My account can't be found by

Dear Blizzard,

I want to informed you that my main account name Derpydude820 #1899 cant be found by account that I currently use right now is my 2nd account and this account show that my main account still exit but didn’t online for 8 days.Could you help me and solved this problem.Also could you tell me why this is happening to my account?If you did read this,thank you and I hope that you could solve my problem quick as possible

It seems your account has been hacked, you should hopefully receive some emails shortly to regain access.

Thank You so much for the help and the quick action that you guys made over there.My account main account now is can be access without problem.

We’re very glad! I’ve let Ixthocaesil know, they’re currently elsewhere saving the universe, but they’ll be happy to know you’re okay :slight_smile:

If anyone else experiences an issue of account compromise please let us know asap here:

and check out

Can u please help mine also, battle tag YuH#1870.