Battle Net Desktop App Avatars

The new ones seemingly linked to Hearthstone Mercenaries are not showing in my battle net app - the selection when I filter to Hearthstone ends at Illidan Stormrage (Hearthstone Hero)
So, importantly, no Blink Fox. These do show on the Forum avatar selection (As can be seen… ) , and friends in the US have the new ones available in their desktop apps.

I am on App version , or Live version .

Are these new avatars meant to be globally available, and what can I do to access them if so?

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Bump! I would like to know this as well!

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Hi there,

Thanks for bringing this up!

We’re currently working on an issue where avatars are not updating as intended across some languages.

In the meantime, changing your language in the app to English (US) should give you the option of the new avatars as well.

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Hi Tyrskorn :slight_smile:

Appreciate the confirmation and reply - came on this morning to update the thread after discovered this last night whilst responding to my ticket.

Can confirm changing to English(US) gives the options, as does Spanish(AL) and French. English(UK), Spanish(EU) didn’t, and Italian and German the change avatar menu wouldn’t display at all.

Also - for other folk curious - once have set the avatar, seems can change the language back and retain the selected avatar through restarts and across other PCs.

Thankyou to support team who’ve been dealing with this :slight_smile:

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Omg thank you!!!
finally a fox avatar - so happy!