Hearthstone not compatible for the Kindle Fire HDX 7

Hello everyone,

since the release of the latest update (early July) I can’t play Hearthstone on my tablet (Kindle Fire HDX 7) anymore!

The issue seems to be solved for other devices see here:

However I’m still getting the error, that “the app isn’t compatible with my device” .

Does anyone experience the same issue? Will this be fixed?

It stopped period. App isn’t in the store anymore either

Well, this sucks unbelievably bad. What i don’t get is why Hearthstone doesn’t create a functional app on amazon’s store since google play is unusable now.

Hey guys!

According to the Hearthstone System Requirements, the app needs to be run on Fire OS 5.0 or later, and through a bit of research, it looks like the Kindle Fire HDX 7 doesn’t support it :frowning:

Sorry that you can’t enjoy Hearthstone on your favourite portable device, but I hope that you can still get a few games in on your PC or even one of the many other compatible mobile devices! :slight_smile: