Can not attack with minions

Ok it happened for the third time today. In the middle of the game, i could not attack with my minions, first it was happening with rush minions, then last game it happened with regular minions(when they were ready to attack). They were marked with a green aura around them denoting they were ready to attack but for some reason clicking on them didn’t make the usual attack animation appear. They would just sit there idol. I lost 3 games because of this thing.
I tried reconnecting my mouse thinking it was mouse problem, but it wasn’t.


Thank you for reporting the bugs you find, and helping the developers improve the game for us all. This is not the right place to report bugs though, post any bugs you find on the dedicated bug reporting forum instead.

Submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can occasionally help in prioritizing them. If you want to check on a bug, we also keep a list of known active issues at the top of that forum that all players can see.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Thank you Nenyasqi for your quick response. I will post it there. I play on EU server though.