Algorithm behind game to force you to lose

The algorithm which is used to keep you in the same place on the ladder is absolutely ridiculous and so f…kin visible. There is no such a random in the world what sh.tzard uses. If you need to lose, then you will lose. No question. If anyone denies this, then it’s a sh.tzard troll or a dumb person. This game is about money (just like a slot machine, and everybody knows how slot machine, gambling works, if not google it).

  • Wonder why there is no report system in the game? - because they doesn’t care about your crying
  • Sometimes you are facing with a bot - you can’t deny nor confirm, but when you see the mouse movement etc. it’s clearly visible
  • Of course random people (which is really a true random) can climb up and get more progress on the ladder, also gambling logic/rule, it’s mandatory
  • Every other game has chat, but not HS, wonder why? see couple reasons for this above
  • If you are near a milestone (need 1 win for next 5 limit), you have bad cards on draw through rounds and enemy just get the right ones - ez lose, to force you go back on the ladder
  • Picking a class and cards, then who will be the enemy? ofc your counter, using the same one for 3-4 games, still just fkin counters, then switching for a new hope, baaam counter again which would definitely lose against the first class

I hope somebody will have the balls and will step out from the dev team (which maintenance this algorithm, my bet is 1-2 people only, just to be sure it won’t get out to the world, highly payed ones) and will tell the truth about this money-hungry company.


WOW! I kind of can comfirm this. Of course it cannot be proved with tangible evidence. It is a golden egge mmake for Blizzard for sure, and if they run a “hardening” algorthym they probably will not announce it to the people. I am really curious what would a Blizzard employee say about this.


nothing for sure, or they get fined life-long

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I know how you are feeling in a big way.

For years I couldn’t get to legend, I got close so many times and fell short at the final hurdle.

Eventually I did get through, and on more then one occasion so it stopped feeling like the game was rigged.

This season has been really wierd. I can’t hit legend, I have been to D1 about 7 times and then get battered back. I have even ended up at D5 again!

It really does feel like the game is against me. My decks are being matched against counter decks on a regular basis, too regular to be a coincidence. I have been changing decks regularly to counter what seems to be my regular opponents and I just get countered.

I am really baffled this season. I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories but what I’ve seen this month is really starting to sway me.

The problem I have in thinking Blizzard is fixing it is why would they?

Money? If everyone is pissed off they spend less money, surely.

It’s still early days yet so I will keep persevering with my legend assault, if I do make it I have definitely earned it.


for ur questions:
fixing this: this is not a bug, it’s intended do work like this
money: it’s the same addiction as in gambling, there are plenty of studies how this works, but I think you also know it
sure, keep an eye on it, but this is clearly visible in my eyes how sh.tzard “cheats” the game

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Hi Mate, it has nothing to do how I feel. I am not really interrested in climbing. However, it would be nice to go down to (see what the big boys are doing (legend rank). My problem is that regardless of my skills if the opponent has lucky draws, I can shove it up it up in my buttocks… So, sum it up, I honestly belive as well that there is hardening algorythm, which is constantly being updated to keep people in the lopp and FORCE them purchase the merchandising.
Even though we cannot do aginst this, acknowledging it would be a decent move. They would stil make the 1.5 Billion anually…

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Yeah they will keep making billions because muppets like me keep spending loads of money on this game.

The sad thing about legend rank is that once you hit D3, you can be matched against legend players. It happened to me this month. I beat some guy really heavily and he sent me a friend request. I accepted and he was already legend rank.

To me this is wrong, how can I be matched against legend players when I’m at D3. It’s one thing I really dislike about the ranking system. You also notice it in legend rank. If you are at the bottom of the stack, you get placed against non legend rank players because you can see ranks. I don’t agree with that, I preferred the old system in which you played people in the same rank, seems fairer

Now it goes on your win rate, so eventually, instead of hitting legend, you hit other players who are a lot higher rank then you.

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Actually the system was the same on the old system once you hit legend as that was always matched by mmr, so you’d frequently had high non-legends vs low legends (I found the legend players easier as they were less “hungry”). Here’s an extreme example

Anyway to the opening post, which position am I being held in again?

The more you win, the better you’re opponents should be, so the less you should win.

I get that you just want to face bad players, with bad decks every game but that get’s boring very quickly. Pretty much the reason why up until the ladder restructure I would meme to 15 every month. If I’m gona be up against weak opponents, might as well play an entertaining deck.

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I see you don’t get it what I said. I am not saying the others should be bad players. I am talking about “luck” in this game. Bad player not equals bad draw. After hitting Plat 5 (3 days ago) I had 73% winrate, now with the same deck I have 23%. What a surprise, that now every game I have counters, if not then I don’t get the “starting” cards just later useable ones even with muligan, and ofc the enemy has everything in every turn for every situation, with the same deck. 50% degradation in winrate is a “bit” suspicious. I am not mad if I lose (it’s in the game), I am only mad if I lose in weird way continuously, like now.


Not sure I follow. In the old system, you played someone same rank or one higher or lower.

New system you can play any rank. I was matched against someone 4 ranks higher. As I’m trying to hit legend, this does not help me in my climb.

I know it’s the same for everyone but I’ve had a really bad time on the ladder, had some crushing losses and losing streak. Not sure what’s happened. Oh well, I’ll keep plugging away, still plenty of time to hit the big L.

That is absolutely crazy regarding that YouTube video, I call fake. How is that possible? If it’s real, my guess is he automatically quit each game for several hours right after hitting legend so the game matched him with a newbie rank according to mmr. Just goes to show the system is not correct, we should be playing similar ranks, not according to games won.

Glad to see you came here with an open mind, looking for honest and open exchange of ideas.
Since you already decided you are right and everyone who disagrees deserves to be called names, I’m not even going to bother responding to your unfounded allegations about rigged gameplay.

All games I know that have a chat function also require extra staff to handle the insane toxicity. Look in the forums how upset some people already get over a “Well Played” emote. Imagine what would happen if I could actually type “gg, wp”. at them. Or “wow, you were so lucky with that topdeck”.
I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that in this game.

There is.
If someone sends a friend request, then sends some nasty ugliness and then quickly removes you as a friend, I always recommend that you go to the Social tab in the battle-net client, where you can review the message and right-click to report it.


That’s because in the old system you were not set back all the way to the start of the ladder. A legend player would be set back to rank 4, along with other legend players. A rank 4 player would start their season at 8. Etc.
This had one down side. A legend player could sit out the first week or the season. By then most other legend players would be back at 2 or better. And some of the players that are skill-capped at 3 would be at 4 by then. Then this player could queue up and get a lot of easy wins. Nice for them. Frustrating for their opponents.

In the new system this would have been even worse. Everyone is reset to Bronze 10 at the start. Match by rank, and the first day of each season will have legend players pitted against people who never make it out of Silver. Not fun for anyone.
So now you are matched on MMR, regardless of rank. MMR is a score kept internally, similar to how e.g. ATP points work for pro tennis players. Each match adds or subtracts MMR score based on result and MMR of your opponent.
So now, when a legend player takes a week off at the start of the season, they’ll still be matched to other legend players. Even though the one that took the week off is at Bronze 10, and the other is already well underway to renew their legend status.

(This is also why Blizzard doesn’t show the opponent’s rank anymore for non-legend players; they figured it would cause too much confusion. Too bad they still do show it for legend players, and now still get the confusion).

First of all, this was in 2017, many changes have gone in the game since.
And your theory is easily confirmed. If you watch the video, you’ll see that it says in the corner of the screen: “Concedes: 858”.
So yes, this person deliberately conceded many matches in succession to get the footage they wanted for their video.

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Many many people I spoke with in the last months share the same opinion, and many of them quit the game because of this. The numbers are increasing who are thinking the same.

Are you a child to not able to handle the toxicity? Just ignore it, block it, or set profanity filter. Also blizz have auto-bots for reporting/punishing toxic behaviour in chat. Extra staff? What a biiiiig thing it will be for blizzard which earns the most money from microtransactions. So sad blizzard sooo sad… really u think they dont have money for it? it would be just like a penny for u.

Please tell me Mr smart one, how can I report a player who burns the rope every round, or clearly visible there is a bot behind the player? What you think whats the percentage that he/she will accepts the friend request? I tell you 0%.

Now if you can say something new or something which maybe softens my opinion dont hesitate, but till now, it was complete bullsh.t.


Nah it’s real, the ranked matching didn’t apply to legend players, they were matched based on the hidden mmr of that season. So if you reached legend and then lost a bunch you started facing people further and further down the ranks. No real benefit to it, as you’d get so little mmr for winning at that point that you wouldn’t climb any points.

Are you a cry-baby for not being able to spew yours in game?
And is that why you retort to calling people who happen to have a different opinion from your “troll”, “dumb”, “child”, “mr smart one”? Because you can’t do that in game?
And does it make you feel all grown up and smart that you figure out all by yourself and without adult help that you can get around the profanity filters by replacing a letter with a dot? Do you feel really big now that you get to use all the words your mommy forbids you to use?
Small hint, you are still violating the forum code of conduct and risk getting kicked off the forums. I personally am not going to miss you.

You can’t because they’re not breaking rules.

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  • “spew yours in game” wtf are u talking about?
  • i don’t care toxicity, coz i ignore peoples saying rude words or just doesn’t care about them what they are saying
  • “And does it make you feel all grown up and smart that you figure out all by yourself and without adult help that you can get around the profanity filters by replacing a letter with a dot? Do you feel really big now that you get to use all the words your mommy forbids you to use?” funny you talk about insulting how bad it is, then you do it…kinda ironic…
  • small hint: this topic is not for you, coz you are the one, who denies the story of the topic. you proved it, that you are one of the “blizzard-fans”, because u still talk about useless things and not about the thing which this topic meant for…congrat…hope blizzard pays you enough to buy more banana
  • “You can’t because they’re not breaking rules” lack of knowledge how community works in different games then blizzard, where you can report people who are teamkilling mates like in FPS games, yeah doesn’t break the rule, but still ruin games…but as I see you are blindfolded and you can’t see the forrest for the trees
    and btw i don’t care if they are not banned but put them together with the other rope-burners so they can burn their rope together forever
  • thanks for pointing out the useless report system blizzard has which never gives back any feedback to you whether they banned or not the one who you reported for, or was the report successful or not, no feedback = you can hide, what you want, like doing nothing with the reports

Hey, you said it yourself, anyone who disagrees with you is a shill and a troll and an idiot and what-have-you.
Ad hominems like that prove you have no actual proof, you just spew what you want and expect people to take you seriously.

I’m happy there is no chat in this game. Just because I can handle toxicity, doesn’t mean I should have to.

… and then you go on to respond to my deliberate taste of your own medicine.
Thanks for proving my point.

I’m done in this thread. Spew all the filth you want. I won’t respond anymore.

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you know what, i turn back your “smart” question: prove that there isn’t any
so? ohh wait you can’t, now bye

So for a small sample of games you had a high win rate and then for an even smaller sample of games, against statistic stronger opponents, you had a low win rate. If you see that as suspicious then fair enough, I just don’t.

I see the number of games tracked on HSReplay (11.25 M this week, 1.4M today) and chose to believe that if it were rigged, it’d be impossible to hide as doing it a little, let alone by how much you’re suggesting, would be obvious with so many games being tracked.