Mage is too OP Blizzard fix it

I am happy that we can have a spell like that that can be played on a 4 drop and be worth it, it’s great, I think that once the interaction with giants and cyclone falls behind, maybe in the upcomming next rogue meta, as the tradition goes, I would like the card to remain this great thing it is now

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mage is not OP and need big luck on draw 2-3-4 card in row in hand orelse whole combo lost 'asking about standard’and gambling spell bk can be serious bad too by cyclone this minion made mage viable only and less card play by gaint combo generate many many hp lost …imagine when gaint not give taunt = lose game "lose hp earlier and after …simple zillax not enugh hp regen "
and next expansion give nothing yet for mage so is going to die prety soon …almost all class have board clear cheap spell or at turn 5-6-7-8-9 by combo or single spell …many board buff hand buff in next meta simple freeze cant save mage…
imagine warrior turn 1 give all taunt 2/2 in hand …turn 2 gnome apper 3/6 mage shot 1 heropower turn 3 3/7 taunt minion apper will ask how long you will live?
mage always need like turn 5-6-7 for start do anything all minion high mana coast and all spell serious high mana too +gambling effect
trust me mage not OP and will die soon…some crazy card draw luck can be made it fun deck only…last question for you .: you will trust your luck always in HS?

lets see new mage minion …:Cloud princes deal 6 dmg when you have secret “counter spell” can be lost quick “ice barrier” lost too till enemy almost always have cheap minion on board"vaporizer" lose by this way too “mirror” lose quick too enemy just play 1 minion …splitting and spellblender is depends secret can be lost too so this minion almost never do 6dmg or at turn 9 lol amazing

other minion Arcane Flakmage …on turn 5 you can do 2 dmg to all enemy minions …if you ask me at turn 5 i will do something other than hit 2dmg play 2 cards on handbuffed --board buffed enemy minion whats will not die

another minion Tortollan Pilgrim…: 8mana discover a spell from your deck cast it RANDOM target there not anymore big spell mage and cast it on random target hmm you will kill self? or just any spell there wich is worth to use?

another LEGEND minion …: Rino …haha 10dmg randomly SPLIT so is like 10hit arcane missile what is realy unbelivable spell too on turn 6 all enemy minion good joke example hand buff board buff high hp minion

no more minion left YET…so 2 spell.: Q and 10mana gambling shajt left GG will not comment

and just 4 card hidding more to mage …maybe 1 new secret or 2 and more useless minion story end bye bye mage

Consede button exists for a reason

Whenever I see Mage, I just press that
I imagine it pisses of Mage players who actually wanna play, but what can you do

Nah, not pissed off at all. I’ll take my free win and re-queue. With the fun (but weak) decks I typically use, I can use every win (especially the ones I don’t deserve).

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if I’m not at rank 6 or 1 it pisses me off when people just throw “you have bested me” and stuff, it feels like that queue (is that even a word, the only letter that’s not silent is Q, damn English) time was completely wasted and I won’t get the satisfaction of winning, like when a friend passes a hard level for you without asking and you were gonna enjoy the challenge, now at rank 6 and 1 I’m fine with it cause I had enough “Fucc you!” moments there to not enjoy that much the challenge

Yep 30 hp and 5 armor late game and mage pulls sooo much sht out of her arze and OTKS me ty blizzard and while we are at it just remove half the cards from the game that counter mages geez they are fkn retarded when it comes to balancing this game 100% all focused on making mage the most op and sht on everyone else

There are a lot of ways to counter it in each class depending on the format you’re playing.

What in gods name are you talking about?
Mages are one of the worst classes to play. I cant remember a single expansion them being so bad since Jaina has left the game.

Whenever mahes gets a decent deck they get nerfed in a blink of an eye.

1 : A hero,s HP is not indicative of the state of the game.

2 : What made you think you was winning ??

3 : The mage would have been giving you clear signals of his intentions by holding cards so where was your Consecration/Shrink Ray/Pyromancer or other board clears? (you most likely wasted them on some other low minions when you saw the mage going low on HP.

4 : If you want to “burn” someone to death then go play OTK Shirvallah Paladin for a Guarantee to kill someone (Providing it,s not a warrior with insane armor gain)

Now the lesson to learn from that game is to save your board clears until you see a powerful turn such as that.

I personally would like to see a game mode where you choose a random card from your deck every turn (much like tracking but you do not lose the other 2 cards)

So that a game can still be decided by RNG (Which a card game MUST have but also give people a fair chance to actually find answers and play a more strategic game)

Try crafting living dragon breath

it is a 3 cost 3/4 neutral minion which makes your minions immune to freeze when he is on board

Mage is OP in wild…
So blizzard… I would suggest you do something to the game for wild mode. Mage is overpowered just so boring to play…But if you want a win streak, better go mage in wild…That makes me not play ranked so much anymore… Dont like the narrow win condition…

I agree. That why i lost interest at rank 4 tge first time i got there.

I love playing aggro/tempo decks and once in a while ill find my way around my boogeyman by myself… but secret mage?

Didnt happen so far. I dont even know which are bad matchups that deck has.

Anyway a few days ago apperant Öl y nlizzard said they are happy with wild and the mist played decks (otk mage, mech pala, secret (which i was a little surprised tbh) and they are watching but no changes are happening

I can live with reno mage and otk mage (personally) because it us winable and otk has many different forms so you font loose against the same thing every time

But those are just my 2 cents

I didnt really play for about 2 months now and here at rank 11 the meta is quite diverse :slight_smile: