Is it really the point of the game to have over 1000 cards and everyone uses the same 30 cards deck on every class? This means that the game is unbalanced and only few of cards are viable or there are just so many noobs using the same decks found on internet. There is no skill to think which of 1000 cards you need to pick in order to make a good deck. You can just go on internet, see a legend premade deck and now you are pro, even if you are 12 years old. Where is the skill that you should need to think carefully which cards to pick, in order to combine each other and create a good deck? Personally i don’t like premade decks, but i really hate that 90% of my games playing are the same decks, i usually know what they will play to counter my turn, because i already know the most popular decks that everyone using.
This topic is not something that i complain about losing or about bad rng. It is about losing the fun of the game. Is it really that fun to see a deck on internet and get the same cards, because most of people got to legend with this? I really have a question. When you use a premade deck, you feel like a good player or what? Or they just do it because there are only few viable decks and that’s all? I personally don’t feel good player when i get the same pick wth someone else, even if i win most of the times. I still know that it is not my own skill, it is just some other guy’s skill that i copy/paste. I don’t understand.
Personally im too lazy to create my own deck and also im too noob at deckbuilding and adapting to a meta. Im very competitive so when i play ranked i want to make sure i have the best deck to date so i can climb. Im pretty good at the mechanics of the game. Highest rank ive reached was 2 (black knight).
What’s the fun on that? You reached rank 2 with a premade deck and what’s the point? Just to show off that you are at rank 2, when you already say that you are noob at deck bulding? I really don’t understand.
They’ve show they’ve master the other 2!parts of being successful in the game:
Be able to master a deck.
Be able to understand the meta.
If you think those things require no skill, then you also better have never seen your opponent make misplays or consider yourself to have never outplayed a single opponent, only created a better deck. Over wise your blinded by your own hypocrisy.
Fun is different for everyone. Some people like to build decks, some like to climb as high as they can and some people just like to complete dailies. So if people want to have fun with a netdeck, why not let them enjoy themselves?
I have played meat decks for about a week and i have deleted that account before some days, because i don’t like this. It is not hard to master a deck when you have so strong cards. I assure you that you need way more skills to play an average deck and try to beat a meta deck. Now i have a new account and i am playing only with classic and basic cards. I cafted only common and rares, but only classic cards. Although i am still in the part that trying combinations, i haven’t mastered any deck yet, casue it is not that easy doing it against meta decks, but actually it is going pretty well i have to say. Against meta decks i have about 40% win rate.
Anyway I have to agree on the part that everyone has fun in a different way.
Do you just go HAM…and ROAST your opponent? Or do you prefer to BEEF up your defences? How often have these decks saved your BACON when there is much at STEAK?
The problem with this game is that it has become an rng fest. I assure you that everyone who thinks that he is winning mostly by skills and not by rng, is just a troll or a popular streamer or a silly guy. At this time everyone using the same decks arround. How much skill you think you need to win with a meta deck? It is really funny when people calling each other pro/noob, when they actually use the same decks and the playstyle doesn’t differ that much to each other, because wen you play a deck 300 times, it is obvious that the playstyle will be the same. The cards are 30, not 500. It is not that hard to figgure out how your deck works and when you play the cards. You only need some games to get into this. Also even on players that many people consider pros or whatever, they still have almost the same win rate with everyone else, with the same decks. Anyway this game need no brain anymore. Try to play with a friend and say that you will only use basic cards, no craft, nothing else. Pick a deck with basic. Then you will see that the game is more interesting playing this way, because you really have to think even about the 1 point of more damage in a turn.
And what exactly will that prove, chances are that our play styles and deck preferences are completely different. What you are saying about RNG is rubbish. By making such an absolute statement you are effectively claiming that deck building, tuning and decision making in game has ZERO effect on the outcome which is absolute nonsense. If that were true there would literally be no point in playing the game at all, might as well just flip a coin and see who wins. If it were the case then the top players in the world wouldn’t consistently be the top players in the world. Explain to me how, if the game was nothing but pure luck, the same people are getting to the finals of multiple different tournaments…saying this game is pure luck is an idiot statement at best
For the record, anyone who has such a negative view of the game is not welcome on my friends list. You don’t like the game? Don’t play it and leave the rest of us who do enjoy it…to enjoy it
Don’t fool your self, the best players in the world are people who has paid a fortune in blizzard or they are just blizzard guys too. They are just popular because of streaming. Go watch some videos on youtube of those “pros” and see how many times they concede at turn 3 or 4 and i am not kidding. Also yes, deckbuilding is pointless in this game. There are oer 1000 cards in the game and only 20% of them are viable. They just release exansion, over expansion, over expansion and it is really obvious that there is no game all these years that is balanced when the company adds new content again and again. This never happened in the game history. When you have 200 cards total, they can balance the game. But now they don’t even care. I have returned in this game after 3 years i think, i also created new account for my own preference. close to a month now i see only the same cards everywhere. Also, i don’t know how long you have been in blizzard games, but according to my experience playing Diablo 3 since it was released, i have to say that blizzard is really overdoing with the “meta” builds generally. Now i returned here and i see the same meta overdoing to this game too. I hope you know what you mean by saying “meta overdoing”. Anyway have fun.
I literally don’t even know where to begin with how blind and outrageous this comment is.
Because none of the current popular decks were built by anybody…they just materialised out of thin air. And they will remain popular until someone build better ones. You only have to look how much the meta has shifted in its first 4 weeks to see that. Initially Bomb Warrior was the top tier 1, then Token Druid challenged it for a while, then Tempo Rogue, then Mech Hunter, now it’s Spell Hunter…who knows what will be Tier 1 in 2-3 weeks time?
Yep, you’re right, at no point in the history of the game have strong decks been popular with large portions of the community…Classics Miracle Rogue, Naxramas’ Huntertaker, GvG’s Mech Mage, BrM’s Patron Warrior, TGT’s Secret Paladin, LoE’s Midrange Druid, Old God’s Dragon Warrior, Kara’s Midrange Shaman, Mean Streets Pirate Warrior and Jade druid, Odd Paladin for like the last 12 months…these were all figments of our imagination?
I’ve been playing Blizzard games since I was 15 when they first released the original Warcraft RTS…so…25 years across all their games…in fact I don’t think there’s been a Blizzard game I haven’t played that’s been released in the last 20 years
You can’t compare Diablo 3 to Hearthstone……a) because they are ENTIRELY different games, and b) because there is literally no real new content being released for Diablo 3 and what content there is can only be re-hashed to keep it fresh to a limited degree, where as the content in Hearthstone gets refreshed every 4 months with new expansions and every 12 months when they effectively remove half of the content from standard purposely TO keep it fresh.
You too, my intention is not to disrespect anyone but I find your argument to be more opinion than fact. You are clearly not enjoying the game. If that’s the case then it’s likely it’s not the game for you. Games are meant to be fun, if you’re not having fun, there are plenty of other games out there that you will find fun
When i say “in game history” i don’t mean in blizzard’s game history. Maybe i didn’t type it well. I don’t compare this game to diablo, of course they are different games. But i compare it as talking for blizzard games. I talked about the meta in blizzard games. They always tent to create a boring meta all these years. It doesn’t matter if a game has about 400 combinations that people can play and create a build. The only viable builds will still be 10 out of 400 combinations. It feels to me like a lazy game design, when they only want to grab money, instead of actually balancing their games. They just add content again and again and it is obvious that at some point they don’t even know how to balance their own game then. And please don’t tell me that this game is balanced and skill based. You are not talking to a 25 year old boy. Do you have an answer on why this game has over 1000 cards, but only 10 decks are viable? Does this makes you feel playing a balanced game?
Finally, i have to agree on the part that this game isn’t for me anymore. I remember this game different and maybe this is why i got frustrated. When i returned a real friend of mine, helped me to create a rogue deck, cause as i returned i wanted to play rogue, having no idea about meta, just told him that i want to make a rogue. After a week i considered that the deck was one of the most broken decks at the moment. That account got deleted by me before about 10 days. Anyway i am just saying i don’t like this game as i did.
I actually had a game recently that kinda of proved how powerful being able to play a deck/knowing your opponents deck is.
Admittedly not on ladder but with a friend doing the 80g quest. I let them borrow a deck and we happen to chose the mirror. I even said once I realised it was the mirror (it was 50/50 at mulligan, as could have been my other deck of that class) that for once I’d actually be annoyed if I lost, seeing as I had so much experience with quite a tricky to play deck and they had none.
Sure enough they made several misplays and I won exceptionally easily without and threat of losing, despite the deck actually being quite draw dependent.
Now whilst this isn’t a typical ranked game, the amount of decks I’ve beat simply from their choices wether to remove a minion or not, is quite ridiculous, either way. The ones that you can just tell are playing the “easy” cookie cutter way are so much easy to beat than those who know what they are doing. It the subtle little differences that often decide if my snowflake gets crushed.