My 37 mb update refuse to go above 5 kb download speed

so i normal dowload with a speed between 30-55 mb a sec and for some reason this tiny 37 mb download refuse to go above 5 kbs my speed atm is fine no problem here that download should take seconds… ohh wait i just checked it jumped to a whole 7 kbs… my internet in 1999 was faster download than this…

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Same problem! download speed 7kbs :frowning:

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well i am getting close to half way now have tried to restart app and pc and it didnt do anything. checked DL speed and it goes perfect like normal. it looks like a client site problem that is pretty new as a few hours ago i did a few BN updates with full DL speed.

at least i am finally done downloading this massive 37 MB patch… lets see if i can play gl to you guys