Just stop responding people. It’s blatantly obvious that this person is a shill from a competing company, paid (probably not much seeing how wildly unsuccessful he/she is) to smear Blizzard.
Just stop feeding the troll. Let them have the last word, then leave the thread to wither and die.
ofc Blizzard monkey wants that to hide the rigged algorithm behind the scenes. i wont let this topic die, but u can go away and defend blizzard more in another topic where they are blindfolded as u (or paid as u)
i see you are still strugling to hit legend
Oh well, try to have fun, or find a game that gives you a smile on.
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just read back and report for getting ur daily banana
blad manz need to petition blizz to release the MMR algo swer down
funny you can’t even speak human language
Beast, that’s the best thing you’ve ever said. I think we should be able to see our MMR.
Stats like that should be available for all to see as it has a huge impact on people’s perception of the game.
It would also make match making more transparent so people won’t believe in crazy conspiracy theories. As long as we get a detailed breakdown of how the MMR is calculated so it can be fact checked.
Sadly, I don’t think we will see it.
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I agree with you in all.
see this shame every day i play HS. I love HS but some time is too much.
I fail to see how this game is rigged.
Let’s get something out of the way.
If you’ve lost, that means that your opponent has won.
But your opponent is not some evil bot, he’s flesh and blood just like you.
Bitter losses will always be more memorable than easy victories; it’s not hard to understand.
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I don’t think MMR is even viable in hearthstone though, because of the amount of RNG, net decking and people trying out new decks in ranked.
80% of the skill in this game is deck building, and 90% of the player base just play whatever net deck is hot right now. The last 20% is down to not making errors and card draw; at higher ranks/legend my win/loss experience is pretty much 100% down to card draw and outcomes of card RNG. Most people who hit legend do it off the tailcoats of a pro players time and effort in creating a deck.
Take into account a player could just try their luck with a meme deck for a while and tank their MMR, and just the fact that people just go on lucky RNG streaks (myself included), it’s very hard to show accurate MMR in this game.
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When on a losing streak I tend to think this game is rigged. However in doing so you lose sight of all the times you have won. One thing I find baffling is the matchmaking. Last week I tried mage for a couple games and was paired with mage. When I changed to another class the same thing occurred.
You can talk and talk about things not be arranged, and that the only reason you loose are that everybody play the game better then you.
I think that it is proved that something is wrong when you 5 out of 6 times meet an opponent, that have 2 of the same cards in there deck that will win, if they are played in turn 1 to 3, and by some kind of magic they play them.
What make it interesting for me is that i have used a good deal of money on this game, and it is like they try to force me to use more by keeping me at the same spot on the ladder.
When i come to a certain place on the ladder, i only meet deck that are designed to beat the deck i play, it doesn’t matter which one of my deck i play ( and yes i have checked if those deck are designed to beat my deck), and like by magic they drew exact the 2 cards in the first few rounds that are needed to beat me.
The 1 out of alot of games where they don’t, i will normally win.
I normally just tell myself, i must be the worst player ever in HS, because whenever i play the deck, that just beat me, i never draw those good cards, that my opponent draws.
Something else that i have discovered, is that i in alot of games i meet somebody called “Your opponent”, there must be lots and lots of players out there, that have decided that they will call themself “Your opponent” or it “might” be one of the computer generated players.
So yes i think there is kind of algorithm behind the game, and i even think that there are more then one, depending on which type of player you are, and that there are much more computer generated players in the game, then ppl imagine, as i have started to meet the same opponents, with stranges names more often then any probability, should allow.
If there IS an algorithm behind matching decks based on what class you play, you rebuild your deck and stop playing braindead net decks. If the normal deck for hunter is face, play control. If the normal deck for warlock is control, play aggro.
This has helped me hit legend multiple times, not only for the fact that it gives me advantages over the net decks in the meta, but people mulligan incorrectly against you also. Ultimately win/loss at high ranks is mostly RNG unless you’re building your own deck to counter the meta, and it’s just something you’ve got to live with.
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I can see your point, but it doesn’t really change the situation that i am talking about. Certain deck is almost impossible to beat, even if you are playing you own deck, that’s what make those deck, so good, so even that i almost never play a directly copied deck, i will still be in the same situation with those deck.
That’s what i talk about when i say, that those deck are made to counter my deck.
But as said in my earlier post, i think it is there, mostly because it is easy to do, you just need something that read both players hands and decks, and then basically ensure that 1 of the deck is countered, and face it the game is made to make money, not because somebody wants other ppl to have fun.
I actually only wrote my post because ppl was throwing the idea of an algorithme and computer created opponents away, even that it is the most logically option, because the game are made to make money, even that some ppl don’t want to admit it, and those thing will be the easiest way to optimize that goal.
I don’t complain, as i said i throw it off, just saying " i am the worst player, that ever played this game", but i understand that ppl get frustrated, when they feel that they get manipulated.
I honestly expected that there would be something like those 2 things in the game when i started to play, and fully accepted the possibility that those things was there, because anything else would be stupid, because it will be an easy way to ensure a flow of cash.
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I just made 10 consecutive wins in Wild with Secret Rogue.
Am I really that lucky, or am I playing well?
It’s easy to say; it’s just luck.
But it isn’t.
The fun thing is that ppl that seems to do well, always think, it is because they are the fantastic at what they do, and ppl that do bad mostly think it is bad luck.
I just hit the next tier and i can tell your surely it is not because i am the best player in the world.
The only reason for me hitting the next tier are simly because i magically got all my combo’s, even that i played 3 different self designed deck.
I have never got so many draw card and towers to slow down my opponent, but i still don’t claim that i won because i am a fantastic player, no i won because, i suddently got all my combos.
So call it what you want, random luck or algorithm, but if you don’t get the card you need, you will be loosing, especially if you play against a decent opponent, because you can’t cover all possibilities in your deck.
I will still claim that Blizzard are stupid, if they don’t optimize the game, so they can make ppl buy as much as possible, and one of the easiest ways are to put in one or more algorithms, just like facebook does, to ensure thing goes like they want.
But there will always be luck of the draw in a card game.
This is not Chess, and thank God for that.
The skill is not in what you draw but how you use it to your advantage. There are many ways to play a given hand.
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It is very difficult for humans to accept that their own choices led to failure. Our brain is hard-wired by evolution to cope the minimum with failure and the maximum with success. Just note, in your normal day-to-day life, how often people say that someone else’s success was something other than their ability but their own success to be due to ability only.
Draw “luck” evens out over time. The higher the sample, the more even it will be as has been demonstrated by statistics since 1713. However, it is more likely that someone notices bad luck on a small sample due to the bias I explained than to acknowledge that card draw is even over time.
Add more biases, like pattern recognition and correlation vs causation in the form of agency, and you have a bunch of people that don’t accept that their results are not the result of their bad decisions.
All this to say that a lot of salty people won’t believe you, even if you are right.
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If i understand you right Vlad, you are saying that it is like flipping a coin, it should technically be 50/50 when you do it 100 times, but the thruth is, that it seldom is that. To hit close to the 50/50 you will need to flip the coin alot more then 100 time in most cases.
The knowledge of your decks combos and possibilities means alot, which means playing the same deck alot of times, both to see if you combos work and to discover combos, that you not even knew where there, give a huge advantage.
I basically look at the idea in the the different decks, i see online, and then make my own based on that idea, which means my deck will never be as strong as the one they made, so i have to know it very well to optimize my play.
I will still stand by what i said about earning money, Blizzard made this game to earn money, and when you think about how easy it is to make both bots and different algoritmes, it will seem very strange if they haven’t done that to optimize their revenue.