How can i contact Blizzard?

I have the same issue for the past 4 months.

Every time i try to craft golden Mana Burn or golden Consume Magic, i get the error “Collection error! An error occured while processing your request. Please try again later” . I tried it through my PC and my phone but no luck so far.

I even tried multiple times making a ticket to fix the issue but AGAIN i get the error “You can’t submit this ticket. An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later.”

So what do i do now?

Hi Pepsicola, if you’re getting an error when trying to craft specific cards that should be craftable you can report that by the Bug Report forum.

If you’re having an issue with making a ticket try using a different web browser and private/incognito mode when making your ticket.

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