Oh he played that card? Too bad the card pool cant counter it

Ok, so we all agree that the game is in the worst state its ever been in. Dont lie, you know its true.

The main issue right now is apart from terrible design overall; we got no answers to most of the insanely potent meta.

DH’s that wish for the same docile demon over and over.
Mages with discount malygos that one-shot you on turn 6 after having played cards that make more cards every turn.
Warriors that do nothing untill they brann and ramp with tentacles
Hunters with an impossibly sticky board
Druids and warlocks that play a completely different game where stats are higher and there is no manacost
And a few death knights here and there trying to plague you.

I dont want a deck that can beat everything, but i dont want to feel that its all over on turn 3 if you didnt get the crazy hand.

Where is the swing cards?
Where is the punishing cards?
I dont mean like ETC where you have a side-board in game to win against all decks, i mean cards that might punish an especially annoying deck.

Dirty rat is too random.
Counterspell doesnt touch any of the current decks.

I dont think ive played a single game today where the game wasnt from 30 health to 0 in one turn. Maybe its time to add boardwipes, defensive cards and disruption against degenerate combos?

And i dont mean 8-cost boardwipes, thats unplayable.

If you would halve the manacost of every single removal in the game you might be on to something. And up the mana on face-spells.

Try your own game for once.


I only started playing HS just a little over a month ago and some of the decks (game-play) shocked me. I’ve seen some wild things in my time as a former Magic: The Gathering player but this is on a whole new level. Too many decks just sit back and don’t engage until they pull the needed card on turn 8 (Mage and Shaman) or just hide behind obscene amounts of armor (Warrior).

I hope the new balance patch addresses some of these concerns because I enjoy HS for the most part.


Ive played pretty much every card game there is. Huge board game fanatic.

Hearthstone used to be fun.

But now its just insane. There is zero feeling of accomplishment even when you do good plays, because there is too many instant-win combos around every corner and just no tools to handle it.

I dont mind losing to a good combo or fun jank idea, but there is nobody doing that anymore; just full cancer meta slavery and no thoughtful input.

When decision making goes out the window in a card game you know its bad - because that should be all there is.


I always liked building theme decks in Magic (Elves, Angels, Goblins etc) but you just can’t do it in HS and expect to win any games. Everyone just builds the same internet decks which tend to be the most toxic ones possible.

Hearthstone is Magic the Gathering 's unwanted stillborn child. I am also a MtG player.

Blizzard based HS on MtG but wanted to simplify the whole game. Mainly to appease kids who have the attention span of an Amoeba.

MtG was too random for Blizzards liking so they introduced algorithms which decide what cards you get and when. There is no RNG in HS.

Now you are forced to play meta decks which you have to buy as obviously these decks contain the most expensive cards.

yh blizzerd rigz the game. the more money you spend the better cards you draw from their algorithm.

Magic The Gathering is not free to play. If you’re going to complain that Hearthstone requires digging into one’s pockets to stay consistently competitive in Ranked play, then MTG is the same.

Except in Hearthstone you can potentially get everything free if you invest time. Lots of time. But time is money. It’s the world’s most basic equation.

Hearthstone also has mechanics that can never be incorporated into a physical card game.And you can play other modes that are free like Arena.

I don’t understand people’s fixation with getting everything free. Maybe we should all get free ice cream every time we walk by an ice cream parlor. Because why not, right?

Other than regular card games, no card game on the market is free. You want to play Arkham Horror: The card game, or Lord of the Rings extensively? You want to own all of those expansions? You need to spend money.

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‘’ Ok, so we all agree that the game is in the worst state its ever been in. Dont lie, you know its true. !!
i agree.

Big balance patch comes today (probably), about 30 cards will be changed, include nerfs and buffs… let’s hope they will do something good this time! :crossed_fingers: :eyes: :crossed_fingers: Dev Insights—Upcoming Card Adjustments

Here’s my wishlist for the nerfs:

Forge of Wills
Wheel of Death
Window Shopper
Deepminer Brann
Sargeras the Destroyer
Jungle Gym
Elise Badlands Savior
Fye the Setting Sun

I’d be gutted if they nerfed Window Shopper AND Magtheridon so soon after Umpire’s Grasp. Personally I’d remove Miniaturize from Window Shopper and call it a day but then they’d also have to change the image and the flavour text of the card (and I don’t see that happening).

Nice list, but you forgot Reno, Reshka, endless Plagues, mech rogue and shaman.

I confirm that you are wrong.

MtG is free to play. It is an amazing community that will loan you cards and decks. Even the meta decks.

I once played a regional qualifier for nationals with a deck that wasn’t even mine.

Maybe you should go off line a bit and visit your local gaming shop.


Sure you can use someone else’s cards but that doesn’t mean it’s free to play.

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Only way you can truly say that is if you use IRL proxy decks. And those are not tournament-legal.

I mean, you dont own the cards in hearthstone either… even if you pay for them.

I would argue that you do, it’s just digital. You own the account hence you own the cards on said account.

Can you sell them…? Blizzard made it against the rules to sell your account (If they found out you sold it they will terminate it).

You buy the right to gamble on digital packs to have a license to use the cards. Ownership is never a part of the equation.

The fact of ownership doesn’t necessarily entail salability . Nor is it the primary reason why people usually buy things.
You buy something,so you can use it.

Everyone buys groceries, clothes and hygiene products.

I don’t know what Microsoft is doing about HS right now. If he ever gets around to doing much of anything, I hope they make a drastic change about the ridiculous card designs and the game in general.

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