Is people cheating in Battlegrounds?

I have now witnessed several players having minions at 5 stars very early in the game. Also the full table of those players are way overpowered compared to all other players and i have never been able to get all those minions alongside upgrades og bobs tavern that early. It just isnt possible if you put the numbers together. The cost of minions vs cost of upgrades. Just aint possible. So that is evidence itself that some people found a way to cheat in battlegrounds.

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Hi there Blackfire! Thanks for reporting this to us, however, looking at things it is possible you may be misreading the situations, especially considering some of the crazy Hero powers some of the characters have.

If you have taken note of any names of these players and when it happened then you can use the information here to submit a report to us directly. You can do this the next time you notice it anyway.

Keep a close eye on things as we would like to know if there is a way to cheat in Battlegrounds, and have it reported to us.

Don’ forget about Shifter Zerus That can get you a 6stars minion early in the game

Is it true. He’s cheating in Battleground. A player with a pub for 2lvl and 7 cards on the table, of which 2 gold cards and 1x sister tier is impossible. And we’re talking about 3 rounds

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There is a cheater name Falbiogomes, played Fungalmancer Flurgl, had a “Gentle megasaur” in his Bob’s tier3. How is that happen? Cheater?

So… I just ran into someone playing A. F. Kay, at Tavern Tier 3, with 2 Razorgores and 1 Kalecgos. Can’t even remeber the rest of the minions as I was just too confused to understand what was going on. Also, this was like Turn 5 and this person had a full board.

It is impossible to report all the players by name. I dont speak russian and know nothing about azbuka.

Found another cheater in my games. He was in first place, i ended second. Me and the 3th player had to face eachother 3 times in a row and never had to fight vs him… when i defeated the tirth player i instantly got 2nd place without having to fight the first one…


I have had the same as @Zerg. If needed I have the replay aswell of the game. I dont need the mmr but dont want cheaters in my games.

Literally experienced the same exact thing happen - never faced the winning player the entire game - played 3 turns against the 3rd ranked player - after winning to secure second place - the game was over with me being awarded second place - never facing the first person. Tried to report to the hacks team but it happened so fact I have no other information than that.

I had this happened to me and I must tell you after the game the 1st place counter had one more win. It is most likely visual stuff but it happened only once for me so small sample size.

I had exactly the same twice !!!

There are people cheating since the last update they are not even buying a single unit … And staying locked into first place without battling anyone and if you get to the point where it just you and them left the game just ends and you get 2nd place I have video evidence of this

I also have witnessed issues within battlegrounds. I have video proof of cheating. Sometimes it’s players that are able to have more cards than mathematically possible and sometimes it’s an issue where cards that give boosts to other cards either not happen or happen at a much lower amount. Example is the 5 star wolf that gives cards 4+4 as a death rattle. I’ve litter recorded a match where it triggered at half the amount twice. Some of this I chawk up to Blizz balancing the matches so one dosent kill a player to fast but come on. If you’re going to be this obvious about it…

As do I. There’s tons of hacking going on but Blizz turns a blind eye. Also remember their algorithm gives botts extra cards, first attack advantage and critical card first attack.

Keep in mind blizzard like alot of other games rampant with hackers, isn’t interested in banning anyone on a pay to win game. The thought process is if the jackets make you mad enough, then you’ll buy more perks or packs to try and beat them next time.

I’d definitely say there are cheaters in battlegrounds. Literally just played someone who had 4 tier 6 minions including 2 amalmagons that were poisons and there literally hadn’t had enough rounds to even afford to be at tier 6 yet! Hero was the dragon guy Alexstraza. Soo many games since a few patches ago 1 person will be miles ahead! Wish there was a report cheat players button

I would like to report cheating in Battlegrounds. Had one Fedora with 1 triple with 3-4 six-tier units while I had 1 tier-six unit and 1 triple. We were equal in terms of leveling.