I'm fed up with this rigged game and its algorithms

I am really done with this rigged game. I once read long posts in which people wrote that Blizzard uses algorithms to force a 50% win rate for all players, that the drawing of opponents or cards is not random, but chosen the way Blizzard wants it.

At first, I didn’t want to believe in such conspiracy theories, but after several years of playing, I unfortunately notice the same, identical patterns. And no, I’m not crying that someone suddenly drew the perfect card that saved him, or that I, having 5 bombs in a 20-card deck, drew several bombs in a row and died, because that can happen sometimes. But not only do such things happen very often, but, as I mentioned, scheme appear, especially in Arena or Duels. Almost ALWAYS when I win the first game, I get an opponent in the second game that I lose to. And vice versa - when I lose the first game, in the second game I ALWAYS get an opponent who has a very weak deck, who can’t do anything and doesn’t get anything good in his hand, as if the game wanted me to win that time.

This pattern is always repeated before “milestones” when you can get better rewards. And that’s what pissed me off just now. I won 6 matches and of course I couldn’t get a seventh victory - I had an opponent with a deck that perfectly countered mine. And it’s ALWAYS like that. In several dozen runs in which I reached the 6th win, I ALWAYS lost, the game selected the most difficult opponents for me just to prevent me from winning the 7th, because then you get much more gold and other prizes in the game. And Blizzard would rather me buy all this for real money.

I’ve played hundreds of games in the arena and duels, the average results are 3 wins, no matter what deck I play (even the best from the guides), the game still doesn’t want me to win too much. And if sometimes I manage to go further, after 6 wins I have almost no chance of winning. I’m fed up with this rigged game. I’ll probably go back to Hearhstone when my anger subsides, but one thing is certain - I will NEVER, EVER, give a single dollar for this game.

PS: And on top of that, it turns out that Blizzard is also monitoring and eavesdropping on players! While writing this post, I opened a pack of cards that I got from duels and I got a legendary card. Then I opened two regular packs received from quests and I got another legendary card. But well, just like OneRepublic sang - it’s too late to apologize! Well, maybe if I received few more (golden) legendaries… :joy:


You are correct in everything that you said.

Blizzard has this weird view that every player must have a 50/50 win rate. Its mind boggling. There is nothing random about HS.

Algorithms pick your opponents, pick which cards you receive, when you receive them etc. I have tested this so many times.

Put a quick Paladin Aggro deck together and play ranked. Every game you play will be against a perfect counter deck. Every game.

Your opponent will just happen to have a 'deals x damage to enemy minions ’ card. Every time. Shuts you down. Every game.

Test it. You will see.

So, yes, the game is rigged. Or, you must just be an insanely lucky person to do well.


Here’s my take:

The game is full of veteran players who know the game inside and out and they want to win as much as you. And they will do everything in their power to win the match against you.

An opponent will try to create a board that challenges or pressures yours.

Conversely, he may create a decoy board that either baits out a common removal you may have or one that will make you trade in such a way that makes you vulnerable to a removal in his hand.

It’s not that your opponent has the answer to everything you play. It’s that already during the mulligan phase a good opponent will know what to keep in his starting hand based on the matchup.

And if he doesn’t have the answer in his hand, he’ll try to draw into one.

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I confirm that you are wrong.

You seem to think that players have some kind of control, or power.

Players have none as opponents, cards etc are picked by the system. Remember that there is zero randomness in HS. Zero.

The system is 100% selecting every aspect. If you draw a certain card on turn whatever it is because the system ‘said so’.

You must unlearn what you think you know.

This is patently wrong and you know it. You’re going up against experienced players piloting finely tuned decks. Every card in such a deck generates some value: card advantage, cost-efficient removal or strong tempo.

It’s not some random Brawl deck.

These decks have it all, and they have all the tools to draw what is needed.

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Here’s an example of a match I’ve just played. A meta Demon Hunter that everyone knows.
Here’s my Mage deck. I won handily because I controlled the board with removal, the tempo-generating Cosmic Keyboard and freeze spells. Not much he can do if he can’t swing that weapon.

It’s all about how you utilize what you have to your advantage.

Galaxy of Spells no dup

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Discovery of Magic

1x (1) Flame Geyser

1x (1) Jaina’s Gift

1x (2) Cosmic Keyboard

1x (2) Cryopreservation

1x (2) Frostbolt

1x (2) Heat Wave

1x (2) Hidden Objects

1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude

1x (2) Primordial Glyph

1x (2) Void Scripture

1x (3) Counterspell

1x (3) Explosive Runes

1x (3) Ice Barrier

1x (3) Molten Rune

1x (3) Reverberations

1x (4) Fireball

1x (4) Frost Lich Cross-Stitch

1x (4) Spot the Difference

1x (4) Volume Up

1x (5) Star Power

1x (5) Wisdom of Norgannon

1x (6) Blizzard

1x (6) Manufacturing Error

1x (7) Elemental Inspiration

1x (7) Firelands Portal

1x (7) Flamestrike

1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger

1x (8) Yogg in the Box

1x (10) Sunset Volley


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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I confirm that you are wrong.

If the game was random and you drew only high cost cards that meant that the first card you could play was on turn 8, would you have won the game?

No. Your opponent would win in 5.

The reason you won is because the system decided it and gave you the cards you needed. Your poor opponent was not selected to win the game.

There is no randomness in this game.

There’s no such thing. The system decides nothing.There’s no system, and it has been proven time and again with card trackers and what not. It’s just conspiracy theories that hold no water whatsoever.

Sometimes you don’t draw well, yea. This happens in regular card games as well. It’s not the end of the world.

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I confirm that you are wrong.

I played Magic the Gathering competitively for a long time, even competing at nationals. I don’t deal in conspiracies.

In Magic we had so called ‘land clumps’ where you would draw land after land. This is what happens when something is random.

If you have ever watched a documentary on HS you will know that HS is based on MtG but the devs wanted to remove the randomness by implementing the current mana system.

They also felt Magic was too complicated and wanted a broader audience. To do this they, once again, had to remove the randomness, because the kids would cry when losing the whole time.

There is no randomness in HS. People have to accept this.

People will believe what they choose they believe. You can’t force that.

Blizzard gain nothing from having some algorithm at work, and they lose absolutely everything from running a rigged game. The game is not rigged.

Hearthstone is being played at tournaments too, with cash prizes.


I’m sure you did … also I’m sure the Earth is flat and the world leaders are lizards.

You will see a conspiracy where you want to see one rather than just admit you are bad at card based rng games.

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I confirm that you are wrong.

Someone who plays MtG at regional and national level is not ‘bad at card games’.

Have you ever played nationals at anything son?

Someone with my experience can easily pick up when a card game is rigged. It’s not about conspiracies. It’s logic.

blizzerd rigz the game so that u spend more money srs

nice comment.
Post must be at least 20 characters.

It must be quite a hassle to always add the 20 character limit.
You could try typing stuff that isn’t just some acknowledgment of nothingness.

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I have read all the posts and most of them are true I think… but this… the problem is that the game is full of controlled randomness… THATS how it can force you easily to lose… added to the insane unbalance… again which is just making sure you won’t win matches you shouldn’t. There are just still too many unfair mechnanics in the game and you can’t prepare your deck against all of them at once… In the old times, I could get to D5 in 5-7 days each month… since these unfair things showed up, like DK, Reno, too fast and strong aggro, unlimited control, Bran, Wheel of Crap, random spell cast, random minion summon, discovery, OTK… I can reach it much more harder than before… and that makes me angry… because I never used a meta deck… but these things together can make fail any deck… and that is not fair at all. Why should I create my own deck, spent hours with it and build in my own tricks if the game can analize everything and force me to lose with them just as well?


GG for building your own deck and doing well. Respect.

Unfortunately Blizzard is not really into rewarding hard work. They are more into ‘Pay money and you will do well’.

I believe that the problem at Blizzard is that there aren’t enough actual gamers that work there. Too many accountants and politicians.

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I reach Diamond 10/Diamond 5 consistently, and have for years. Diamond 10 is really not hard to reach with all the win streak bonuses you’re getting from previous seasons.

The rest is just a matter of perseverance.

The hardest is the final leg of the journey from Diamond 5 to Legend.

Legend is nice to reach, and I have, but it doesn’t get you anything special beyond the first time.

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Anyone who has played alot of MTG in tournaments and the played a large chunk of this RNG manipulated trash can see the difference. It fairly obvious.

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Okay, let’s all try to be more positive in this thread . My previously scathing tone surely didn’t help things.

Take Hearthstone for what it is: it’s just a card game.That’s all.

If playing it doesn’t make you happy, by all means, take a break and play something else. Life’s too short to fixate on things you don’t enjoy.

Besides Hearthstone, I also really enjoy board games. Go to Boardgamegeek, maybe you’ll find your next favorite.

If my friends and I lose in a game of Elder Sign, I don’t blame the dice. I just laugh it off, imagine that the Ancient Ones were out to get us, and then we play something else.

It’s all a matter of attitude and perspective. The game in question has got nothing to with anything.

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