Hearthstone has become too expensive v2

Blindengasse 24 (8th district)

you can even see it on google maps

that video is hilarious btw.

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kung fu panda is probably the most inspirational animated movie ever

Most people tried for whatever reason, some didnā€™t know enough, some didnā€™t care enough to not do it, like athletes that run until they fall, some donā€™t realize the dangers, some donā€™t care about them.

Then there is ā€œcome on if you want to hang with usā€ ā€œwhy should I care about myself if no one else doesā€ (real people that Iā€™ve spoke to told me this stuff, the second was a 14 y/o girl with a loving family and a solid group of close friends) and all that stuff that makes people start smoking for the most part, Iā€™ve had countles people tell me that if I didnā€™t start smoking ultil now I might never will, I know it doesnā€™t sould right lol.

I had classmates who considered themselves adults because they had a driving licence for the car daddy bought them and a gf/bf so they are more mature and have purpose in life, they get drunk at parties like they saw real adults do on TV and how wouldnā€™t they fancy smoking a fag then? Itā€™s usually being close to people that makes you feel their defects (this behavior) arenā€™t that bad and in some cases flip your perspective, I know more than 30 kids that started 9th grade in diverse groups with diverse behaviors had the usual proces of listening to others and chalanging their ideas and after 4 years went paths you would have never expected from them.

From my experience people start smoking in uninspiered moments then try to give up but canā€™t. Thatā€™s it.

Or smoking could just be enjoyable?

i wont stop anyone ā€¦

i just dont get it

if you enjoy it, have fun

This new series of Dragonā€™s Den looks amazing. :clown_face:

You underestimate sugar and cofee, hard to set what is the worst from the 3 but in any way it would be a close call

I wouldnā€™t call it a close call. As far as I know thereā€™s no evidence that sugar and coffee increase mortality rate the same way tobacco does, especially when the issues with sugar are mostly issues with calorie intake that can happen even if you only eat broccoli (even if an insane amount of it).

You overall point is obviously correct, but sugar can definitely cause damage outside of the calories. You can die from hyperglycaemia pretty easily if you ingest a ridiculous amount and long term abuse will cause several conditions that if not properly monitored can also be fatal.

I also donā€™t think you can do harm calorie wise from broccoli, as the amount youā€™d need to consume is so large the you give yourself some type of poisoning way before that point.

Caffeine can mess with your heart pretty badly if abused.

Still 2 have to be abused, 1 is pretty much just poison, so itā€™s definitely not close. Not sure on alcohol, as iā€™ve never been bothered to look into the ā€œa little bit is good for yaā€ idea. Just drink what I want :grin:


We agree with different words, Ixnay.

Regarding alcohol, itā€™s insanely bad. Class 1 Carcinogen, like tobacco smoke and asbestos. Doesnā€™t mean the risks are the same, keep that in mindā€¦ however, the latest literature I read even suggested thereā€™s no minimum safe consumption, which saddens me because, although I drink almost nothing, Iā€™m crazy for good wine.

tell me about

i work in the Event bussines ā€¦ i drink more on duty as in privacy

went my whole holiday wihtout a single sip of Alcohol and i didnt miss it a sec

but the best Contracts are talked about over a Glass of whine or a bottle of beer ā€¦

Meh seems like thereā€™s conflicting results but the general consensus seems to be that a small amount is good for your heart but bad for the rest of you.

Oh boy, havenā€™t disagreed with you in long time
The problem with official statistics about sugar mortality rate is - they donā€™t account for Diabetes TypeII cases and obesity related ones (hearth, vascular system, etc)

Also you canā€™t rly follow the right ammount of added sugar in products, so you can easly overdose.

For a adult male the max dose varries from 35 to 42 grams / day
A packet of Nestle 3in1 cofee has 12g, and most ppl drink 2 at a time. A can of Manster has 14/100, so 70g. in one can - thats double the daily dose for a male.
Add 5-15g. with each meal from stuff like mayo, catchup, or other products with added sugar and you can hit easly 300 to 500g/day. And this stuff is addictive af. Donā€™t believe me - try eating a full chocolate for a wekk each day, and look what happens, when you drasticly reduce your sugar intake the next one.

And yeah - there is no minimum safe ammount of alchohol. It, as tobaco smoke directly triggers mutation at celular level, and even the first one can mutate into cancer.

Yet, overall we are exposed to so much bad stuff (breathing big cities air contains so much bad stuff, that you are allready compomised) and itā€™s so hard to miss on a glass of wine, with some grapes and cheese


Thatā€™s quite alright, Iā€™ll straightforward admit I feel Iā€™m ignorant after your explanation and that I have to better educate myself on the subject of sugar. Thatā€™s what discussing is all about, right? Glad we disagreed so that maybe we wonā€™t at some point in the future.


yeah we saw it on the ā€œcensorship thematicā€ a lot of people who only wanted to ā€œdiscussā€ with people who agrre with them ā€¦

thats hardly a discussion :slight_smile:

i love to talk and work with people who disagree with me ā€¦ i mean how am i going to learn something new if i only hear my own opinion?


This is so trueā€¦a work colleague of mine bought an Innocent Smoothie and when we looked up the nutritional information it showed it contained 300% of your daily sugar allowance!!!

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how much of it was added sugar though? fruit contains a lot of sugar by itself. so you canā€™t consume lots of fruit and expect it to be healthy ;D (regarding sugar).

example: a typical banana contains 24g of sugar.

ā€œSome people want other people to think the same as them. Others just want to make people THINK.ā€

I think a lot of us here are the latter.

ā€Innocentā€, huh?
How ironic.

not sure about thatā€¦

but im very sure that there are more people here trying to convice others rather then just insult them and tell them to go away instead

i have no problem with people try to convince me btw.

either they succed because their arguemnts are good or i just say ā€¦ No ā€¦