I opened 130 packs 11 golden pack 119 whizbang packs got 6 legendaries is that normal?
Does anyone have a logical explanation for this situation? I sent a ticket and I will let you know about their response.
I opened 130 packs 11 golden pack 119 whizbang packs got 6 legendaries is that normal?
Does anyone have a logical explanation for this situation? I sent a ticket and I will let you know about their response.
yes, one legendary every 20 packs more or less
So where is my 7th legendary
this drop rate is definitely not normal. If there is not one legendary card in your 20 decks, this is a very bad average.
I feel sorry for you, bro. This average must be illegal. Or I’m really lucky
I open 56 normal packs and i got 7 leg. two of these are golden and also i got one more golden leg. from just a golden pack.
Overall 1:7.125 … 1 leg every 7.1 decks
Don’t say it that way bro. Otherwise they may confiscate your legendary cards xD
Lol that’s super cool bro you’re literaly lucky!? If you dont lie… I dont open my new exp. packs yet. If this bad drop rate happens to me im gonna cry!?%$#
you opened 130 packs not 140…
I got ss for all those cards bro…always be sceptical.
He is right … go to buy 10 more packs … dont be a smart.
LOL yeah not 140, just wait Ill go and get 10 packs and see what’s gonna happen. Let u guys know
Noooo dont do that 6 in 130 is better than 6 in 140