After following the advice on said link:
my shop is still closed, I have opened multiple tickets each getting the same automated response sending me to this link. i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling my game and still no luck. anyone please know whats going on here?
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i have the same problems after trying all things. blizzard dont want to help. after last update nothing got better.
I have the same problem too. Shop closed for a couple of weeks. I have spared some coins from awards to buy some packs and no success. I tried reinstallation, but nothing changed.
While I do not have an ETA on a permanent solution for this issue, I can confirm they know the cause and expect to have it resolved in the next patch (Though any number of things may change that so take it with a grain of salt) If I get any additional information I will update the original US thread posted here so keep an eye on that thread for more information.
How can there be new updates and quest but there is no update to the shop being closed? how are we suppose to get new cards other than crafting?
same issue, reinstalling is not the solution.
Was playing from laptop, had to switch networks because of power outage, shop is closed, switched networks back, rebooted, logged out, logged in- zero effect.
Blizzard just keeps winning.
Please avoid bumping older threads.