Comjures calling is broken

Are you serious? How are u suppose to counter this? On turn 6 board full of mountain giants, after i clear them thr msge pops kadgar snd fills the board again.

How is this competive gameplay?

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You have your answer somewhere in these threads , but i assume it wont change your mind.

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what does full mean? 2 of them? 3 of them? or that you were AFK the whole game?
on a more serious note
yes, cheating overstated minions is the bad type of tempo, we have big priest, cubelock, now summoner mage, which is the least toxic one if you ask me

I completely agree, conjurers calling does seem to be completely broken. Was just coming on here to post the very same thing but notice someone else has already beaten me to it.

Would really like to know when something is going to be done about this. I’m no longer able to win a single game against mage now because of this damn broken card.

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search for “How to counter mage” on youtube and fanmade sites, it’s maybe enough, you can post your deck here if you want, we might be able to help
I don’t like the idea of the card being changed, I want it do be still playable in midrange/tempo/swarm lists, I can’t stand how they chose to nerf fun cards (my definition of fun is different than the standard HS player’s) because they want their game breaking cards (the giants have always been problematic, not obvious enough though)

As someone quoted above, lack of high stat minions is supposed to be a mage’s weakness. They are supposed to rely on spells to deal damage and to maintain board control.

I have improvised some board clears to try and deal with the problem but when they repeat it 3 or 4 times (or more) in a game it does then become improbable to deal with.

Try to record one of your games against mages and post the link here , previous cases that complained about a card in the past still needed a learning curve on their play decisions to avoid certain losses, but yeah conjurers calling is a powerfull turn.

it is overpowered, i only play arena and not much you can do to counter it, even if you “anticipate” it.

To the ones saying you should learn the game or some bullcrap like that, just shut up, you are an idiot who thinks there is nothing to change in HS.

If you want to balance this card, make it a epic card, increase the mana cost or something (it becomes more rare to get in arena etc and you actually pay the mana cost according to its strength, 3 mana is nothing for a effect like that, WITH Echo).

Greetings idiot

like kalecgos or any other massive board clear wich wont allow you to avoid these cards either, this card can be applied as a swing turn in arena and yeah bad luck if he trades a 8 drop into your minion and CJ 2x on 1 health left.

if you havent got any boards clear in arena by that turn it probbally wasnt meant to reach your 12 wins either.

anyway this thread was a complain on standard mode and not in arena.
CJ is a tier 1 card in arena and so are others.

we get buffs soon on other cards and the next expansion will be coming soon.
wich will change the meta and therefore other cards will rise to tier 1, so there is your change…

regards idiot

I’m not sure I understand the logic here. Are all cards that you can’t counter even if you anticipate it, overpowered?

Your over a year behind with this thinking. They were smart enough to realize…after being told for years, that matching cards by rarity in arena is dumb and so for quite a while now, only Legendaries have been matched with each other based on rarity.

Now the choices are based on a bucket system where cards are put together based on power. So Conjurer’s calling will be giving with a choice of say Flamestrike and Faceless summoner, the 2 cards that on average perform better than it.

I can accept the suggestions to change my deck or style of gameplay to try and counter conjurer’s calling but only as a temporary workaround solution until this problem gets fixed, though hopefully blizzard have already come to their senses with some ideas as to what can be done about fixing this.

It isn’t just mountain giant we are talking about here, it is any mid or high cost minion the mage plays, if the other player cannot remove that card in one turn then they’ve had it. This is in standard by the way, not wild or arena or anything.

The thing is, you and several others see this card as causing problems, but the fact of the matter is that the deck only has a 49% winrate. As such the devs won’t see it as causing any problems and won’t change anything. If it gets more support and gets up to the 60% winrate then, and only then, will it be reviewed as potentially needing a nerf

Interesting view point. So shall just have to wait and see I guess.

I’ve used this argument in the past and it was softly debunked by other fellow regulars. There have been cases of low WR archetypes that have been acted on for the sake of meta stability, the most notable example being Crystal/Quest Rogue.

Keep in mind I’m not arguing if that is the case of Conjurer’s Call or not. To be quite honest I really don’t know. Just clarifying that action is not exclusive to high WR archetypes.

the 2nd nerf to the Caverns Below even was because of it being too polarized (not sure if this is what you meant, but it’s an interesting read anyway):

When you have learned playing against it, there is no problem.

This is true, to be fair, but only rarely happens in very specialized circumstances such as the recent rogue nerfs which only took place because of control warrior being it’s only viable counter. This is even more unlikely to happen to mage than a power nerf because it isn’t creating any specially polarized situations other than it’s ‘luck of the draw’ power spike capability which isn’t really out of control

I mean this card alone carried Mage into Tier 1, so it would be nice for it to be nerfed to 4 mana or something. The fact that it’s so cheap AND has twinspell on it makes it incredibly powerful, and, similarly to Dr. Boom, should be toned down in order to allow for reasonable counterplay.

T1 by which or whose definition? I’m asking because I haven’t found one single Mage deck in any tier lists. Not trying to be smart or confrontational, just trying to understand what is going on with this card and this archetype and, to be quite honest, I can’t even find it listed anywhere.

EDIT: Rayven and khisana, we are in agreement. :slight_smile:

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