I'm fed up with this rigged game and its algorithms

This is the same in BGs. Sometimes I wonder if I play against the AI and some bored game master who alters his cards as he pleases when we play, but on the other hand, it could be done by the AI easily, following an algorithm.
I play only BGs for the quests and don’t care much, but still, it’s frustrating when you know you can win if the roll is fair. I said I wouldn’t purchase anything from HS anymore, mainly because it escalates, as much you pay as more it makes you lose just in time to force you to pay more.
Every Blizard game is profit-driven and it is s…t as hell. Even D4 loot depends on have you bought a season pass or not. That’s why these games are online only, because if they weren’t this scam can’t be run by the AI.
The solution is to stop paying, no matter what don’t give them money. Buy games that could be played offline, go for a walk, draw a picture, write a short story, buy a metal detector, and search for treasures, anything but give money to those vultures.

I spend money on the game, buying a standard bundle every 4 months, because I choose to support the game I like playing. My win rate has not changed one iota. It’s the same as it’s always been.

blizzerd noes u spend money on the game so they rig RNG in ur favor…srs

The game isn’t rigged. Your delusional

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Excellent reasoning. I like the way you presented your evidence.

Their claiming its rigged based on nothing but feeling. Im stating the opposite

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You’re not stating anything son. You need to add substance to your accusations.

Evidence depends on the prosecution not defence

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Let me access Blizard’s servers & computers and I will give you one. Do you know how easy it is to implement an algorithm for win/lose? Very easy, I can write you an SDD. Then all you need to do is flag the account, which is done by software as well (it can flag thousands of accounts in a blink of an eye) but also could be done manually, if needed.

Did you miss the bit where I really don’t believe that you played MtG at any level other than amateur casual? That kind of makes your whole comeback redundant, but A* for effort.

What would rigging the game actually accomplish? If the game had been rigged, it would have been discovered a long time ago, and Hearthstone would have ceased to exist.
Do you know how tempting it is to prove something of the scale you’re suggesting? There are people who practically live for this kind of stuff.

The reason it hasn’t been proven is because there’s nothing to prove.

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Just because it’s “easy” doesn’t mean it’s done

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Would accomplish profits. I don’t speak out of conspiracy, I have seen such script (not Blizzard’s, but still) and you are wrong, it is very hard to detect, unless you know it’s there, it is hidden behind the RNG platform, and also easy to remove if needed. As I said there is a reason all these games are online only and RNG. Plus, everyone knows it is there, and nobody takes action, because that would end the entire mobile gaming industry.

Sure sounds like conspiracy talk. Word for word even. It’s so conveniently opaque and sensationalist.

Just replace Hearthstone in your script with a cure for cancer and you’ve got a different scenario about pharmaceutical companies holding back progress in the field of cancer treatment. All in the name of revenue.

Or how about the existence of aliens? The truth is out there but we cannot see it, nor prove it. But we can have fun with the Drake equation.

Money makes the world revolve, that’s nothing new.

But the fact that I just rolled a standard six-sided die and it yielded a result of 5 on 10 consecutive rolls doesn’t mean that I was sold a weighted die, because the manufacturer of said die was out to get me.

You can find patterns in anything if you’re desperately searching to find them.

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Because they are there, you won’t be able to find patterns if there aren’t any, the entire universe is designed as a pattern, even the randomness isn’t random there. You believe what you want, I know what I know.

IM IN GOLD 5 for 2 weeks now i cant win matches its like im in limbo . i get train wrecked by everything

Show us the deck you’re playing, and we’ll help you improve it.

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I’d just like to address this and all so called suspicions about online gaming.
We’re all bound by the law of averages.

An example: you are the best swimmer and the greatest Chess player on your block. You are as they say a big fish in a small bowl.

And then one day you go out into the world and you realize that you’re not so big.
In every competition the bigger the pool of eligible opponents, the less likely it is that an individual is better than average.

When you compete online, you go beyond your immediate circle of opponents, and become a small fish in the ocean. And that’s when your winrate goes down to average-50%.

Most people are average. It’s just the way life is.

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the game is certainly rigged and if you need any proof just look how fast they patched out the corrupted tiller deck , it had 0 counter and could be played by turn 5 , blizz saw this realized it would screw the meta and patched it out to maintain the balance

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I’ve tested the following when a rogue deck with that life steal weapon (gaining 1 dura per different class card played) was very popular. I added 2 slimes that destroys the weapon. I did no longer run into ANY rogues with that deck. Then there was the rogue deck with the death rattle ‘return to deck, save the enchantments’ weapon. I added the steal weapon tech card and presto, i no longer ran into ANY of those. I removed them and back they were untill they no longer were popular. You cannot tell me when you’ve experienced and tested such things, that it’s just your opponent picking a different deck upon startup! lol

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