And what do you play oh wise one?
O doubter! The list of decks is large. Basically, these are their own decks. There are decks in this list that are not mine and I liked them. Specifically in this meta: NZoth Midrange Druid, NZoth Midrange Rally Paladin, Midrange Elemental Shaman, Tempo Pain Priest, NZoth Midrange Priest, NZoth Midrange Warrior, Secret Hero Power Mage, Cthun Control Demon Hunter, Aggro Rally Paladin, NZoth Midrange Deathrattle Hunter.
I also play wild mode, but not as often as in the standard mode.
So you call Midrange DH which is literally Tier 4 deck if it is even on the list (I’m not taking deathrattle DH) cancer similar to priest? NZoth rush war is tier 1 and elemental shaman is between high t2 and t1, Priest is high t2 as well. Dr DH is also t2.
What nonsense you are talking…
At least you haven’t seen these builds. Half of what you have listed are not the decks that you equate to the met ones at all. Due to the fact that the assemblies and decks are generally different, they can not relate to completely different decks and assemblies from the meta list.
And I didn’t even call a Midrange Demon Hunter. There is only one Demon Hunter - Cthun Control Demon Hunter on this list. Midrange NZoth Deathrattle Hunter is not Midrange NZoth Demon Hunter. The classes are different.
Only an adequate person will understand that only another sick person can rejoice in the existence of Tickatus, which destroys the existence of other control decks. Dont write me, pls.
I don’t get why you are complaining about meta decks and the tier decks. They literally guide you to legend by allowing you to build your own unique decks to counter them.
Just stop playing the same brainless meta decks you keep talking about and build your own, then it’s not an issue because your win rate will increase and you will be less salty.
The issue with this game isn’t the meta decks, it’s the lack of diversity that stems from everyone playing meta decks.
Both the meta and classes are broken beyond repair. stop apologizing for this expensive broken mess. also you just answered yourself, lol.
Blockquotehe issue with this game isn’t the meta decks, it’s the lack of diversity
The classes are not broken, and meta decks have always been there.Do a flash back to 2015, and tell me exactly how many top archetypes did Rogue have?
There are just more people playing meta decks than those who aren’t.
I play my own decks, and sometimes mix them up with meta decks, and I’m having fun.
I reached Legend a few days ago.
DH can win everytime if he hits the right cards with his one turn kill.
Il Gnyoth, 2X Mo’arg Articifer then Talented Arcanist and Felscream Blast. BOOM 36 DAMAGE.
This is a win every time DH get’s coin either turn 8 or 9 against me he got lucky and got two of the required cards via Skull of Gul’dan which reduced his cards to 0 so hit me for 36 on turn 7.
hsreplay . net/ replay/ 2Dz3i53ru9sQEtF9oaGCDB#turn=7b
Well if you are playing some bad versions of good decks, you only got yourself to blame for that.
As a counter argument, only a sick person can rejoice the existence of control decks which make the game miserable by playing removal turn after turn after turn and generating and pulling tons of cards out of their a$$.
That is OTK DH and that’s how deck works. It losing against fast decks and any deck that can kill it before it assembles its combo. It’s simple really, goal of combo decks is to draw as much as possible to assemble their combo ASAP. If you don’t pressure them and force them to waste resources or kill them before they assemble it you lose. This is why combo decks counter slow control decks that are mainly reactive.
They are broken, You just don’t give unlimited card draws to aggro or combo decks, you just don’t give more burst spell to uninteractive decks, that is design 101 which all blizzard devs failed to pass. remember when aggro would ran out of cards ? now they have the best card draws in HS history, remember when spells going face was limited ? now they are unlimited, and why DH can do more than 40+ damage in 1 turn ? all control decks are s**t out of luck against this meta or against warlock, this is not broken ? yeah i remember freeze or otk mages but they have never been this broken before.
There is no such thing as your own deck, such thing never existed, do not lie, putting two or three tech cards in your deck is not your own deck.
Congratz, you have alot of free time, such achievement.
Yea, I have spare time after work.
Do you remember the time when Miracle Rogue dominated the ladder?Cold Blood+Jenkins+Shadowstep, with Gadgetzan Auctioneers enabling the draw of the entire deck?How was that for interactive?
It was so “interactive” that they they had to increase the mana cost of Leroy to 5 and Auctioneers to 6.
And how about Handlock?
Was it fun facing impenetrable taunt walls, and having your minions demolished by Shadowflame when they plopped a zero mana Molten Giant on the board?
I’m just adopting your tone here on purpose. I don’t feel as strongly about these things as you do. It’s just a game, man.
Jeez, there were always decks you could exploit to get to Legend faster. At all times.
Today’s Elemental Shaman is yesteryear’s Handlock.
Of course it is, what are you talking about?
There are other people playing adventurer, caravan, watchpost, frenzy, noz Paladin? I haven’t faced the mirror yet
How so? Shaman doesnt really vomit any big minions with taunts, noir does it clear board. It relies on elementals, weapons, and spell damage.
I meant in terms of power level and popularity , not the archetype itself.
Nope there isn’t any, period!
Was it fun facing impenetrable taunt walls, and having your minions demolished by Shadowflame when they plopped a zero mana Molten Giant on the board?
Multiply everything you said and add more amateur diverse hires instead of talented devs, we are HERE now.
Blockquote There are other people playing adventurer, caravan, watchpost, frenzy, noz Paladin
They aren’t. you are talking about 0.0001% of the ever shrinking player base.
Control decks are a flavor of any card game (MTG being the more famous, and hearthstone). So I think its here to stay. I also don’t see anything wrong with the current control decks. Notice that their win rate is not as high as aggro decks. You might hate playing against them, but if you pilot a control deck, it’s also not much fun. Your average game is about > 12 mins, you scrounge, discover, draw and wait a lot, you have to think about number of cards in your hand, in the board, in the deck, in your opponent’s hand. You need to correctly guess what archetype the opponent’s deck is so you can react properly. It’s like playing chess and thus is draining.
I also don’t think the current meta is broken. If you look at HSReplay, from diamond to legend, there is no one arhectype that has more than 55% win rate. I mostly use Token Druid and I’m at 57% win rate at legend. However, I only have 44% win rate against control priest, but slightly better against warlock. For me, that’s okay, can’t win them all. If I play token druid, I actually hate control warriors (with their rancor and brawl, and huge armor) most.
The developers are fine, man. In fact, everything is.
Handlock,Zoo Warlock and Miracle Rogue did not exist when the game was released.The game did not come prebuilt with these in mind.
These decks were created out of cards that were provided, by people who are good at deck building, and then these decks gained popularity because they sported high win rates.
And that’s all there’s to it.
And that’s how it is in every digital card game. The best decks will always rise to the top. Because Hearthstone is a competitive game.