Control is not strong? Priest is literally tier 1. You dont have to think for sh*t, just discover removal turn after turn and you be fine. Let me discover my 5th hysteria or 4th Soul Mirror. So much fun. Board based decks have no chance since nothing sticks on board.
It’s like playing chess and thus is draining.
Don’t insult chess. Control priest is pretty much solitaire.
No they are not. every mechanic in this game is broken.
There shouldn’t be “The Best Decks”, this is a balancing issue which they don’t give a rat*ss about fixing it because they don’t have the talent or min req for the job they took. every freaking expansion is the same, two or three classes are Tier 1 and the rest can go F themselves. but it shouldn’t be like that, every deck should have a chance.
You just don’t print ridiculous cards for sake of wowing bunch of streamers and generating hype, you just don’t print more RnG cards in a game filled with them, let alone put a word like Discover etc… you just don’t give unlimited fuel to classes that shouold have to run out of fuel. i can go on and on about how broken and expensive this game have become.
What do you mean, every deck should have a chance?
If you build a deck of random cards, it should have a chance against any other deck?
In what game did you see that?
Should we all be playing random Brawl decks perhaps with no possibility to extract value of our plays but just plopping random minions on the board and flinging random spells at each other?
What sort of game would that be? Oh, I killed your minion on my turn, now you’ll kill mine, and we just keep on trading until fatigue?
I never play tier 1 decks and consistently hit legend because I build mine around the meta. As an example I am playing control hunter right now and whenever a warlock plays Tickatus it’s basically handing me the win.
If you don’t like using the top tier decks, use them as a guide to construct your own to beat them. You never know you might just have fun!
HS is the only one i played, if there isn’t any then all of them are broken.
BlockquoteIf you build a deck of random cards, it should have a chance against any other deck?
In what game did you see that?
Don’t play stupid. you know what i meant but huuurrr duuurr trolling others is fun.
BlockquoteI never play tier 1 decks and consistently hit legend
Again, hitting legend is not something special, it need unlimited free time, thats all. it wont fix broken interactions and it won’t fix bad cards being printed for streamer hype.
This sentence right here explains all you don’t understand about card games.
By the very nature of these games, it is impossible to have a fully balanced game where all classes and decks have a chance or there are no tiers. The only way to achieve this is if every single minion, every single spell and every single interaction existed in the same exact form in every single class. Everything would feel the same all the time, there would be no variance and no variety.
But in your mind every single person that dedicated their lives to design card games are wrong because they can’t balance the games the way you see fit. If this doesn’t make you pause and give it a thought, I don’t know what will.
I agree to an extent, you do need to sink a bit of time into the game, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Unlimited time is a stretch, as you only have a month to hit it and it’s possible to hit legend within 1 day.
And if hitting legend isn’t anything special, you should be able to hit it fairly easily without having to complain about the meta. There ARE situations where complaints are warranted, usually after an expansion release and cards need to be balanced, but that’s what the Devs are there for. If cards such as Tickatus haven’t been nerfed now, they won’t be any time soon.
I reached Diamond 4 within the first two days, and I have not been playing long at all.
And I’m sorry, Amir, you’re just acting salty for no reason. I have not seen a single positive comment from you
Everything is broken, everything is unbalanced. Everything is black, even when it’s white.
No effort or forethought is required to post something like that.
And that’s all discounting the obvious: if you don’t like digital cad games, why post here at all?
I’m sure there must be at least a hundred other games, you’d rather play over Hearthstone.Hopefully, you’ll find your golden nugget then: the one game where everything is to your liking.
Yes, They are wrong. all you say is “others do the same so it’s ok it is bad”
BlockquoteThere ARE situations where complaints are warranted, usually after an expansion release and cards need to be balanced, but that’s what the Devs are there for
And they even fail to do that. but here it’s a new expansion with more broken mechanics that we might fix sometime.
BlockquoteI have not seen a single positive comment from you
Why should you see that ? you own this place ?
Blockquoteif you don’t like digital cad games, why post here at all?
If you don’t like my post, why replay at all ?
BlockquoteI’m sure there must be at least a hundred other games, you’d rather play over Hearthstone.Hopefully
Not your bussiness.
BlockquoteThis sentence right here explains all you don’t understand about card games.
Yep you do understand inept design so well that for the past few years all you did was apologizing for it, hey at least you were here apologizing for this stuff longer than any devs that worked for blizz.
In your mind,yeah. in reality you didn’t addressed a thing, just apologized on a company’s behalf like you always do. don’t let the door hit you in the back.
I agree. Look at priest, they have a crap winrate yet they nerf two harmless heal cards. Tickatus is not fit for purpose, especially when it can be copied to burn 10-15 cards. Warlocks with better heal spells then priest now and Blizz has the audacity to call the latest nerfs balance changes. It’s comical.