the line between netdecks and non-netdecks isn’t clear-cut. I can netdeck a full control warrior or I can make one myself by putting dr boom and a couple of obvious mechs and tech cards together.
then I play against a control warrior who uses town crier. I see that it works well and I put it into my deck.
the next CW has hecklebot, who pulls my Elysiana. I can see the use of that and run it myself.
the next warrior has supercollider, which destroys my board. I imagine all the other good scenarios that SC is awesome in and decide to craft it to put into my deck.
after a couple of more mirror matches I coincidentally end up with the exact control warrior I netdecked in the other scenario. I didn’t copy it from a site and I didn’t put my own thoughts into it, despite choosing the obvious cards.
so I invite everyone who’s happy to berate netdeckers on a personal level to reflect upon the extent that they use the fruit of other people’s thoughts themselves. else they risk doing what they berate others for.
And to expand on your point, not everybody has the talent to build decks, It’s actually quite a difficult thing to do, and oftentimes people who do have the skill/talent to do something can find it difficult to appreciate how hard people who don’t have these talents find it to do themselves. Does that mean that those of us who can deck build have the right to berate those who can’t? Does it make them any less skilful PLAYERS just because they don’t have BUILDING talent?
To use and example, there have been many footballers that have been considered ‘the greatest of their time’ and barely a fraction of them have gone on to become successful managers, and many of the greatest managers were fairly average players in their time. Does that mean the great players are overall not very good because they were bad managers and vice-versa?
I also don’t think it’s fair to berate net deckers just because they don’t build their own decks either to be honest
Rayven and Siperos are just trying to defend the people who cant make their own decks. It is quite cheap to make a netdeck, so…
And please, explain, how it is morely a rule than coinsidence, when netdeckers see they are about to lose, they start stalling the game deliberatly? This only shows how they are not even trying to think solutions to save the game they are playing. They have no capability of creative thinking and you call me moron?
And your comments only shows you too are not capable of anykind of creativity yourselves and only play decks that win most of the game. You propably also have to read manuals to play those decks, because you don’t want to discover anything yourselves. Do you also live your lives throught some1 elses achievements? Atleast someday try making something of your own and you might actually earn someones’s respect
Actually it’s about defending people who don’t want to spend their free time building and perfecting decks, as it’s not part of the game they enjoy.
I rarely ever see anyone let alone net deckers try to rope out games once they think they’re losing. What actually happens is players close the game rather than conceding, so you have to wait for the reconnect timer to run out before they explode.
The actually ***** are the ones who rope out every turn until they think they’re winning and then magically speed up.
Well, if it isn’t Chicharito; the self-righteous white knight of forum trolls and morons. I can’t imagine why you, someone who I thought wanted to become more like an adult here and looked up to certain rational fellow forum dwellers here, would like a post like this:
But by doing so you’ve demonstrated that you’re fine and agreeing with someone who calls everyone netdecking as unskilled retards, basically. With that you’re not any better than this moron and have lost every right to judge anyone on these forums.
Get off your high horse. You have ZERO moral ground.
Okay. If I did draw a wrong conclusion here and you’re not at the same low level then answer this; what was so “likable” about this post?
You certainly didn’t “like” it because you disagreed with its core message: “Netdeckers are retards.” to put it shortly. That’s what he basically said. And I can’t see anything likable in that statement.
data scientist here. Unfortunately demonic ritual dances are, by definition, supernatural, hence outside the scope of science. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of assistance.
This quote is often misinterpreted. It doesn’t mean that science addresses the supernatural, rather hints that there is no supernatural. The implication is that when the unknown is understood, the supernatural becomes natural.
This is true, but you’re assuming that ritual dance actually IS supernatural and not just something that has factual foundation within science that you just don’t understand and, as such, claim it is something supernatural
maybe some of the building blocks of protons contain information that can interact with our own brain to perceive supernatural thoughts wich can translate to actually having real physical relations between information even if one of both pairs is at the end of the universe… but maybe
but if we just use rational thinking then my own logic would be that there wouldnt be anything at all in the first place
but dont misinterpreted my view with any religion or something , if i need a identification in that direction i would be a strong agnostic atheist
"Through the Looking Glass , that poem “The walrus and the carpenter”, that’s an indictment of organised religion; the walrus with his girth and good nature, obviously represents either Buddha, or, with his tusks, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha-- that takes care of your eastern religions. Now, the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter’s son, he represents the western religions. Now, in the poem what do they do? What do they do? They dupe all these oysters into following them, and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en mass?. Now, I don’t know what that says to you, but, to me it says, that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensures the destruction of one’s inner being. Organised religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, by inhibiting our decisions, out of fear of some intangible parent figure, who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says “Do it, do it and I’ll ****ing spank you!”
@Rayven, you’re awesome. Just wanted you to know that in case you didn’t receive the memo. However… the most successful fiction of all time is money. Even atheists use it.
I have to say I disagree with this. Money has actual tangible value that is factually based upon the current market values of multiple trading goods and is a system that was created to replace physical bartering of goods for a more efficient and user friendly trading system. I mean, would you really want to drag a cow to Tesco with you so you could buy your weekly shopping with it?
Religion, on the other hand, has no physical or tangible presence and has historically caused as many, if not more, problems throughout the world than it has solved. “God says love thy neighbour” so countries go and slaughter their neighbours in their thousands/millions to bring them this message…oh the irony