Mercenaries 23.0 Bounty guide

The new fights. Full Guide available too if you want to see the earlier bounties too.

Alterac Valley

  • Alterac Valley 11 (Vanndar) - pretty much any four casters will do. Holy team for example.
  • Alterac Valley 12 (Kazakus) - Brightwing, Sinestra, Long’xin, Wrathion, Chi-Ji, Gruul

Onyxia’s Lair

  • Onyxia’s Lair 1 (Smolderwing) - Mutanus with Yu’lon/Gruul/Trigore/Malfurion/Nefarian. Kill the adds off, then finish boss. Use the banner every round. Easy fight even on heroic.
  • Onyxia’s Lair 2 (Dragonbone Golem) - Anduin, Velen, Mutanus. Or you can replace Mutanus with another tank, but Mutanus is best, especially for clearing trash. Boss fight is very simple: Mutanus takes the couple melee hits while Anduin+Velen murder everything with double holy novas. For Velen, choose the Deathrattle equipment that heals team for 40, as the boss keeps triggering it quite often, rather than choosing one of the Deathrattles from his own team. Overall easy fight though, win rate against heroic with this team is nearly 100%. Finally, do not bring SPUD bomb to this fight. If you can’t avoid it and it starts from your side, you need to kill one of the 60-health adds on round 1 or you lose. This is doable, but significantly increases the risk.
  • Onyxia’s Lair 3 (SI:7 Smuggler) - Smite, Gruul. Do not pick up any kind of random damage from the treasures on the way. To kill boss, simply kill his adds while keeping track on which egg is the boss. Smite gets huge amount of bonus attack from low health enemies (all those eggs), so use the equipment that gives him even more. Once it’s just eggs left, hit the one of them that’s the boss and kill him off. Very easy fight even on heroic.
  • Onyxia’s Lair 4 (Onyxia) - Anduin, Mutanus/Chi-Ji, Velen. In that order. This fight is slightly RNG, since Onyxia can hit you for massive amounts of damage in quick burst and there’s not much you can do about it. The middle slot is most vulnerable, so your strongest / most expendable guy should sit there. Mutanus is a very good pick as he’s best tank for trash too, while Chi-Ji’s value is the massive amount of healing he provides. If you go with Chi-Ji, the most valuable treasure to pick on the way is Circle of Healing. If you go with Mutanus, then anything that gives extra health to your Anduin and Velen, or reduced damage. Both of these teams will win heroic about 90% of the time, so it’s still pretty reliable farm. Final point: if you bring SPUD bomb to this fight, you will lose almost certainly. So plan your route to boss to stay away from that mystery node.
  • Onyxia’s Lair 5 (Undead Onyxia) - Nefarian, Sinestra, Voone, Mutanus, Wrathion, Rexxar. Nefarian is very strong here due to draining attack power from all the enemies while healing itself, Sinestra is also strong due to the self heals, and rest of the group are just good for damaging the boss. There’s enough randomness to lose mercs on the fight on heroic, but you still should win every time thanks to Nefarian.
  • Onyxia’s Lair 6 (Mi’da) - Xxx, Murky, Cariel. This is among the easiest boss fights in whole game, because you will win on round one, every time, even heroic. All you need to do is to kill one of the 60 health fighters with Cariel equipped with the item that heals your whole team for 60 HP on kill (which deals 420 damage to boss, game over). Murky is along to provide you two Murloc minions instantly (as they too get healed for 60 by Cariel, thus damaging boss by extra 120). The third char, shown as Xxx, is any char that can hit for 15 damage or more on a Fighter with speed 5 or quicker: Garrosh, Grommash, Gruul, Kurtrus, Malfurion, Mannoroth, Ragnaros, Lich King, Vanessa, Samuro, Edwin, King Krush, Eudora, Scabbs, Sylvanas, Antonidas, Natalie, Sky Admiral Rogers, Tamsin, Uther. Just pick your favorite. If your Murky isn’t leveled up yet, your Xxx char may need to hit bit harder than 15. Your three mercs need to do 51 damage in total, Cariel does 24, so that leaves 27 for the last two guys: Murky’s 12 and at least 15 from another. For treasures, just don’t pick anything that does any unpredictable damage that might mess up your setup.


  • Darkshore 1 (Corrupted Murlocs) - Thrall, Grommash, Vanndar (for boss fight) + trash killing team, Mutanus + couple strong casters would be my choice. Simple fight really, your three guys are there to kill the Maw before it spawns any adds. Depending on treasures you picked on the way, you may even kill Maw on round 1 (on heroic, normal is naturally even easier), or round 2 the latest. Why these specific mercs? Thrall with his equipped Windfury does at least 80-84 damage on round one, Grommash hits fairly hard too (30-34) but his primary job is to slow down Maw on round two to ensure kill before summon, and finally Vanndar’s job is to hit hard (48-50) and especially to slow down Maw by 1. Maw’s summon spell has speed 2, so Vanndar makes it 3, thus allowing Grommash to act first and slow Maw so much it’s dead before it summons anything. Win rate on heroic: 100% as long as you bring these 3 guys alive through all the trash. Trash itself is nearly all Murlocs, and most dangerous ones of them are Protectors and Casters.