After playing this ptw (pay to win) for a month now l can say its pretty garbage. Blizzard dont care about new players becouse they are overrun buy senior players who have mighty and OP decks. I got some usless legendary cards and crafted them to make a decent deck. I got to gold 9 and thats where l play 5 lose 4. Becouse am overwhelmed against the players who have decks for legend rank. It realy not fair to say at the most. Game should be fun not frustrating. Rank system is not near the normal matchmaking. I wanted to spend some money on expansion packs but now l see there is no point to spend on this game. Point is that the new players dont have chance. And 50e for expansion is pretty much if u ask me. Game is just grinding for a new players. There was fun when l played at the start with a murloc shaman deck but when l hit level 25 things started to change to worst. So u need to be more generous with new players. Dont think just about monetization of the game cuz u developers ruining the expirience for new players. And l know that a lot of people agree with me. Thats it game have good idea but realy punishing to new players.
I mean if you’d have asked, we could have advised you on what to do and you’d potentially have way more resources at your disposal (i.e. by this point you should have had a minimum of 2800 dust available to you from legendaries, probably 4800 by crafting a golden Leeroy or Velen). That way by the end of this month you could have had 1 legendary worthy deck (only 1 so you really have to care about winning over variety).
The step between 1 legend worth deck and being caught up f2p sufficient is an awful grind, as essential you’ve gota be thrifty and behind until next April. But the start for new players isn’t bad if you know exactly how to get the most out of it (which new players wouldn’t, which is obviously a problem). Just pushing on from there is terrible as whilst you can keep up with new sets, it’s near impossible to keep up, whilst filling in the back log from the old ones, so you’re always gona struggle to have multiple top tier decks.
Ty for your response. Its probably my fault cuz l pick Galakrond Malice Warlock deck. And l really struggle against hunter decks and priest decks. Most of my wins are based on the luck of the first hand of my cards. I crafted some cards and made Galakrond zoo deck but its kinda sucks man. I really cant win its not am doing anything wrong or missplaying its just am overwhelmed against too op decks.
You’d be surprised at how many little mistakes you make without realizing, not saying you haven’t got the odds stacked against you but there are usually more intricates going on than first appear (obviously some games they don’t matter but can be the difference in tight games).
The one thing I would say is don’t lose hope as I think you’ve chosen a very salvageable deck as in a few days they are 2 OP (Hand of Gul’dan and Darkglare) and 1 very good (Nightshade Matron) cards being added for zoolock. Plus if everyone is playing Demon Hunter you can tech in sacrificial pacts to really give you a day 1/2 edge.
If by another months time things haven’t improved or at the very least you don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, then it probably is a good choice to quit as it wont get any better without a lot of time/grind/£££ but I’d definitely recommend trying to stick it out until part way through May. The game isn’t ptw but it does tend to be pay to have variety AND win, so you will typically have to make a choice each expansion, have 1 competitive deck or lots of average ones and I can see why either of those choices would seem boring and very off putting.
Well ty so much. I think am gona start over cuz l have second acc new one and l skiped to lvl 25 just to try free hunters deck and its good. 10 wins 3 loses thats quite good. Maybe l was made a mistake to choose Galakrond Warlock deck. Ill start over again and now am gona save all the cards so l can make a decent deck.
That’s already a mistake. Ranking up through the new player ranks earns you a total of 22 free packs. (The exact number might have changed now that the ranked system has been overhauled; the website I use for reference on this has not updated yet).
Ranked on both Wild and Standard is broken. Like you said- it’s all meta decks copied off of some website. Also- previous higher ranked players don’t actually get demoted. They get up to eight stars PER WIN, whereas newer players such as you don’t get any multiplier.
So we dont have the decks and the odds on ladder are stacked against us. It’s a broken system that blizzard can’t address.
Perhaps you should just play Casual so you can play and concede whenever.
i suck at this game and i only made rank 11 wild last month
i got 11 stars per win at the start and now i still get 8 at rank silver 3 stars
im hardly a pro and i dont spend money on the game.
Thats just a Fact i want to state here. Because i dont understand the system to begin with. No idea why i got that many stars or still getting that many stars after i honestly had a loosing streak like something 4/12 or so because EVERYONE is playing secret mage ont he frist day a new expansion AND a new class comes aut (wild ofc)
and still ill get that many stars for a win. So no idea why or how
I am wondering for a while how new system works,and after reading this,feel even more confused.i was only 1 rank lower than you last month(12),but started with 6 stars instead of your 11.Gold 5 atm in standard with zero stars left,after a lose steak yesterday with a probly pretty crap druid deck what i made mostly only to be able to complete dailies.Think i had only 1 star bonus left anyway before experiment,despite performing much better before rotation with another deck,what sadly cannot use anymore,as it lost most good cards.
First of all new players and returning players gets a a full deck:
“Starting March 26th, players new to the game who graduate from the New Player ranks will get a free deck from a class of their choice, built with cards from the Year of the Dragon! This also applies to players who haven’t logged into the game in the past four months”
If you are a fairly new player that started before 26th of March the new system is much better for you because it matches you with players similar to your MMR. MMR is a hidden personal score that increases as you win and decreases as you lose.
High ranked players has bigger MMR than new players ofc so that means that at the start of every season you will always be matched to players similar to your MMR. The only thing i’m not sure about is how this works in this season. If there was no MMR in the past that probably means that we all start at zero MMR and climbing. Its only natural that it will cause some problems at the start of this particular season since that way a Legend player could be easily matched with a new player. If this the case then it will be problem only for this season where3 the MMR is implemented.
Next season we all reset to Bronze 10 rank, but our MMR will be different. So i would suggest that you give it a week or two in order for the MMR to settle itself.
Well no~ what used to be rank 25-20 (now bronze 10 to Silver 10) is filled with people farming wins for golden portrait. These people have entire golden decks and portraits. Seriously- try it sometimes. I found actually past Silver 5 it gets slightly better but the smurf-mentality is strong.
How can you farm wins at low ranks since every time you win you get higher and higher. When you hit Bronze 5 you cannot go down. When you hit Silver 10 you cannot go down. That means in few wins (depending on your multiplier) you will eventually reach Golden rank.
Also as i already told you, You get matched based on your MMR.
Last season (before the change to the ranking system) i finished at rank 3. I got multiplier X 11 if i’m not mistaken. This new season (with the new ranking system) i started at Bronze 10 like everyone else. I won my first 3 games and i instantly went from Bronze 10 to Silver.
There is no way you can farm wins simply because once you reach a rank floor you can never go back during the season. You can reach Diamond 5 rank with a winrate of less than 50%.
Don’t be foolish, these people simply concede back to low rank.
you don’t have to believe me. I know I won’t touch ladder anymore.
So you are complaining because they win once and then give 10 free wins???
What’s your logic?
The problem is newer players do not have the cards to go up against obviously higher ranks joking around in bronze/silver to farm their portraits.
Because we don’t get multipliers, we are stuck in those ranks for far longer than you Diamond+ players. You stayed in say Bronze for three games and assumably the same went for Silver. But the newer players have a maximum of multiplier2 yet still are farmed by fully golden veteran players.
Still don’t see the problem?
EDIT: the free decks are helpful. But if started before 26. march you’re still cukked out of them
And thats where the MMR kicks in.
This season we all started at zero MMR. Which means that a Legendary player could actually be matched vs a new player. As the season unfolds, high ranked players gets higher MMR and in a few days (probably already happening) new players with low MMR will be matched with low MMR players as well.
Next season the Legendary and the good players will have a higher MMR than new players (MMR does not reset with the season).
Still dont see the answer??
I’m sorry but I think you’re wrong. If it was reset why did you get a multiplier x11 and the plebs a multiplier of a maximum 2?
Because MMR is a different thing than rank.
MMR is a hidden number that grows as you win. THAT number never gets reset when season ends.
Ranks are a tottaly different thing. Your multiplier is bases on your rank. The matchmaking system is based on your MMR.
If you ever played WoW arena you would understand it much better
EDIT: Here is a small explanation of MMR.
" MatchMaking Rating aka MMR*
A player’s match history, showing changes in MMR after each game . Matchmaking Rating, or MMR is a value that determines the skill level of each player. This value is used in matchmaking. Winning increases a player’s MMR , while losing decreases it"
I understand MMR but you clearly still dismiss the fact there’s smurfs in lower ranks farming. They manipulate their MMR by conceding. It’s no rocket science.
In order to manipulate your mmr you need to lose ALOT. It doesnt decreases with the same rate it increases.
Manipulation of MMR happens only in MMORPG’s like WoW where multiple players are in a team and the MMR is equalized among all players in a group.
In HS where you are 1vs1 there can be no manipulation.