That’s fine if you think otherwise, you thought for yourself.
From what I’ve seen, only so many of us here can do that.
That’s fine if you think otherwise, you thought for yourself.
From what I’ve seen, only so many of us here can do that.
Added white sugar is different to fructose. Fruit sugar is simple ketonic monosaccharide and table sugar is disaccharide, processed double molecule of fructose and glukose. So they are both dangerous to diabetes patients, but fructose is easier to be processed in the body to glukose and absorbed by the cells. Besides - the ammount of fruit product you have to eat to get the same lvl of sugar in your bloodstream you’ll get from a choco milk is impossible for most ppl, so you have that natural way to limit yourself.
And mentioning choco milks - that, as most natural juices in small packages (320 ml or 550 ml), that are marketed exclusivly to minors and kids are insanely packed with added sugar. For a choco milk it can reach 23g/100 avg 18, and for “natural” juices it goes from 11 to 16g/100. Problem is - those drinks are promote tirst and when cooled, the sugarly taste is acceptable so you can drink it without noticing you’ve just took 80 to 100 grams of added sugar. Kids at age of 10 have daily dose set at 25g. - thats 4 times their daily dose in one drink, they suck in 5-10 min.
When you add all the soda pop drinks (coke in my county is 12g/100), choco bars, candies, fruits, whatever processed foods (clean (not sweatened yogurt) contains 8g/100 sugar) it gets rly scary and you can easly make connection between:
sugar is fast energy, so you can counter the ammount you take by active exercise, burn enough of it and don’t overeat it and you should be good.
Maybe return for forum
I just came back at this daily when you posted it, then forgot about it, then now I read it all again, I’m thankful for the off topic conversations here, more than for home made decks and all that.
And this was worth necroing for just that statement?
Great post OP!
After playing Hearthstone from beta until November 2019, I absolutely refuse to play this game ever again.
I could just regurgitate the same complaints people have had with this game for years, but instead I will state something that I think people do not point out that is how much LUCK is part of the equation to who wins.
You can have the top tier deck that the grand champs are using, and if the right card does not pop out at the right time, the right card does not end up in your hand at the beginning, then you most of the time you do not have a chance of winning.
If the other play gets the luck…they win.
This is why Hearthstone is unplayable anymore for me. I just cannot tolerate that skill is not the number one factor when it comes to the game.
This is why I now play Gwent an absolutely love the game.
Not only do you get to play any card at any time that is sitting in your hand, in between rounds you can eliminate and chose new cards to strengthen your hand.
Skill is a much higher commodity in winning in Gwent, which makes the game much more entertaining and fun to play.
Hearthstone was great years ago…but the competition has made Hearthstone null and void. It just is not fun…and cost an absolute fortune.
Well good for you.
Im happy you found a game You enjoy more.
What as far as i see is unique in Hearthstone, is that people after happily change games for good, they are still voming back 2 months later and complain about the game they Dont play anymore…
Can you explain that a little to me? Thank you
Simple: they want attention.
I want an answer from him.
lol we got now some 5 mage card packs for 10 euro. seriously? Blizzard wont get a coin from me’ aspecialy after such a disaster like wc3 reforged. How could a blizzard project get 0.5 out of ten?? unbelivable. I think we should boycot activision products.
Yea #Boycotblizzard #freehongkong
What on earth has politics got to do with hearthstone becoming too expensive lol.
Thats ridiculous, thats not how you calculate costs of something. To develop cards is very cheap for Blizzard, compare that to an actual expansion to a game like WoW or other games.
By your logic it would be also ok having a fork costing 1000s of $ because you keep it maybe for lifetime, thats nonsense.
My problem is and its sadly also self made that I disenchanted all Wild legendaries in the past thinking I wouldnt play wild and now I just want to play wild and dont care anymore for standard. There is no option to rebuy adventures or having wild pack bundle with legendaries or something.
To get all the cards back I probably would need to invenst like I dunno at least a few hundreds or even a thousands bucks, thats BS.
IMO for 45$ you should get ALL cards from an expansion and not just a tiny fraction. The enjoyment playing HS comes from playing different decks and experimenting around but thats way too expensive. In the beginning of HS you also didnt need so many legendaries or epics, todays decks are flooded with them.
And dont tell me you can play budget decks, sure you can but thats not what I want because I dont enjoy them.
See I would like to pay money but the whole price model of HS is lets say not so good (and stop comparing to other overpriced card games, you dont even own the cards in HS for trading …), so I dont spend anything. Thats a loss-loss, for Blizzard and me :X.
That’s just rose tinted glasses on that point. In relative terms decks were WAY more expensive back then. Direct dust wise the range is comparative to today with the average being up a bit i.e. top cheap deck now is about the same as the top cheap deck back then and Wallet warrior was no cheaper than the current pricey top decks. But the amount of dust/gold we get given for our time has gone way up, not to mention the additional resources you would have already acquired, that can be part traded in for new cards.
It’s quite awkward to do good sales on stuff, simple because everything dusts for the same amount. I have always wondered if a way to buy single cards that can’t be dusted for real money would be a good additional system. It would at the least allow them to sell old cards at a cheaper price.
As for the general point of you message, before the recent changes (non-duplicate) the bang for your buck in Hearthstone was absolutely terrible, now it’s slightly better but still bad, so I definitely agree that you should get more for your money. The one thing they have been getting right is that the amount you get for putting in a small amount of time each day (or every 3 days). You get all the commons/rares for free for minimum effort and at least 9 epics 3 legendaries (you can get 90 packs per expansion easily).
I did buy the last expansion as my way of giving a thumbs up to those changes, but it also meant that I could get the disgusting money grab that was Galakrond’s awaking with gold and I’m currently sitting at 15000 gold (plus 4 arenas) a month out from the next expansion, so I wont have to put in any more money into the game for at least 2 years still getting all the cards I want (not all the cards, but the ones I care about).