and i stand by those quotes even though you took em outta context. if you spend half the time re-playing your games to find the mistakes you do, oh wait, narcissists never makes mistakes right. oh well, you could of spend the time to improve your skills instead of whining about conspiracys.
replaying tons of games where rng is rigged and you don’t draw the secrets 7from30 for example continuously for 5-10 rounds games by games prooves me, its just an example for you, but defend blizzard more plz plz plz tell me more story about ur legend rank ur life. be our life coach master… if you woke up eat ur banana
if you only know how to win games with 1 set of mulligans, maybe you aint made for legend yet.
such an obvious troll u are , the bad thing in this, you can’t see how big slave u are
lol you really are one sad person, anyone who knows this game beyond d5-1 will look at you as the troll. and sure im a slave haha unlike you i play this game for fun, so who’s the slave? lol lol lol
i never play wild. and i don’t play meta i make my own decks, don’t need any help. the only problem is bad card draw, i am not bad in reading and how fights can be. and i don’t want to install a program (decktracker) i do not trust it.
seems that 80% off this community don’t want to use any skill but play mage or priests, i get angry often but i have to keep it for myself. if i post it here i get banned, and on reddit also i think. but those priests and mages must watch in a mirror and thinking how sad they play a game. if you can’t do better or you don’t want to use a brain but playing like this sad way. demon hunters the same but i don’t see them often. ppl don’t care how they reach legend, but i would not be proud if i reach legend with a OP class. same as winning a race with a ferrari against a fiat panda. just sad if you have to win this way.
sometimes i feel forced to play those classes myself but i won’t do it. it’s the same as joining the enemys in a war. if you can’t win.
but this game is addicted so i stay with it. i hope i can pay the mini card set. i need new cards but out of dust. 1 bad golden legendary card would be more then welcome.
i just got achievement for 4 winning in a row (ranked only i think) my streak got ended by a mage ofc, he had 1 hp left.
ohw and the game always search a counter so i removed the cards that remove a weapon (green ooze) and weapon stealing card, so i got a shaman opponent. when i had those cards in my deck i only faced a 1 i think. in the time it was populair.
look dictionary meaning the word slave and put here “blizzard …” on the dots under ur signiture, that will fit
lol, honestly i dont care what yuo think, you dont know me, and i would prolly not like you irl. i bet you are one of those crazy q-anon folowers who think they “found the truth” without ever reading a single book themself lol. gl on your climb, seems like you will need it lol.
the problem u mentioned is an existing one, it’s annoying true, but in my case i really dont care if enemy plays a netdeck from the main sites (they usually play it 90% of the players, i can say without specific rank)
my problem is the “luck” factor in this game as mentioned couple times before which is rigged in the past couple years and getting more and more rigged
that’s why ppl play loser decks, normally it’s 50/50 but with a priest or a mage they hope to avoid the 50/50 and make it maybe 70/50 so they do not use a brain or skill but a OP deck to give them more wins then keep the balance. this is a sad move in my opinion. but players only care for legend. why are there so many cheaters in games? they want to be as good as a pro. they only care for the win but not how they reach it. i will never do this, i want to get better but in a fair way.(i want to get better in call of duty) for hearthstone i only care about loot and reaching silver 10 every month for free card and card pack.
same for evolve shaman, it was or is OP and many players wanted to play it.
thats why i don’t play meta. if i want legend i had create a meta deck. but it is too expensive. and i am not even playing a year hearthstone.
its not true. Game not force you to lose
you can’t reason with this guy, hes a lost case lol.
says the one who denies everything as a “non-blizzard” user without showing any proof of your truth sure mate, but don’t forget to eat ur banana before u leave
70/30 not 70/50 but i get ur point, the fact is, they wont even have that, they still remain on 50-50…or aroundish
i also dont like netdecks, because it’s brainless, you wont get legend with ur skill but with other players skill/knowledge and yeah, in every game there are players and also in real life where peoples climbing up on others shoulder…
your reason was “the game is not rigged you are salty” = blizzard troll, i send you 1 more banana above what u get from blizzard if you go away because u maxed out the dumbfactor
loool, why and how would i provide such evidence? you make the claim, you provide the evidence to back up your case, that the game is rigged. Pls im waiting. Quit being a follower start being independent, Q-anon is a hoax.
you read all the messages i wrote you said it, so u have the answer…ahhh i know its not in you contract to read back i get it…sorry for u slave
haha you truly are a lost case. i’ve tried to explain to you that it’s called MMR, you can look it up. thats my evidence, now show me yours.
and that MMR system help you from meeting players like me, we would make your life is HS so sad lol. So be glad it’s there.
big evidence, but from this point, i take ur comments as a placeholder, because i am not payed to comment useless things like you, see ya troll
have fun rookie, don’t let that q-anon bs lead you to follow the wrong path.
so you have to craft cards. how? from dust. how i get dust? from disenchanting cards. how i get cards which i can disenchant? you need to buy it = money
the above thing is an example, where money comes into play. and ofc this is not general thing (but players do it), and because people are lazy they dont want to grind that money day by day to buy the 100 gold pack (F2P) so they will rush into store and buy packs for real money