about 1 year ago the naga sea witch deck was considered game breaking and it played at turn 6 a 5/5 and an average of 3 giants
Today conjurer mage does the same and is considered normal and dodged a nerf.
Consider that the combo can be done earlier with the 0 mana discount card and that the deck from 1 year ago would actually use cards from his hands to do it, while the current one does it and still has almost full hand.
The game was rock paper scissor, a weird kind of balance but still balanced,
now you nerfed the scissor and ofc it destroyed everything.
Please don’t wait for the buffs to then wait again to nerf this just to keep the game “fresh”, its so disgusting to face this.
I know you should nerf warrior too but this to me seems such a priority I don’t even want to mention other classes, and its even funny 'couse i know that conjurer at 4 mana will still be an amazing card, but at least it won’t be discovered by magic trick.