-3 minions at once with different healtpools, always 1 of them with 1 hp, that way he cant deal with my bord the first rounds, and i can make sure to set up the perfect board before i attack him, and most likely i’ve killed him in around turn 8
but if you have the 7 mana cards after muligan in you hands and you get the highest cards from the pack for the first 3-4 round, i think you are dead. this is the case for me in the last 100 games in this month after i hit D5. what a surprise, i bet if i play till end of the month i will have around 50% all together.
btw i rather enjoy a game with 30-70% if its skilled based rather than a game where i know i will win and where i know i will lose because of the 50-50
over 90% of the time nowadays i can tell you after 1 or 2 round that i will lose or win
but the thing is you dont know if you will win or lose, untill its over, i’ve done the most insane combacks, and also lost in the most insane ways, thats just part of the game and we cant do nothing bout that, but it’s not like you encounter those kinda games each game, and therfor playing a strong deck that you are very good at navigating through is essential, you cant just hope for a good rng game, skills beat rng in more than 9 outta 10 games.
Is Hearthstone a game of Skill or complete luck?
you are wrong, you can win more games and if you didn’t give up, but played to the end, without doing anything stupid, because you’re already tired, you would win more. Good luck and stop believing in this
maybe for you but not for me, its the opposite
then you need to adjust your deck and or playstyle
i dont give up, never said it , start reading it again
tell you what will happen not equals i will accept it
This “algorithm” you speak of is only affecting you then.
Most of your points are being chipped away, because frankly, they are made from your own personal experience.
Your going through a bad run, is happens, blizzard are not out to get you or anyone else.
Like Zirpoopalot says, you may need to adjust your deck and playstyle for D5
he is right, you just play too much on one deck, try faster decks, if you play mage, you need to play with what destroys you in order to understand more how to act against it
see, we actually ain’t trying to troll you, we actually try to make you improve at the game, we all felt like you do at one point.