I wanted to register a formal complaint but I guess a forum post will have to do. Surely this is some infringement on consumer rights - not having a channel to make formal complaints other than a forum?
I’ve avidly played and paid for your games for more than a decade.
Recently, the direction Team 5 have been taking with Hearthstone has made for a simply awful gaming experience. I have not bought card packs for this expansion (first time ever since WotOG) because I could tell from card reveals that shaman was going to remain top tier from its broken galakrond hero and invoke cards. I’ve never designed a card in my life and even I could see that everyone would have to play shaman to stand a chance at winning.
Before that, Evolve was brought back to standard format with mogu fleshshaper and desert hare playable at the same time. Nobody wants to play against coin, desert hare, mogu fleshshaper, evolve at turn 4. Terrible, terrible gaming experience.
The long and short of it is your design and play testing teams are letting you down badly. I won’t be paying a single penny more for hearthstone cards. I know nerfs are coming in the next few days but that’s simply not good enough. A company of blizzards size and manpower should be shipping top quality, playable games upon release.
Nobody wants to play a card game that ends by turn 4, or you’re pigeon-holed into playing the same 30 cards as everyone else. What’s the point in printing 150+ cards per expansion? What’s the point paying for cards if you can’t win with them aside from the 30 you need for Galakrond Shaman?
Please, have a hard look at hearthstone as it’s fast falling in to the same mediocrity that WoW, Diablo and Overwatch are victim to: and that’s a real shame.
I am playing hearthstone since season 1.
And trust me when I tell you, but you have never screwed this much like in this last expansion.
If you dont nerf shaman, i am gonna quit this game!
At least nerf Galakrond Shaman, or his Invoke cards…
I think that I am speaking in the name of all non shaman players.
Point 1: “I know nerds are coming” “but that’s not good enough”
Then what is? Should blizzard just erase the class? Delete the cards and make completely new ones? If nerfing then is not good enough what should they do
Point 2: every single card game has made mistakes that have resulted in tier 0 decks for that format or cards that needed to be banned. For example the gem stones and black lotus in magic or firewall dragon and the dragon rulers
Point 3: “no one wants to play a game that ends on turn 4”
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nuff said
You know that’s not how game development works, right? Especially in an online collectible card game. There is no game in the world that was perfect from Day 1.
Imbalance will happen, no matter how much attention is paid to it. Only thing Blizzard can do is hope the impact will be minimal and any changes made do not upset the balance even further.
Nerfing something is not always the answer maybe they can boost other classes/cards instead. Because when you nerf something it can also be more broken. Just wanna say it’s not Always easy and sure it’s nearly impossible making a game in perfect balance.
Greetings and have fun.
It’s not good enough because they need to take more care in their design and QC. They have the resources. It’s not cool for a developer as big as blizzard to let stuff like that slip through the gaps when it completely warps the playability of the game - ruining something myself and legions of fans are passionate about. Like I said, I’m not a game developer, I’ve never even tried to design a card, but I knew the meta would be exactly like it is since early/mid November. If I can see that, surely someone on their team can as well.
I understand mistakes are made in card game design, we’ve been in this situation in hearthstone many times before, but they haven’t done a thing to rectify this situation since the Halloween event that brought back wild cards to standard. It’s gone on too long and I’m losing my passion for the last Blizz game I want to play.
All I’m doing is voicing concern for the direction one of my favourite hobbies is going in. I didn’t want to do it on a public forum but blizzard forced my hand leaving me unable to contact a customer support facility. You’re perfectly entitled to your opinion if you’re enjoying hearthstone in its current state.
In response to Yu-Gi-Oh! - No, just no. It’s awful.
Dear Blizzard, As a shaman player could you please nerf Galakrond Deathrattle Rogue, Pirate Warrior, Highlander and Quest Hunter. They are just too strong and causing me to loose and thus should be Nerfed. Also could you get rid of Divine spirit and Inner Fire. I lost to a priest on turn 5 or 6 due to these horrible cards. Thank-you
We are not talking about perfect balance in Hearthstone, we are talking about a deck that completely destroys each and every other deck in the game atm.
Galakrond Shaman is the only tier 1 deck in the game atm. Each and every other deck in the game is considered Tier 2 deck comparing to Galakrond Shaman.
Tbh, i dont think they can nerf Galakrond enough in order to re-apply balance in the game. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Dude, the game is downright broken if you can play 1 out of 9 classes competitively. I’m not asking for perfection, but I am asking for some semblance of balance. Like I might like to have a somewhat decent chance of winning a game if I’m not playing shaman.
Blizzard hoping that impact is minimal is not the only thing they can do. They could properly review and play test their product before the release it to the masses and charge money for it. That’s all I’m asking them to do here.
There’s counterplay to all those decks though. The only counterplay to galakrond shaman at the minute is playing galakrond shaman and hoping you get a better draw than your opponent
Charge money for what? The update itself?
The public is far better playtester than Blizzard can be. You can review and play test for ages and it would not help. The playerbase will always find something that outshines others. And then something that outshines that will be sought out. Ad infinitum until we loop back around to Galakrond Shaman. This has happened before and will happen again.
Do not forget that we’re getting 35 new cards in January when the solo adventure comes. They can also upset the balance.
Furthermore, Blizzard is already stepping in. It’s useless to talk about it now when we don’t know what the impact will be. Especially when you all repeat the same thing!
Charge money for packs. Check the store; you can buy them.
As for the play testing, are you serious? Do you not think someone at blizzard played a few games and thought “Wow, this is seriously OP compared to every other class?” That’s ridiculous. Like I said before - I didn’t have to play the set to know not to buy packs because Shaman Galakrond was going to be beyond insane, and completely warp the game.
My complaint here is that they have released a sub-par product. Blizzards website directly links you to this forum to post feedback. I’ve played the game years and I, as a customer, am giving my feedback on it. I don’t care if you think it’s pointless. Everyone on here is entitled to give their feedback on the game, we’re not being abusive. Take your ignorance somewhere else.
i also agree with roggar on the play testing part.
no matter on how much it should be obvious but still the mass is far better in testing then the developers alone could ever be.
but yes i think this time it was rather obvious.
and i think you @ice are right about the feedback
but i have to tell you that a huge amoutn of people in this and other forums are all just praying the same thing over and over again so it gets really stale.
so basicly rogga isnt ignorant but rather tired and after all Blizzard allready said there will be a patch this week for balance update so have patience and lets see what comes out of it
They already do that though. Not sure what your point was there.
I never said that. I said that no matter how much they playtest, it isn’t enough to ensure balance. Things are bound to fall under the radar. If you think Galakrond Shaman is bad, imagine how much worse things would have been if Blizzard’s playtesters didn’t catch everything else? Do not mistake my words as me thinking Blizzard doesn’t do playtesting. It’s the opposite - I think they’re really good at their jobs if only single things become issues.
Your viewpoint is therefore biased. You’ve already adopted the viewpoint that this one thing is OP. It clouds your critical thinking abilities. You cannot know that it will be “beyond insane” if you don’t play it. Biased views cannot be considered as valuable data in which to make balance changes upon.