Hi I bought the battleground perks. it worked for a while, but now i can only choose from 2 heroes. when i click ‘perks’ on the battlegrounds menu, it says ‘owned’, so there is no option to re-purchase, either.
is it because of the new expansion? i only bought the perks 3 days ago. to take them away now doesn’t seem fair.
Hi it has happened to me to I have a tavern pass and I can only choice two heroes it was fine this morning can somebody please explain?
I bought them just now for gold so I can have them during whole new expansion but they doesn’t work at all, still no statistics and only 2 heroes.
battlegrounds perks doesn’t work after the latest update while i already bought the perks
Same here! Hope they’re not assuming we are going to get the tavern pass after each expansion they release…
Same here - it says I have already bought it but does not work…
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I have the same problem. It shows I have perks, but in shop I can still buy it???
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that doesn’t make any sense with every new expansion ganna pay for perks ?!! this is pure cheating
I’ve bought the tawern pass a couple of months ago, it still shows that I own tawern pass but I can’t use any of the perks. Even it says that I have tawern pass the game just gives me 2 options in hero selection and I can’t see my prewious games. What is it all about
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Same for me! FFS Blizzard! Fix! Things like this should not be bypassed beta testing!
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I have the same issue, but my brother who bought tavern pass 4 days ago still has it active. I hope blizzard are gonna fix this **** cuz I payed for second tavern pass and I won’t pay third time (even with gold) I will just stop playing the game.
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Agreed! 2500 gold is too much.
I’ve grinded the previous one, I’m not grinding this one. I’m here to have fun.
Blizzard, are you starving or something, cause I soon will be with your 560 UAH bills? You really think I’m gonna work for the WHOLE DAY just to pay for a something I’ve already bought? Why are you so greedy??
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Hello, yesterday after new expansion was released I bought tavern pass for gold thinking it will be valid during whole new expansion. It didn’t work at all (still 2 heroes to choose from and no statistics). Now I can buy tavern pass AGAIN. Please fix this or return my gold. Thanks
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I have the same issiue ! after expension released i bought one , it was old one how is that even possible ? i need to buy again i did not use any arena ticket could you refund please.
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Ok so the game is trying to sell me a Tavern Pass again, even though my account pages say that I’ve bought one already at 30.4.2020.
Oh for ***** sake. I just now tried if the Perks, “buy with gold” -button was working and it sold me another pass. So now I’m actually waiting for a refund the double pass. Jesus
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I have the same i hope they refund
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Hello, yesterday after new expansion was released I bought tavern pass for gold thinking it will be valid during whole new expansion. It didn’t work at all (still 2 heroes to choose from and no statistics). Now I can buy tavern pass AGAIN. Please fix this or return my gold. Thanks I did not run any arena ticket i need refund to buy new pass
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Hello Folks,
There seems to be a few questions regarding the Tavern pass. The tavern pass only lasts until the release of the next expansion. This means that you need to obtain a new Tavern pass with the release of Scholomance Academy if you wish to maintain it’s perks.
Some of you have reported that you have purchased the Tavern Pass after the release of Scholomance Academy and did not receive it. For those of you affected, please create a ticket with our support team so that they can look into this for you.
I am sorry, but it did not say anywhere that the tavern pass only lasts till the next expansion!
Also last time the perks where 10 euros, now they are 2500 gold or 20 euros.
This is pure SCAM guys!
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I laready send a ticket why would u sell old one after expension released ? its obiviosly bug and we have to ticket for it probably never get looked btw
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