Mage is too OP Blizzard fix it

sounds good :slight_smile: maybe post your list in here

i witnessed a few people who were quite disapointed that there is no real Control Pala list :slight_smile:

Can just make own one up, theres loads of choice of cards. Just need to spend some time playtesting it. Wouldnā€™t post my list on here, prefer to keep my secrets secret haha. Hope the guidance is useful anyhow.

ah dont worry :slight_smile: im good :wink: do as you prefer :smiley:

just like a good punch of people im not the best in deckbuilding so i like to see others creations for inspiration :slight_smile:

Really miss that 3-cost tarkeeper card though. I struggle up to 4 mana.

well there is that 2 mana 1/4 which is a 2/4 if there are 2 or more enemy minions on the field ā€¦

forgott the name

maybe that can help you

2/4 for 2 is not too far from 3/5 for 3 also it has 2 attack on your turn as well

ok so just started playing again with my cheapo paladin deck at rank 16, straight away lost 4 games in a row against mage, dr. boom warrior, mech hunter and shaman (not murloc) but then won the next 5 games after that and now Iā€™m rank 15.

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Gratz :slight_smile: keep on going

Nothing worth fighting for comes easily

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Why in standart game mage has secret contra spell ???

because ā€˜counterspellā€™ a card from the classic set, which never rotates.

or did I misunderstand your question?


Please do. Coming from the DbD community, a dev was asked a question ā€œThe game is unbalanced and Killer (one of the gamemodes) is garbage and forced to deal with both powerful perks and toxicityā€

His response? ā€œTake a break, play something elseā€

What ensued was an insane amount of backlash against the dev in question due to his answer being so bloody ignorant it physically hurt, and I really want to see the same here.

This advice sounds cool and all but it always ignores if the targeted user can actually afford it. If I canā€™t afford Cyclone Mage, this kind of advice is useless.

Equality, Wild Pyromancer and Shrink Ray. Play those whenever your opponentā€™s board gets too big, then proceed to laugh in their face.

I think the frustration with mages comes from losing the game in a single turn because of giants or being completely helpless while they spam spells into cyclone and refill their entire hand.

However, according to data from Vicious Syndicate, mages really are not OP, so Blizzard will not do anything about it.

Also consider that your deck is most likely weak against mage and strong against others. I main a Rogue so those Control Warriors defeat me 61% of the time, while representing 30% of all games I play. Which means every 3rd game is rigged against me. However, I have a positive win rate against all other classes, so it balances out and I can still climb the ladder.

I know it can be frustrating, mate, but Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find a way around it. If not, the next expansion is around the corner, so there will be a new meta soon. Cheers!

I still cannot find a deck that destroys warriors.
Every other game i play is vs a warrior. Be that mech, control or bomb. Iā€™m thinking of creating a ressurect priest, this deck in theory seems really strong vs them.

I would like to know your opinion.

Iā€™m not currently able to win vs. warriors to the extent that I stopped playing against them now (just exit out the game). Was usually able to drag the game out to the end but they would always seem to beat me so it just turned into a wasted 30 minutes or so. Seemed to be that dr. boom card that would win the game for them and they would usually always have that.

According to HSReplay, the freeze mage archetype that has sprung up recently is relatively strong against both control and bomb warrior.

Unfortunately it gets wrecked by pretty much every hunter type, murloc shaman and token druid, so for climbing purposes itā€™s not really going to be majorly effective.

I have to agree with Rayven on that one. Apart from that, I donā€™t know which ranks you are playing at exactly, so Iā€™ll give you the stats from Vicious Syndicate across all ranks:

  1. Bomb Warrior is very weak against Mech Paladin and weak against Bomb Hunter, Freeze Mage, Specters Mage.
  2. Control Warrior is very weak against Pogo Rogue and weak against Mech Paladin, Bomb Hunter, Midrange Hunter, Freeze Mage, Specters Mage.

It looks to me that Mech Paladin and Bomb Hunter are the best choices for you.
Mech Paladin is better against Warrior specifically, but is a little weaker against other classes and is classified as Tier 2.
Bomb Hunter is slightly weaker against warrior, but performs well against most other decks and is classified as Tier 1.

Craft whichever one of the 2 you enjoy more (or have cards for) and go smash some Warriors!

I hate it, purely because you know itā€™s coming, itā€™s so boring. About 90% of the mage decks out there are identical.

Why CC is a twinspell, and only 3 mana, Iā€™ll never know.

Saying that, it is hilarious when you beat them with an original deck.

well patly true

the center is in about 90% the same thats correct which is about 4 cards

you actually do have variations wiht dragons, freeze, pocked galaxy but that doesnt really make the huge difference ofc.

i d love to see more variance in mage as well ā€¦ i actually like the class but not that kind of deck so i avoided this expansion so far.

i tried tempo mage which is ufn but by far not as strong ofc.

im interested if there is something new in about 2 weeks (?) which could bring me back to the class.

Lets see what the rest of the cards are :slight_smile:

2019 wild mage deckā€¦Really annoying :rage: