Broken Y'Shaarj event quest

So the quest “Tag team” is broken.

First of all. Taran Zhu isnt in darkshore - hes in the sunken city. Proof read your tooltips, please.

So i thought you might’ve meant the pirate bounty in darkshore. YOU DID NOT.

You didnt mean Taran Zhu either. Ive beaten him with 6 pirates on board, 5 and exactly 5 pirates in party, 6 pirates in party all alive, 5 pirates + 1 dead pirate in party. 5 Pirates and one none pirate. And then the same on normal just to be sure.

Please fix this since it goes away in 8 days and its currently blocking the progression.


@Blizzard any ETA on a fix?

can confirm broken for me too

I tried recompleting all previous heroic bosses in order and somehow it worked. Try this if you’re as bored and desperate as me :stuck_out_tongue: