After thinking about these buffs some more and listening to other people’s opinions here are my thoughts on some of these changes:
The buff that I am most excited about is Necromechanic because Deathrattle Hunter is my favorite deck archetype currently, so I am a little biased. 
But I do recognize that there is a risk of the deck getting out of hand. The minion is basically like Houndmaster Shaw: hard to kill on turn 4-5 and can get out of hand if not dealt with quickly.
Flark’s Boom-Zooka I don’t think is going to be relevant. If it was 6 or even 5 mana, like Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, then I could imagine the card seeing play. But I think that Blizzard’s fear was that the card would be used as a ‘Recruit’ mechanic in a way to try and cheat out Deathrattle Minions such as Mechanical Whelps and Savannah Highmanes and not only kill your opponent’s stuff but also get high value minions on your own board.
Unexpected Results got a whole lot better and is easier to get use of and combine with Khadgar. If it’s not going to be good enough as a card on its own in your deck it’s going to be a good pick from discovery effects at the very least. Because of this change it can also be Discovered from Magic Trick.
As a Pogo Rogue enthusiast I sadly don’t think Pogo-Hopper is going to be good enough even for just one mana. Pogo Rogue would still have issues staying alive long enough to get the value from Pogo-Hoppers.
Violet Haze change is irrelevant. Makes it less bad choice from Ethereal Lackey’s Discovery effect. But you will still not want to run this card because your average Deathrattle Minions are still bad.
Spirit Bomb is potentially going to be a better Soulfire and cheap enough to synergize with cards such as Nethersoul Buster and Deathweb Spider.
Dr. Morrigan, while still not amazing, seems good enough to be at least considered adding to your deck because stat-wise 6 mana 5/5 is solid.
Crystology and Thunderhead are the biggest surprises here because these two were already solid cards and saw quite a bit of play but Blizzard still decided to make them even better. Maybe even too good but we’ll see.
The buffs I am most worried about are Gloop Sprayer, Security Rover and Beryllium Nullifier. The former because I can already imagine people trying to use it on Lucentbarks and create this endless Taunt-wall. I’m getting flashbacks from the Year of the Raven’s Taunt Druid…
And the latter two because Warrior is very strong currently. Although there’s two things we must remember; 1. Warrior is currently strong because Rogue is strong. Warrior is popular because it counters Rogues but not much else. So, because Rogue gets nerfed, Warrior gets indirectly nerfed as well.
And 2. Security Rover and Beryllium Nullifier are not played in decks as their own individual cards. You mostly see Warriors getting them from Discovery effects from Dr. Boom, the Mad Genius and Omega Assembly. But never played from their decks. And these buffs to their health/attack aren’t nearly as big as decreasing a card’s mana cost so I am not too worried. But wary of these buffs.