Algorithm behind game to force you to lose

matchmaking must be fixed i get now for 6 months or more only matches against mages and priests.

You playing Wild?

I’ve heard that a lot in that format, only decks worth playing are priest and mage.

yae, must be wild format, otherwise i would love to get your meta lol

my friend has noticed that patterned many years ago. i remember he had some specific strat changing decks and some certain q so the game wont make him lose on purpose

good one, that’s all a conspiracy your friend made up himself though, i play mostly hunter and i don’t have to change deck to “avoid” to lose, you can’t win all games that’s just the way it works, if you make silly mistakes yes the game will punish you in most cases and you will lose, that silly mistake can be done already when you choose the mulligan in your starting hand. theres is no such thing as the game forcing you to lose.

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sure, just ignore the fact hearthstone is about money…no more fact for u because u will deny it in any case

no one said it doesn’t cost money to get the cards, it does, and i agree it’s way to expensive as it seems atm. but they made the mini-set so that you can buy all 66 cards for 15$ or 2000gold, hopefully we will see more of this in the future. But it’s not like you will get a better win-rate the more money you put into the game, that’s just you being salty, i bet you can improve your game level without spending all your life savings.

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read back the topic especially my messages, then say the same thing.
i didn’t say its pay2win. read back…then we can speak about this, because currently i see u didn’t because u are missing the points

I did read it, and i made a respond to it in a comment above. There is no such thing as the game being rigged for you to lose on purpose. It’s called MMR.

so you accept it, that in HS blizzard forces the 50-50 winrate only by MMR ? :smiley:
you can’t be that naiv

you obviously have no clue of what you are talking about. What rank do you play? D5-1?

currently D5-1, and funny that you “the mastermind” tells me “i have no clue”, why the …ck i should accept your oppinion, because U say it? funny

Thats what i figured, you are salty because you can’t hit legend i suppose. i don’t care if you believe what i say, but since i hit legend every month and i play 250+ i might know a thing or 2 about the MMR and how to hit legend. but you know better ofc. lol. Here’s a little read for you " Unlike some of the large-scale game series where yearly versions and development teams of hundreds of people or several studios are the norm, Hearthstone started as a very small enterprise, with only a handful of people making the initial decisions. This enables researchers to have a clear idea of the intentions of Hearthstone’s designers and to compare those intentions with the outcomes. Among the designers’ original intentions were the ideas to make the game as accessible as possible, and making it easy for novice players to pick up (Hearthtable, 2013; Fluxflashor, 2015). The designers also emphasized how playing the game should be fun – regardless of whether one wins or loses.

The designers’ intent can also be inferred from the way they continuously weaken (or very rarely strengthen) certain cards in the game. Typically known as “nerfing”, this act of weakening cards is often done with the explicit purpose of “keeping the game interactive”. In other words, the developers have been known to discourage or disable strategies that are too effective at winning, or do not let the other player to react, such as in the case of one-turn kills. It is evident the designers wish for active interaction between players - just not any kind of interaction." The game is supposed to be pretty even to make it fun for both players.

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so because you hit legend for the first time, and you can achieve it every month because of the bonus stars etc. you have the right to prove (without any clue, proof etc.) that blizzard doesn’t cheat on MM. Funny again and complete bullsh.t.

The thing what you quoted isn’t connected to the 50-50 winrate at a single point nor to the fact blizzzard RNG is rigged or not.
If you would know how marketing works, that pulling in customers for a product is the key point for the first phase, you wouldn’t say such a things, and btw which already altered after they entered phase 2 and changed it (and pulled in the players to step into phase 2 where money is the main key now). Gambling addiction just look for it (but u told you have already read through the post, so already have the knowledge how that works, still you don’t take it into any of your “measurement”/oppinion)
you just repeat the same bullsh.t what blizzard trolls say or peoples who can’t see the tree for the forrest.

lol, i just came back too HS 2 months ago, did you read any of my commets at all lol? you are just one salty rookie. i hit legend the first month i came back after a break of 3years+ and i did not spend any money on HS since back in 2014-15…

sure now go back to ur cave and wait for the banana from blizzard

lol, yea blaime everything but yourself for not hitting legend haha, this attitude will get you very far in life.

nice try but I already managed to get more then you can imagine in ur dreams little blizzard troll

i bet you have lol. :sweat_smile:

quoted from you blizzard troll